The definitive PS2 games that you consider as the best?

Going to go out in a limp to post here just for massive ego stroking about PS2 games I own here and say which ones are really best of best out of here. And what counts as best? I think it should be a game you enjoy a lot and can come back to it at alll times, meaning that the first experience isn't the high point and rest being just dull.

So here's what I have:

And out of all these, I say Tekken 5, Jak 3, Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, Viewtiful Joe, Final Fantasy X & XII and Rayman 3 are all definitive favourites of mine. Each of those are from different genre and are magnum opus of said genre, which I have yet to see even games of today to top off.
What are your favourites?
Devil May Cry and DMC3: Dante's Awakening
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Silent Hill 2
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Ratchet: Deadlocked
Ape Escape 2 & 3
Twisted Metal Black
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Since there are an absolutely wild amount of ps2 games that could qualify as "best games of all time" I'm just gonna list some of the ones I personally own at the moment.

Crash: twinsanity
Destroy All Humans!
Devil may cry 3
God of war
Grand theft Auto San Andreas
Jak 2
Maximo: ghosts to glory
Max payne
Metal arms: glitch in the system
^more of a hidden gem tbh but whatever
Metal gear solid 3
Silent Hill 2
The suffering
The warriors
I think The Thing is also on PS2.

Can confirm
"Definitive" does not always mean it's an PS2 exclusive but some of those multiplatform games are developed for PS2 and with PS2 architecture in mind.

Red Faction
Champions of Norrath
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance I & II
Hungry Ghosts (SH looks like a pops drama movie in comparison)
SotC (ofc)
MGS 2-3 (not my favorite but it is a definitive PS2 game)
F1 Grand Prix Challenge
Transformers Armada: Prelude to Energon
"Definitive" does not always mean it's an PS2 exclusive but some of those multiplatform games are developed for PS2 and with PS2 architecture in mind.

Well I was meaning definitive more as a term for a rason why you would ever to recommend games on it for people from the future, when everybody probably has long forgotten about even PS3/4.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is honestly my favourite game from the PS2. But the Subsistence version, the original has a weird camera which really takes away from the game.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is honestly my favourite game from the PS2. But the Subsistence version, the original has a weird camera which really takes away from the game.

You mean fixed camera like in every iteration of PS1 games had when they didn't figure out yet camera that you could rotate with analog stick?