Blade Runner said:Look, mister David Bedlam, I don't know about the other people on this forum, but this thread is getting a bit... how should I put this... retarded. Yeah, retarded. NMA is a Fallout forum, not a look-how-incredibly-stupid-I-am-so-please-tell-me-how-do-I-use-a-computer-forum.
I have no problem at all with you asking how to patch your Fallout game and I'm even willing to see some of your questions through the fingers, but when you start repeating the same retarded questions over and over again while patching a game is shit-easy, then some forum members will get pissed.
You don't know how to unzip a zip-file? Check the Internet or ask your mom, for crying out loud. You don't know how to open a rar-file. Dito. Damn man, you don't even seem to know what a gddmn directory is.
Thing is: I think most NMA members have shown good will here and tried to tell you how to do this thing. ALL the answers to your recurring questions are already in this thread. My sister's unborn child would know how to use the children patch by now.
Ever heard of 'trial and error'? No? Look it up on the Internet and then use that "technique" to finally patch your game.
I'm sorry guys if this is somehow rude, but imo this guy is asking for it.
While I do agree at how absurd it is to own a computer and not really know how to use it, especially when there are worms and virii all around and they connect to the internet, at keast he admitted his ignorance. Ignorance is one thing, not a bad thing if they do ask for help, and everyone has a learning experience sometime. Willingness to learn is a much better trait than clueless and ignorant arrogance.
I really would recommend that David spends more time learning about their computer, and a good place to start is here, a no-bullshit site. It has a good list of the basics you should know as someone who accesses the internet. should be used to find what you're looking for. If there's a phrase or word you need to look up, put it in there and put quotes around the parts for exact matching of the phrase within. Through that, it's not that hard to become a bit more savvy as you can find loads of information that way.