The DLC trend

Sander said:
No, I just don't see why the existence of DLCs means games become worse.
Then I cant help you. It happens already nowthat some games get content cut out so it can be sold later eventually as DLC. Though I am sure you loved horse armor for 1.99$.

Sander said:
No, I just don't see why the existence of DLCs means games become worse.
I just mentioned it as example to show the general willigness by the companies to exploit any feature that might hold a profit. Regardless if it means a negative effect for the consumer. DLCs make it very easy and tempting to charge much for very lidle content. Even BN agreed in that.

Sander said:
Oh wait, that's illegal.
Like false advertising or selling broken products for a full price as working product. Oh wait. That happend many time regularily in the gaming buisness. I doubt any company will advertise its game as mediocre linear gaming experience but instead simply claim its the best product you have ever seen even if they know its definetly not that way. Same about game breaking bugs. I never have read about them on the back of a box. Yet I am sure many of us have played quite a few time broken games.
Crni Vuk said:
Then I cant help you. It happens already nowthat some games get content cut out so it can be sold later eventually as DLC. Though I am sure you loved horse armor for 1.99$.
Here's a hint: I don't buy things that I don't consider worth the money. That companies decide to sell games or DLCs at a higher price-point than I'm willing to pay simply means I won't buy them. But that doesn't make what game producers are doing immoral in any sense.

Nor does the existence of DLCs mean that games are getting worse. And if they are getting worse, you can simply *not buy them*.
Crni Vuk said:
I just mentioned it as example to show the general willigness by the companies to exploit any feature that might hold a profit. Regardless if it means a negative effect for the consumer. DLCs make it very easy and tempting to charge much for very lidle content. Even BN agreed in that.
Yes, but here's the point: NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO BUY THIS CONTENT.

Crni Vuk said:
Like false advertising or selling broken products for a full price as working product. Oh wait. That happend many time regularily in the gaming buisness. I doubt any company will advertise its game as mediocre linear gaming experience but instead simply claim its the best product you have ever seen even if they know its definetly not that way. Same about game breaking bugs. I never have read about them on the back of a box. Yet I am sure many of us have played quite a few time broken games.
Advertising your game as good isn't illegal, it's not like there's an objective standard of good. Producing a buggy product isn't illegal either, it's just shoddy manufacturing.

But it *is* illegal to sell a product, then require people to pay extra money to get features they advertised as being in the original product. Thinking that that is going to be the consequence of DLCs is nothing more than unfounded paranoia.