Going to go out in a limp to post here just for massive ego stroking about PS2 games I own here and say which ones are really best of best out of here. And what counts as best? I think it should be a game you enjoy a lot and can come back to it at alll times, meaning that the first experience isn't the high point and rest being just dull.
So here's what I have:
And out of all these, I say Tekken 5, Jak 3, Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, Viewtiful Joe, Final Fantasy X & XII and Rayman 3 are all definitive favourites of mine. Each of those are from different genre and are magnum opus of said genre, which I have yet to see even games of today to top off.
What are your favourites?
So here's what I have:
And out of all these, I say Tekken 5, Jak 3, Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, Viewtiful Joe, Final Fantasy X & XII and Rayman 3 are all definitive favourites of mine. Each of those are from different genre and are magnum opus of said genre, which I have yet to see even games of today to top off.
What are your favourites?