No seriously. It is. Why? Cause of all the trailers to games ! Games? Trailers ? Yes! All of them or at least most of the trailers are A W E S O M E. And thats the only reason to love the E3 
Take the Trailer from Deus Ex Human revolution for example. Someone remember the "teaser" ?
Actualy it came out this "teaser" was a "trailer" for the "trailer" which we will see at the E3 for example [youtube]
The people responsible for the Trailer are ? Visual Work (a branch of Squaresoft in Tokio responsible for example for Final Fantasy: Advent Children).
Though whats saying that ? Not much so far. But think again !
The E3 trailer has cost a few million dollar. One can assume that parts of the trailer might be in the game as cut scenes. But we have to wait and see. ~ while I have not seen any REAL evidence or confirmation that this trailer was entirely done with ingame graphic (compared to the Crysis 2 trailer for example We have to wait and see if that will prove to be more then just hype though.) people all over the internet already now droll over the shown "quality" in it and how awesome it is looking.
Thing is that currently many game developing companies give a lot of money out for trailers, advertising and marketing in general. The PR work many times today is outperforming the actual production cost of the game itself.
Valve for example spend for Left 4 dead somewhat 10 Million dollar just for the marketing and advertising.
Halo 3 got even 40 Million !
LA Times even credited Modern Warfare 2 (2009) with aprox 200 Million Dollar ~ but producing the game had only a cost of 50 Million(I dont have sources for that)
The PR champaign for Sims, GTA and similar games might have been not very far away from Modern Warefare 2 or similar games.
Assasins Creed got a few short movies for example just for the PR only.
So? What is telling us that. That the E3 is awesome! Cause you see so many of the trailers and PR aiming directly us! The Gamers. And honestly. Quite a lot of the trailers are today better then the games, compareble with movie trailers in many ways
*Give me everything baby! Who needs to watch the stinkin movie with mediocre actors no one cares an inch about when he gets such trailers ! Alien vs Predator
*Yeah baby! 200 Million dollar to get another battle with Megatron. Tell me about it ! Transforers 2 - Trailer ... also a plus is you dont have to torture your self for 2 ours of some really silly dialogues just to get the cutness overload from a character like bumblebee or watching Optimus kick some serious Decepticion asses!
Anyone ever got this feeling sometimes in Cinema when he was sitting in the comfortable chair watching a movie and thinking after it was over reaching the bottom of his pop corn bowl as well that the 20 min. of movie trailers shown before the actual movie started have been more awesome then the experience you payed for ? Well. Welcome to the hype
Maybe I am just alone with that idea. But eventualy gamecompanies should take a step back. I mean the whole PR has reached dimensions that are in no relation to the production anymore. At some point youre not selling games anymore but just PR. And Hype. And Marketing. What is left from the product you want to make ? Where is the quality. longevity even of "casual" games. If already "casual" gamers complain about games like Call of Duty beeing good but "feeling to short" then something might be wrong here.
I havnt thought much about that recently but a German gaming magazine mentioned the money and budged some games get just for the PR. Some games geting a budged of 10 or 50 Millions just for the advertising. Can someone eventualy remember the times when 100 000 Dollar have been seen as incredibly much for a game ?
Not that making games or PR are cheap. If you want to reach more consumers something like advertising can be very expensive. But should it really go so far that it hurts the quality of the product ? ~ See Fallout 3 for example. Maybe the quality of the game would have been a different one if they spend more time and money with professional writters, animations and working on the AI then spending to much for the marketing ...

Take the Trailer from Deus Ex Human revolution for example. Someone remember the "teaser" ?
Actualy it came out this "teaser" was a "trailer" for the "trailer" which we will see at the E3 for example [youtube]
The people responsible for the Trailer are ? Visual Work (a branch of Squaresoft in Tokio responsible for example for Final Fantasy: Advent Children).
Though whats saying that ? Not much so far. But think again !
The E3 trailer has cost a few million dollar. One can assume that parts of the trailer might be in the game as cut scenes. But we have to wait and see. ~ while I have not seen any REAL evidence or confirmation that this trailer was entirely done with ingame graphic (compared to the Crysis 2 trailer for example We have to wait and see if that will prove to be more then just hype though.) people all over the internet already now droll over the shown "quality" in it and how awesome it is looking.
Thing is that currently many game developing companies give a lot of money out for trailers, advertising and marketing in general. The PR work many times today is outperforming the actual production cost of the game itself.
Valve for example spend for Left 4 dead somewhat 10 Million dollar just for the marketing and advertising.
Halo 3 got even 40 Million !
LA Times even credited Modern Warfare 2 (2009) with aprox 200 Million Dollar ~ but producing the game had only a cost of 50 Million(I dont have sources for that)
The PR champaign for Sims, GTA and similar games might have been not very far away from Modern Warefare 2 or similar games.
Assasins Creed got a few short movies for example just for the PR only.
So? What is telling us that. That the E3 is awesome! Cause you see so many of the trailers and PR aiming directly us! The Gamers. And honestly. Quite a lot of the trailers are today better then the games, compareble with movie trailers in many ways

*Give me everything baby! Who needs to watch the stinkin movie with mediocre actors no one cares an inch about when he gets such trailers ! Alien vs Predator
*Yeah baby! 200 Million dollar to get another battle with Megatron. Tell me about it ! Transforers 2 - Trailer ... also a plus is you dont have to torture your self for 2 ours of some really silly dialogues just to get the cutness overload from a character like bumblebee or watching Optimus kick some serious Decepticion asses!
Anyone ever got this feeling sometimes in Cinema when he was sitting in the comfortable chair watching a movie and thinking after it was over reaching the bottom of his pop corn bowl as well that the 20 min. of movie trailers shown before the actual movie started have been more awesome then the experience you payed for ? Well. Welcome to the hype

Maybe I am just alone with that idea. But eventualy gamecompanies should take a step back. I mean the whole PR has reached dimensions that are in no relation to the production anymore. At some point youre not selling games anymore but just PR. And Hype. And Marketing. What is left from the product you want to make ? Where is the quality. longevity even of "casual" games. If already "casual" gamers complain about games like Call of Duty beeing good but "feeling to short" then something might be wrong here.
I havnt thought much about that recently but a German gaming magazine mentioned the money and budged some games get just for the PR. Some games geting a budged of 10 or 50 Millions just for the advertising. Can someone eventualy remember the times when 100 000 Dollar have been seen as incredibly much for a game ?
Not that making games or PR are cheap. If you want to reach more consumers something like advertising can be very expensive. But should it really go so far that it hurts the quality of the product ? ~ See Fallout 3 for example. Maybe the quality of the game would have been a different one if they spend more time and money with professional writters, animations and working on the AI then spending to much for the marketing ...