The Courier's Kid

The Dude Next to Cabbot

First time out of the vault
So, according to a conversation between The Lonesome Drifter and the Courier (via Lady Killer perk), the Courier reveals that he (canon) impregnated a woman 17 years ago in Montana.

So, what do you think the Courier's kid is up to now?
Assuming the kid isn't dead? I'd put my money on caravan work as a guard if not one of the merchants. Certain family lines seem to have wanderlust coded into their genes.
The Dude Next to Cabbot said:
So, according to a conversation between The Lonesome Drifter and the Courier (via Lady Killer perk), the Courier reveals that he (canon) impregnated a woman 17 years ago in Montana.

So, what do you think the Courier's kid is up to now?

Canon status can only be confirmed in a sequel or by the words of the writers. For now, it's just a possibility, since you could play a fairly young Courier as well. Or female.

Like how we didn't know for certain the events of Fallout 1 and 2 were going to play out in canon for a good while.
By canon I was referring to the Courier being a male, that's all. :) I know Lonesome Road has the Courier walking away being decisively male (a white one too), although I've never played it as a black male, or a female. I wonder: does the cut-scene change?
Slide of the Female Courier from Lonesome Road.

The Courier's Kid is not cannon as of yet, the line is said when you have a specific perk and you can just choose to never say it.
Cool slide with a chick Courier. It's interesting they decided to be completely gender neutral for NV. For Fallout 1, the Vault Dweller is male, as confirmed by his statue in NCR.

And doesn't Marcus refer to the Chosen one as "he" when asked about him in F:NV?

As for the kid: it's be cool if the next Fallout was focused around him/her, but I guess that's a topic for another forum :P.
Yes, Dude, but they are gender neutral during Fallout. Canon will be defined in the next game or by the devs themselves. You can not define canon by variables that are affected by the way you play, since canon is there just to avoid that variability.

Lonesome road is a DLC of the same game. You are still playing the courier, the one YOU defined, so there is no point in looking in Lonesome Road for clues about who will be the canonical courier.

EDIT: If the next game has some related characters, or if the NCR appears (I'm assuming the next game will be after New Vegas) and they decide to put the courier on history books, you'll probably find out who the courier was, maybe he even gets a name.
Marcus never mentions the Chosen One's gender. However it is heavily implied that the Bishop child is canon but there is no proof that it wasn't just somebody else who fathered the kid. I also heard somebody make the argument that Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a female Chosen One's kid. I don't think that is the case.

On topic as far as I am concerned the Courier's child isn't canon. That may have something to do with having only played males 17-25 or females. I really doubt he will ever be mentioned outside of that one line anyway.
Knight Captain Kerr said:
Marcus never mentions the Chosen One's gender. However it is heavily implied that the Bishop child is canon but there is no proof that it wasn't just somebody else who fathered the kid. I also heard somebody make the argument that Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a female Chosen One's kid. I don't think that is the case.

On topic as far as I am concerned the Courier's child isn't canon. That may have something to do with having only played males 17-25 or females. I really doubt he will ever be mentioned outside of that one line anyway.

I think Sharon mentions her mother was a tribal, but I don't think that's enough to consider she is a female chosen one's daughter. I'm sure if she were, she would mention her mother destroyed the Enclave's headquarter by herself.
I think the courier will be a young man during New Vegas timeframe, so I assume that the kid will not be canon, too.