The Children Patch

David Bedlam

First time out of the vault
Hey everyone!

I'm trying to get the children patch for my European version of Fallout II but I'm being less than successful. :oops: Mainly because my cyber-fu sucks and I have no idea what should be down loaded where.

So could someone help me? You may have to talk to me like I'm an idiot in order get the message across.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. sorry in advance if this is the wrong forum.
You're assuming I have smarts!

Well that's all fine and dandy, but I have no idea how to do all that stuff the instructions say.


How do I unzip files in mt Fallout II directory?

For that matter, where is my Fallout II directory?

And where do I put the patch?

And do I have to do anything after the download has compleated?

Oh, and thanks for your patence with dealling with me. I must be very frustrating. :oops: [/list]
Re: You're assuming I have smarts!

David Bedlam said:
How do I unzip files in mt Fallout II directory?

Okay: first go to that link in the second post. Download the children patch to, for instance, My Documents. After downloading, go to My Documents and you should find the downloaded file in Zip format. To open it, you need WinZip, of course. If you have it installed, just click on the downloaded file and WinZip will open automatically. Now just open the file and copy it to your Fallout directory (fill in the destination path, search). Done.

You might want to download the patch for FO2 first and do the exact same thing as described above.

For that matter, where is my Fallout II directory?

Uhm... It's in your Programs folder, I forget the standard installation directory, something like Programs/BlackIsle/Fallout2? Anyone else know the exact directory, since I don't have the game installed for the moment...

And where do I put the patch?

And do I have to do anything after the download has compleated?

Read the above.
I had a really good reply for that one, but I'll keep it bottled up inside instead..
Okay, I've been trying to make the children patch work, but without success.

So I thought that maybe if I downloaded some of the other patches first, mainly the fan made 1.04, 1.05 and the 1.05 update, then that would make the children patch work.

Except that now when ever I enter The Den, the Game crashes.

So what have I done now?
Odin said:
I had a really good reply for that one, but I'll keep it bottled up inside instead..

What? You mean something about this? :wink:

So could someone help me? You may have to talk to me like I'm an idiot in order get the message across.

P.S. sorry in advance if this is the wrong forum.

It's not as fun if they're expecting it. :lol: And yes, this is in the wrong forum, as the patch isn't part of the initial game. I'll let it slide for now unless someone wants to move it, as the child patch has been a frequent topic here. Along the sticky announcement, which I've further clarified, anything outside of the core game, anything that is changed by a third-party developer should be posted about in the modding forum as that is where most check every so often.
Could be somethng along the line of:

C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2
C:\Program Files\Fallout2

Just browse through the folders and see if you can find it
Okay, I had a quick flick through Fallout II and the good news is that The Den no longer crashes the game!

The bad news is that there are still no children.

But I believe when reading the lists that came with the v1.04 and v1.05 patch that one of them comes with children.

So, should I just delete everything I downloaded and start from scratch with just 1.04 and 1.05, or do something else?

*sigh* I never had this problem with the offical 1.02 patch.
It's good enough if you install *only" the 1.05, since it has the children patch. I think you have to unpack the file to complete this, though. This is what the readme says:
Locutus said:
Place the \data folder and this file into the game directory. Then unpack the file and overwrite everything.
So I suppose everything has to go into the game dir.

Then, download all the other mods you like.

Could you post a list of the mods you've tried to use , perhaps?
So far I've just tried the Children patch, the offical v1.02 and the fanmade v1.04 and v1.05.

And more advice incase I manage to screw this up?
Forget all but the 1.05, it fixes all the issues covered by the other patches you listed. Reinstall Fallout 2 to make sure there are no conflict-prone files. Then, follow the readme precisely. I wouldn't try the newer patches (1.05 fix, 1.06) until you at least manage to get the 1.05 running. Then again, you may want not to get very deep into the game, since 1.06 will add even more playability.

Check the changes note in the readme so that you can determine if the 1.05 was installed successfully - the version number doesn't change in the main screen.

Oh, and another thing that came to my mind: After you unpack the files , make all the Fallout 2 files (except savegames, naturally) read-only to prevent them from being written over when the game starts; this can be done by selecting all the files in the Fallout 2 directory, selecting "Properties" in the context menu, then checking "Read Only" and clicking "Apply", then "To all subdirectories and files". Next make the save game directory Read/Write in the similar manner, this time selecting the savegame directory and un-checking the read only box, and finally applying.

Hope this helps.
Okay, the readme says "Place the \data folder and this file into the game directory. Then unpack the file and overwrite everything."

I think I understand that, it means that I move the file to the game directory and unzip the file.

One question. Where is the game directory?
David Bedlam said:
One question. Where is the game directory?

Look, mister David Bedlam, I don't know about the other people on this forum, but this thread is getting a bit... how should I put this... retarded. Yeah, retarded. NMA is a Fallout forum, not a look-how-incredibly-stupid-I-am-so-please-tell-me-how-do-I-use-a-computer-forum.
I have no problem at all with you asking how to patch your Fallout game and I'm even willing to see some of your questions through the fingers, but when you start repeating the same retarded questions over and over again while patching a game is shit-easy, then some forum members will get pissed.
You don't know how to unzip a zip-file? Check the Internet or ask your mom, for crying out loud. You don't know how to open a rar-file. Dito. Damn man, you don't even seem to know what a gddmn directory is.
Thing is: I think most NMA members have shown good will here and tried to tell you how to do this thing. ALL the answers to your recurring questions are already in this thread. My sister's unborn child would know how to use the children patch by now.
Ever heard of 'trial and error'? No? Look it up on the Internet and then use that "technique" to finally patch your game.


I'm sorry guys if this is somehow rude, but imo this guy is asking for it.

It's not my fault I suck ball at technical stuff. I just don't want to compleatly scrag my favourate game by putting the wrong download in the wrong place. Plus this is the first time I've tried anything like this.

Sorry again.
Wild_qwerty said:
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2
C:\Program Files\Fallout2

This is the game folder. It is positively the directory where the game executable is; Use the Find files function with the argument "fallout2.exe" to find it. You need to replace all the files, including the executable

EDIT: Look, I'll tell you what: Know my benevolence, download this custom exec (UK version only) and place it in the main game folder, where the "fallout2.exe" is, then just run, and enjoy.
David Bedlam said:
Okay, the readme says "Place the \data folder and this file into the game directory. Then unpack the file and overwrite everything."

I think I understand that, it means that I move the file to the game directory and unzip the file.

One question. Where is the game directory?

The data folder is in the Fallout2 folder (I think)
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\Data
C:\Program Files\Fallout2\Data

So just extract the files into the the folder above, if it doesnt work in one try a different folder (C:\Program Files\Fallout2) there should be a file of the same name that it otehr writes