The Dark Knight Trailer

Yamu said:
Why stop at Venom?

Because a good Venom would have made the entire movie bareable for me. I love his character, always have.

but this is what we got instead.


:crazy: :crazy: :evil:

He moved all wrong, made high pitched squeals like a retard, his body was much too slender, and his head was disproportionately large on top, he lacked the crazy tongue, and just.... god it was so bad.

I wanted to see this:

The fact is, batman begins is a hell of alot more faithful to the comic series then Tim burton's batman series. I actually dig Keaton as batman, although his performance as bruce wayne was horrible. Thing is, Batman begins was created as a restart to the series and as an attempt to make it more faithful to the comic series, in which I think it succeded.The sword fights were there for a reason, Batman DID train with a group of vigilantes, so they did nothing except pay homage to the comic series. I thought Liam was pretty badass as ra.Cillian murphy wasn't that bad, he was just..well...wooden, but his character dictated that he act that way. Its hard to really put depth into characters that were for the most part, cookie cutter or archetypal. I'm not going to mention katie holmes because well, yeah we all know how "great" she was. :roll:

Mind you I don't think batman begins was amazing, but i think it as an edge over Tim burton's. There were moments(parade scene with gas and money, metal dish used as shield, oversized revovler used to take out a fully armored air vehicle, kim besinger,batman killing the joker even though it stands as a testament against everything he stood for, joker's henchman(just a problem with costume designing) the fact that batman seemed to use none of his actual combat skills(he's a trained martial artist) or showing any actual hiding real stealth) that make me not watch the 1989 movie. I loved it as a kid though, and Jack still i think was a really good joker. But heath has a desperation and insanity to his character that suits the joker we all know and love, The joker that killed Jason, the one that laughs when misery has been given to his victims. The true sociopath.
Re: Spiderman 3
The mistake with Venom began in giving the job to Topher Grace. Nothing wrong with the kid, but he's basically Tobey Maguire in physique. I get the whole thing anti-thing he was trying to do, but it didn't work.

And yes, Spiderman 3 was pretty bad. Spiderman 2, thanks in part to the grandness of the underrated but great actor Alfred Molina, is a superior film, and possibly the greatest superhero film ever (which isn't difficult, because the genre is stuffed with overglorified action films, like Batman).

The fact is, batman begins is a hell of alot more faithful to the comic series then Tim burton's batman series.

Yeah...I always care very little for faithful iterations when they cross media, because you can't "faithfully" translate something from book to film or comic to film while still exploiting fully the strength of the medium you're translating to.

That's what Lord of the Rings did wrong, too obsessed with being faithful and thus forgot to be an interesting film. Perhaps it's the same with Batman Begins.
Yeah I understand, because a 100 percent faithful film might not make a generally good film, and I will be honost, judging batman begins to other films of nolan's work(following, insomnia and especially memento) it comes off as sub par.

Adam west.
Spider-man 3 more awful than Fantastic Four 2? I'd say it was more awful than Daredevil and Hulk put together.

I totally agree with you guys about Venom, that character was assraped so hard i couldn't bear to look at him. It's more painful, because i always loved Venom.

Good thing they haven't thought about screening "Kraven's Last Hunt". I think i would kill myself then. :E
Madbringer said:
I totally agree with you guys about Venom, that character was assraped so hard i couldn't bear to look at him. It's more painful, because i always loved Venom.

Yip, he was always my favourite Spiderman villain, too. Carnage sucked because he was just an attempt to make Venom more Xtreme, but Venom was it.

It's funny, because I always hated the Hob-Goblin and Doc Oc, but Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina made me like 'em on the screen. But Venom? No go.

Sandman was good, though.

Spider-Man 3 wasn't nearly as bad as you guys are painting it, it was significantly better than Daredevil or Hulk. But I guess the expectations were too high-strung.
I'm writing from the position of a huge Spider-Man fan, also, from the position of someone who liked both of the previous films, so yeah, i'd say a big part of the crappines in this movie is the huge disappointment i felt after watching it.

Neither Daredevil nor Hulk managed to make me feel so bad after watching them, and both were pretty much z-grade movies with half-decent special effects. :/

Yeah, Sandman wasn't bad, i'd say him and Harry were the highlights of Spider-Man 3. Not really redeeming, by any measure, just makes them look out of context when put side by side with horrific abominations like Venom.

About Carnage - he isn't THAT bad, really, and certainly is better than every single other symbiote that was introduced later on (MAYBE except for Toxin, but they made him look like crap). I always felt there's a whole darn lot of untapped potential in Carnage as a character.
Carnage was eventually defeated by the power of love.

nuff said.

although I did really like his character...
but sometimes he was just plain faggy.
Brother None said:
Spiderman 2, thanks in part to the grandness of the underrated but great actor Alfred Molina, is a superior film, and possibly the greatest superhero film ever (which isn't difficult, because the genre is stuffed with overglorified action films, like Batman).

Oh yes. Alfred Molina.... He made Spiderman 2 really worth watching. It's one of the last movies I've seen in the theaters that didn't make me regret paying to get in.

As to "possibly the greatest superhero film ever made," my personal pick is Hellboy. But that's just a preference. Spidey 2's great as well.

Yeah...I always care very little for faithful iterations when they cross media, because you can't "faithfully" translate something from book to film or comic to film while still exploiting fully the strength of the medium you're translating to.

You mentioned LoTR.... another example (even more obvious, since the editors at LoTR cut out the last 50 pages or so of the final book "the scouring of the shire" and such) was Sin City.

That was one of the movies' downfalls. Another was having Jessica Alba in it.... I mean, yea, she's got a pretty face, but she can't act if her life depends on it.

Another downfall: WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much exposition. It works for comics, especially if you're going for that quasi-neo-noir thing Frank Miller wanted, but boy is it dull to listen to for an hour and a half.

Though I've got to say: Mickey Rourke stole the show. That whole section was the only part of the movie I really enjoyed.
Hellboy and Mickey Rourke? Check and double-check. Good points both, though if we're nominating candidates for "best" Super flick, I'd probably have to toss in from left field with The Incredibles.

I think Red Foreman's boy made a decent Eddie Brock, but that's it-- just Brock, and just decent. Nothing further. If pressed, I think I can recall about 12 seconds of footage in which it seemed that they truly captured Venom, and they weren't consecutive. Surprisingly enough, though, that wasn't the film's coffin nail for me-- that honor would be shared by the absolutely atrocious job they did of bringing the black costume believably into the film, and Spidey's arch-nemesis/BFF The X-Treme Goblin.

While I'm here, I'd also like to remind you that once you hit the point where you're using Daredevil or The Hulk as the baseline for a favorable comparison, you may as well just go for broke and say "It was better than the Holocaust." (Alternately, "It was better than Elektra.")
Pablosdog said:
oversized revovler used to take out a fully armored air vehicle,

That was one of my favorite parts :mrgreen: It makes no sense but always makes me laugh because of how ridiculous he looked pulling that revolver out of his pants. That's something only he could do.

I'm not going to argue with you all but I honestly think all spider-man movies (I only saw 1 and 2) are extremely lame crap. I'm not familiar with SM comics at all so maybe I just don't get it but I like nothing about those movies. I cannot even watch them and I cannot understand how anyone can possibly enjoy them. 2 seemed to me just as s***y as 1. That's just my opinion though, apparently most people dig them and that's ok.

Hellboy was a lot better than I expected, mucho cheese but it was hilarious. Other than that, the only other superhero movie I really like, besides Batman 123 and BB, was Blade. A shame what they did with the series though.
xdarkyrex said:
Carnage was eventually defeated by the power of love.

nuff said.

Don't even remind me. :freak:

It's like, every single writer that got his hands on him, tried to make him as generic and shallow as possible. Pfff. :E

Anyway, looking forward to the new Batman flick. As long as it will not have gargantuan setting fuck-up's and sub-par acting from 90% of the crew (and it doesn't look like it will, not by a long shot), i will enjoy it and not regret money spent on seeing it.
Personally, the biggest disappointment for me in Spiderman 3 was that they wasted venom on it and I knew he wouldn't be done better in a later movie.

I think the biggest problem with the movie was that it got too crowded. Having sandman, green goblin AND venom all get involved made the movie have way too much going on and it couldn't put the love into each character like the other movies had.
I do admit, so far in the spidey movies, Doc Oc and Sandman were both done VERY well. And spiderman himself was casted and acted perfectly for the most part.

Sadly, it takes more than just half of the characters being good to make a movie good.
I loathed the green goblin (nothing against the attempts to reinvent him, I just didnt enjoy their choices) and venom like no other.

It's only takes one utter failure to ruin a movie.
Speaking of Spiderman 3.

I didn't quite get that. They cast Topher Grace as Venom? What, was Carrot Top busy elsewhere?
I loved Spiderman, but was very disappointed with Spiderman 3. It was one good movie and half of one bad one spliced together with the worst dance number in the history of film. It was a movie in desperate need of an editor and schitzophrenia medication.

I loved Batman 1 & 2, and I liked Batman Begins. Just good old escapist fiction, and I am fine with that. I look forward to seeing this latest Batman. Anything is better then Val Kilmer.
Ok, I know I was pretty negative before

But this new trailer? Totally has me convinced:

Brother None said:
Ok, I know I was pretty negative before

But this new trailer? Totally has me convinced:
haha, sweet. :clap:

offtopic: i wonder how long it'll take them to start making movies from comics like Preacher.