The eBay Song

I'm sad that they forgot to talk about that carrier that was for sale a few years back. Also i would have loved it if they made an "enter sandman" version.
I am derailing this thread. :o

Not really, but I have to ask. The accent they sing with is fascinatingly unpleasant to the ear. Do people actually talk like that somewhere or are they probably non-native speakers?
It's by Weird Al Yankovic and about as old as the album "Poodle Hat".

The "Enhanced" version is dated 2003, but I'm pretty sure the song is even older.

So, yeah, OLD.
This song - like just about everything Weird Al ever made - is awesome.

The Saga Begins is still my favorite, though.
Didn't recognize him. That's weird as Al. Yeah, he sings that way a lot, I guess.

I prefer Amish Paradise, myself.