The end is very oily nigh, apparently...


Antediluvian as Feck

Saw this on the pamedia forums, but I don't see how this is news. Maybe it is for bigotted world leaders, but not for me. :wtf:

Anyway, I think this is very related to the John Titor story (, and I also don't see how it can be so damned important. I don't use oil, for instance. There are many other energy sources being developed, such as solar and hydro. And what about nuclear energy?

According to these guys, civilization will explode when the world's oil supplies run out, but it existed long before oil was used in a more widespread way, so I can't really see why. Civilization probably will end, though, if everyone goes pessimistic and ulceric/pant soiling about it.

For instance,
Simply stated, you can expect: economic collapse, war, widespread starvation, and a mass die-off of the world’s population.
just isn't helping. Do something about the disaster before it happens then, you fucknuts. We should INDEED get rid of certain aspects of society today.


Ozrat posted somewhere the contents of an assyrian (If I remember correctly) clay tablet, with similar "the end of the world is near" inscriptions. Dated 2800 BC.

On another note, the "the world will run out of oil in 5 years" thing is at least 30 years old.

A thought: Be a bit more skeptical with doomsday conspiration theories. Next thing you'll post is that the commies have undertaken a worldwide conspiration to desecrate your body fluids. ;)
Although this is probably, again, a doomsday conspiracy theory, you shouldn't underestimate the effect of lack of oil on a lot of things. Oil is used for the following things:

Oil is, currently, a very important part of today's society. Without oil, economic crises, wars and the like will probably ensue.
I don't doubt the economical and political weight of oil.
I doubt that running out of oil will come anytime soon. It will come someday though, that's why humanty should focus on non-fossil fuel based energy sources.

That said, if a radical change from oil to a mysterious energy X was to happen, you can be sure there'd be a war with Saudi arabia & Co...
Personnally, I totally agree with Wooz on the fact that this thing is as old as oil itself. Everyone knows that oil will run out somewhere in the mid 21st century, and this is not news. What shocks me is that world leaders/governments seem to react about it only now, at least according to this site. Dumb.

Anyway, I believe the world would be/would have been better off without oil. Face it, the only thing that has appeared and has changed society in a positive way since the Middle Ages is medical science.

Let's look at what humanity has come up with so far:

-Modern economics and trading: this is only bad. It was probably invented by the Devil himself to bring unhappiness upon humanity. Transforming resources to electronic signals and pretending you can value it (the stock market), putting pricetags on human lives and making 3/4 of the world into a state of misery. This is the only thing modern economics have accomplished. Wall street is a childish and silly joke, and is run by people with their heads up their asses. If there is an oil crisis/war, it's mostly because of them.

-Modern warfare: let's not even go there. Bigger swords, smaller minds.

-Industrialization: this was an excuse for the richer people to opress the poorer ones. No different from the feudal system. Only a more sophisticated way of saying: we own you. We wouldn't be in this situation today if there hadn't been idiots discovering that vehicles could run by themselves using a limited resource. If there hadn't been morons like Ford and if coal and oil had never been tested as fuel, the world would have been a happier place.

-Globalization: happened waaaay wrong. People just found about each other, and discovered they had new neighbors to bash. Again, dumb.

-Modern medicine: Only good thing that has occurred ever. Ok, I admit part of it is thanks to Industrialization, but today it's always exploited by Modern economics. Let's just keep that and get rid of the rest, hmm?
Bwaha! You should learn to look further, baboon.
Seriously, we would be nowhere near where we are today if it weren't for oil. It's probable that the entire transportation systems as we know them would not have existed, that plastics would not have existed, or at least not come this far (This means that everything would've been much heavier than can now be made with plastics, and, furthermore, that we would have quite a lot of problems with materials. Imagine your house without polymers....).
Furthermore, oil has helped several countries become richer and wealthier for them.
Plus, you're bashing industrialization. That is silly, at best. Without industrialization the quality of life would have been much worse for a lot of people, civilization would never be as advanced as it is now, and industrialization also helped to reshape the whole class system as it existed before that. Before the industrialization the class system was a class system based not on merit, but on who-was-the-son-of-who.

Lastly, globalization had little to do with oil. In fact, I can't even think of one reason why oil would have caused globalization (besides the indirect ones: transportation and industrialisation).
Sorry my friend came by as I was typing my last post, so I didn't have time to finish. I was going to say it was a simple way of looking at it, but still very true in the end.

The article was really exaggerating the importance of oil. I could live without oil. In fact, I'm not even sure I've used it much, at least not in a situation where I wouldn't survive if I hadn't. I can easily imagine my house without polymers; made of wood, for instance. Or concrete (bad isolation though). I don't use a car, and will never use one unless I really really have to. There are always bikes, if you can't be arsed to walk. Civilization could end for all I care, but I wouldn't. Most people in the world live without proper access to oil anyway.

Oil has only helped certain countries' rich population to get richer, and the poor population to get poorer. Just take Saudi Arabia, or Yemen. Or whatever country in that region.

I'm bashing industrialization because it was used as an evil tool, both economically and politically. It was used for corporate bastards to suck the life out of workers. I mean, it took about a century for society to realize this and introduce workers' rights. Then when people found out you could stick metal plates and cannons to cars, and guns to airplanes, it only got worse. All thanks to industrialization. Among the millions of examples of evil things, I can mention coal miners, fascism, world wars and pollution. I can only find one good consequence: improved welfare for a tiny minority.

And it seems quite naive to say that the class system no longer is on a who-was-the-son-of-who basis, as you still very rarely see crossovers. If you step into Harvard for instance, would you see kids from poor families? Probably not. One of the only reasons I can go to an engineer scool is that my family is sufficiently rich (I'll admit that college is free here, but your economical situation still reflects upon the grades you get in school, hence the ability to get into certain colleges and universities). Class distinction might be less obvious than before, but it's still very much there, if you search deep enough. If your father was a low-ass worker, it's more than probable that you'll be a low-ass worker, too.

Fact is, there was barely a class system before industrialization, since about 90% of the population were peasants or soldiers.

Oil did at least fuel ( :o ) industrialization. And industrialization was the whole reason for globalization in the first place. The stock market, transportation, colonization, world wars, you name it. And lastly the Internet, in recent years.

You're saying the world wouldn't be where it is now if we hadn't had industrialization. Well, I wouldn't mind. Sure, we wouldn't have all that medicine, but it's being corrputed by greedy corporate fascist bastards anyway, so nevermind that.

Face it, Humanity and the World are two huge piles of stinking dung, and they probably always will be.

I could type much more, but I really need some sleep. Goodnight for now.
I realize maybe I'm just uninformed, but I don't see running out of oil as a problem. I see it as a good thing. Will it hurt the economy? Yep. But then that's their own damn fault for not trying to switch over to alternative energy sources, isn't it? We (as in, the USA) promote oil and oil-based pollution. So, let me get this straight:

If we run out of oil, it's the end of the world.

If we don't run out of oil, and continue burning it at the rate we are, it's the end of the world.

And then there are all the other world problems- overpopulation, other environment stuff, nuclear wars, erosion of soil...

Yeah, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to product that socieity as we know it is not going to make it through this century. Humans are humans, and have shown that they have no interest in fixing the environmental problems till it is too late. Therefore, I've become rather convinced that the only way we can save ourselves is nanotechnolgy, and having a bunch of nanobots clean up the environment, but unfortunately, nanotechnology introduces a whole new set of problems; the reason we are in this mess is the amount of power humans wield. When we had a bunch of spears we couldn't do THAT much to affect the entire planet in a noticably negative way. And when we wield nanobots....ugh. As far as I can tell, we're either headed for the Apocalypse or an Orwellian socieity. Or maybe both.
Transforming resources to electronic signals and pretending you can value it (the stock market), putting pricetags on human lives and making 3/4 of the world into a state of misery.
Did you throw all your evil bottlecaps away in Fallout?
Fact is, there was barely a class system before industrialization, since about 90% of the population were peasants or soldiers.
Those were the days, huh? huh? Being dirt poor, practically enslaved, and fighting for your life on a daily basis is the great when you know that 90 percent of everyone else is in the world is the same situation, right? :lol:
If your father was a low-ass worker, it's more than probable that you'll be a low-ass worker, too.
My father's family was so poor, they didn't have enough to eat and had to give his younger brother away for someone else to raise. He had to make his own toys out of the litter people left on the street. My mom's family was the same way- they were going to give her away when she was a baby, but her older brother kept hiding her so they couldn't do it. You know, it was just about the same way for most of the people they know too. And all because of that damned capitalist system, I didn't have the joy of going through that same treasured experience growing up.
The stock market, transportation, colonization, world wars, you name it. And lastly the Internet, in recent years.
Ah, yes, damn that evil Internet. Face it man, you're an engineering student going to college, posting on an internet forum about a computer game. Wake up and stop hating yourself.
The human race has also survived over 40 years of nuclear weapons hanging over our heads. I'm old enough to remember people telling me that the Russians had Honeywell, targeted, and E-Systems, and a nearby Air Force Base. I was sure that someday the missiles would fly, and sure that the Soviet Union would kill millions before they ever gave up power. I was surprised.
I learned a funny thing recently from a Russian friend of mine. He said they never worried about the USA nuking them. No one in Russia was trying to incite fear. This shocked me too.
Somehow, despite the odds we humans find a way to survive. We have the alternative technologies now, just lack the impetus to implement them yet! It will happen.
Baboon said:
Sorry my friend came by as I was typing my last post, so I didn't have time to finish. I was going to say it was a simple way of looking at it, but still very true in the end.

The article was really exaggerating the importance of oil. I could live without oil. In fact, I'm not even sure I've used it much, at least not in a situation where I wouldn't survive if I hadn't. I can easily imagine my house without polymers; made of wood, for instance. Or concrete (bad isolation though). I don't use a car, and will never use one unless I really really have to. There are always bikes, if you can't be arsed to walk. Civilization could end for all I care, but I wouldn't. Most people in the world live without proper access to oil anyway.
Yes, you could most certainly live without oil. But really, you wouldn't WANT to live without oil. Seriously. Do you have any clue as to what you would lack? The question would not be what you will lack, but what you will still have.
Let's see: You would have a wooden house (or possibly concrete). You would have wooden or metal chairs. You would not have ANY of the appliances you have today (what? You want cold drinks? TOo bad. ), you would not have access to any decent form of transportation (You wanna go on a holiday outside of your own town? Hah! Good luck at getting anywhere), you would not have access to proper medicines at all (Do you have any clue as to what kind of problems this would pose to people with illnesses), and the list just goes on and on.

Oil has only helped certain countries' rich population to get richer, and the poor population to get poorer. Just take Saudi Arabia, or Yemen. Or whatever country in that region.
Yet oil has also helped to industrialise those countries (Which is a GOOD thing) and has most certainly increased the standard of living in those countries tremendously.
Plus, oil did not help the poor population get poorer.

I'm bashing industrialization because it was used as an evil tool, both economically and politically. It was used for corporate bastards to suck the life out of workers. I mean, it took about a century for society to realize this and introduce workers' rights. Then when people found out you could stick metal plates and cannons to cars, and guns to airplanes, it only got worse. All thanks to industrialization. Among the millions of examples of evil things, I can mention coal miners, fascism, world wars and pollution. I can only find one good consequence: improved welfare for a tiny minority.
THis is not all that true. Yes, industrialisation caused really fucked up weapons of war to appear, but that is one of the few bad things that it has actually caused you just listed.
I mean, fascism a consequence of industrialisation? What bull. Fascism had nothing whatsoever to do with the industrialisation.
Plus, the industrialisation caused a drop in the living standard for a lot of people, but that was temporary. THe beneficial consequences have been far greater, because one must look at it over a greater timespan.
Without industrialisation, such things as good welfare (Make no mistake, the increase in welfare after tge industrialisation was huge. Not just "for a tiny minority"), workers rights, work for practically everyone who wanted work.

And it seems quite naive to say that the class system no longer is on a who-was-the-son-of-who basis, as you still very rarely see crossovers. If you step into Harvard for instance, would you see kids from poor families? Probably not. One of the only reasons I can go to an engineer scool is that my family is sufficiently rich (I'll admit that college is free here, but your economical situation still reflects upon the grades you get in school, hence the ability to get into certain colleges and universities). Class distinction might be less obvious than before, but it's still very much there, if you search deep enough. If your father was a low-ass worker, it's more than probable that you'll be a low-ass worker, too.
What fucking bull. Seriously.
First of all, it was wholly IMPOSSIBLE to become anything greater than what you were born as before the industrial revolution.
Secondly, industrialisation caused a merit and money-based class system to arise, which is, you have to admit, a lot "fairer" than a "I'm the son of some stupid prick whose great-great-great-grandfather did something nice for the kind once".
Furthermore, class crossovers happen all the time, when they CAN happen. This is primarliy seen in the level of education, poor people who are nonetheless smart can actually get a really good education (hello scholarships), this could not have happened in a different class system. If you become rich, in whatever way, a class-crossover has just happened. Things like that happen constantly. yes, a class system is still in place, and yes, this is partially based on who-is-the-son-of-who, but only because it relates to money and connections, no longer because it relates to some kind of thing someone far away in the past ever did.
Look at it like this: If you were a nobleman who lost everything he owned, you were at least a nobleman and were treated as such.
But after the industrialisation, that disappeared. If you were a nobleman and lost everything you owned, then you were treated the same as every other beggar. And if you were a beggar who became rich with an invention, you were treated as a nobleman.

Fact is, there was barely a class system before industrialization, since about 90% of the population were peasants or soldiers.
What? Are you serious? Do you have any clue as to how silly this statement is?

Oil did at least fuel ( :o ) industrialization. And industrialization was the whole reason for globalization in the first place. The stock market, transportation, colonization, world wars, you name it. And lastly the Internet, in recent years.

You're saying the world wouldn't be where it is now if we hadn't had industrialization. Well, I wouldn't mind. Sure, we wouldn't have all that medicine, but it's being corrputed by greedy corporate fascist bastards anyway, so nevermind that.
Right. So you would like everyone with a disease to go die, you would like almost every bit of modern technology to be thrown away, and practically, you'd like to live in medieval class-based times. Good luck living there! Tsch.

Face it, Humanity and the World are two huge piles of stinking dung, and they probably always will be.

I could type much more, but I really need some sleep. Goodnight for now.
Oh, I'm most certainly not denying that (although this is a hugely unappreciative and assinine comment to someone in, say, Nigeria). But you're just being silly. You're looking SOLELY at the bad things, and you're not only doing that, but when you do think of anything good (medicine) you say that this evil because it being abused by capitalists. Well, excuse me, but that's the world we live in, and you'd be a fool to think that it was any better before industrialisation.
I dont WANT to live without oil, I was saying I COULD live without oil. 90% of the world's population dying because of oil supplies running out, as it was pointed ou in the article which this thread was all about, is certainly exaggerated. And the fact that this will cause wars is another proof that human mentality has barely changed since the Middle Ages. And as for me being an engineering student using a computer and the Internet, I could very well live without that. Most people don't have access to neither the Internet nor a computer, and they live (although miserably, but that's unrelated).

If you look at Saudi Arabia for instance, oil hasn't helped the country industrialize much. All they're doing with their money is bying huge houses, rolexes and ferraris, while they're not investing their money properly in more durable things, just acting as if the oil wasn't ever gonig to run out. And most oil-producing countries are Third world countries, and the fact that they still are means that oil hasn't helped them much.

Fascism had a lot to do with industrialization. World war 1 was largely caused by nidustrialization, and WW2, i.e German Fascism was a direct consequence of WW1. That's not bull, look it up. Sure, indutrialization might have helped us a little, but it certainly hasn't helped ANYONE in the rest of the world.

You're saying poor people who are actually smart can cross over, but only a minority of people are smart enough to achieve that. You'd have to be really smart to do that, since grades in school aren't just about brains. Scholarships are still quite rare. We might have more possibilities and opportunities, but we don't all start on the same level, which is a remnant of the son-of-who system.

The class system as we know it only started appearing in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, when the middle class was formed. And this middle class didn't have it's true breakthrough until the French revolutionm which meant the early beginnings of industrialization.

I meant the world would have been a better place without OUR industrialization, when it could have happened much more differently, if Human mentality had changed too. And now we're suffering the consequences.

This means that not much has changed since the Middle Ages, because what really needed a change was people's mentalities. You've still got this huge comptetitive aspect all over society, and especially now with welfare dying out everywhere.

And please don't turn this into a flamewar by saying my opinions are shit. I'm not saying yours are...
I dont WANT to live without oil, I was saying I COULD live without oil. 90% of the world's population dying because of oil supplies running out, as it was pointed ou in the article which this thread was all about, is certainly exaggerated. And the fact that this will cause wars is another proof that human mentality has barely changed since the Middle Ages. And as for me being an engineering student using a computer and the Internet, I could very well live without that. Most people don't have access to neither the Internet nor a computer, and they live (although miserably, but that's unrelated).
Ugh. I never said you couldn't, all I said was that you thinking that it was somehow better was silly.
If you look at Saudi Arabia for instance, oil hasn't helped the country industrialize much. All they're doing with their money is bying huge houses, rolexes and ferraris, while they're not investing their money properly in more durable things, just acting as if the oil wasn't ever gonig to run out. And most oil-producing countries are Third world countries, and the fact that they still are means that oil hasn't helped them much.
Oil HAS helped it modernize and improve a lot, though. Although I do have to admit that I don't know much about the situation currently.

Fascism had a lot to do with industrialization. World war 1 was largely caused by nidustrialization, and WW2, i.e German Fascism was a direct consequence of WW1. That's not bull, look it up. Sure, indutrialization might have helped us a little, but it certainly hasn't helped ANYONE in the rest of the world.
Bull. Seriously. No, the first world war was not caused by industrialization, it was caused by the whole mentality around Europe that had nothing to do with the industrialisation. Everyone had allies, and the war completely escalated.
What made the war so brutal and gruesome WAs the industrialisation. But it was NOT the cause of it.

Secondly, you're confusing nazism and fascism and causes. Fascism was not "caused" by the industrialisation or by oil, it had, in fact, nothing to do with it. Fascism is a "philosophy" that states that your own people is better than every other people and that your own people should rule the world. Generally, physical prowess is emphasized over brains, and an authoritarian figure will be at the head of the state. This has obviously nothing to do with the industrialisation.
Nazism is only a more specific form of Fascism, but it is most certainly not the same.

World War 2 was also not a direct consequence of World War 1, World War 2 had a lot of causes, and WW1 was certainly not the only cause, although it was an important one. WW2 was caused mainly by Hitler, and Hitler and the Nazis gained power because of the unhappiness of the people, which had a lot to do with losing WW1 and the really poor economy, and it also had a lot to do with the political situation and the political thinking of the direct opponents of Hitler, and it had a lot to do with smart manipulation of circumstances by Hitler.
By no means, though, was it somehow caused by the industrialisation. Not even the poor economic situation was caused by that, because that was caused by a lot of people spending a lot of money they didn't really have (through loans and the like) and the stock market crash of '28 because of that (and stock markets were not a consequence of the industrialisation, they had been around before that),.

You're saying poor people who are actually smart can cross over, but only a minority of people are smart enough to achieve that. You'd have to be really smart to do that, since grades in school aren't just about brains. Scholarships are still quite rare. We might have more possibilities and opportunities, but we don't all start on the same level, which is a remnant of the son-of-who system.
YOu want an example?
My grandfather was a farmer, and my other grandfather owned a transporting company (trucking and the like). My dad, however, has worked for several city councils and a union, and is currently working for a union as well. My mom is now a high-level management-like person (meh, her job's a bit...odd) at a research institute at the University of Tilburg. ANd I'm going off to University in a couple of months. THis could NEVER have happened under the previous class system EVER.

The class system as we know it only started appearing in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, when the middle class was formed. And this middle class didn't have it's true breakthrough until the French revolutionm which meant the early beginnings of industrialization.
The class system as we know it now, is still vastly different from the class system back then. Read what I said again. Before industrialisation, you could be poor as hell, and STILL be treated great. Afterwards, that just didn't happen. That's just a small example of many things that changed.

I meant the world would have been a better place without OUR industrialization, when it could have happened much more differently, if Human mentality had changed too. And now we're suffering the consequences.
Yet human mentality does not change. It is wishful thinking to think that it will.
But I'm not saying that the world wouldn't be a better place with a different kind of industrialisation. I'm just saying that you're wrong that the world would be a better place without oil.
This means that not much has changed since the Middle Ages, because what really needed a change was people's mentalities. You've still got this huge comptetitive aspect all over society, and especially now with welfare dying out everywhere.
This is....odd. A huge competitive aspect has only come into general society in the last couple of centuries. In the middle ages, for instance, life was not about competing, but about religion, and just generally living your life. If you were a peasant, you couldn't become a nobleman anyway, so why try?
And please don't turn this into a flamewar by saying my opinions are shit. I'm not saying yours are..

I'm not saying your opinions are shit, you know. I'm trying to prove you wrong by using logic and facts. Although I may have gotten a bit insultive in the last post, for which I apologise...
Sander said:
t was caused by the whole mentality around Europe that had nothing to do with the industrialisation.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but that statement is very historically ignorant

Just sayin'

Please continue, keeping in mind that the above statement is wrong.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but that statement is very historically ignorant

Just sayin'

Please continue, keeping in mind that the above statement is wrong.
Meh. It's not so much historically ignorant, as perhaps way too simplified. But I'm not about to go describe in detail why WW1 happened, you know.
Sander said:
I'm sorry to interrupt, but that statement is very historically ignorant

Just sayin'

Please continue, keeping in mind that the above statement is wrong.
Meh. It's not so much historically ignorant, as perhaps way too simplified. But I'm not about to go describe in detail why WW1 happened, you know.

Ok, but don't deny it's simply wrong. To go back to only the major roots of WW 1 would be ok, but going back to one cause and ignoring the other major causes, including industrialisation, is so over-simplifying that it's wrong
Ok, but don't deny it's simply wrong. To go back to only the major roots of WW 1 would be ok, but going back to one cause and ignoring the other major causes, including industrialisation, is so over-simplifying that it's wrong
I'm not denying it's actually wrong. Because it IS wrong. Although I think that industrialisation had only a minor role to play. Ah well.
The fact that it was so gruesome, lasted so long (I mean no progress in battles whatsoever here), and that it was a WORLD war was very much because of industrialization. And WW2 was a more or less direct consequence of WW1, since Nazism (fine, Spain and Italy were less caused by indutrialism, but still) could prevail only thanks to the economical problems that occurred in Germany after defeat in WW1.

And you might be an exception, Sander, since your parents actually worked their way up the ladder. Most people don't manage that. But still better than before, I'll admit. Class-climbing still isn't an easy thing though, and the fact that it exists is wrong, and a little competitive. Although I guess someone has to do the dirty jobs.

Isn't being poor and treated well better than being poor and treated poorly? :)

Society still has this competitive aspect. Go to a French or English highschool (espcially French) and you'll see what I mean. The "alpha-male" attitude still rests in our instinct.

And admit that oil is a stupid resource. In fact, using limited resources is stupid. I don't see why nobody thought of trying to find more durable resources before. Probably because of huge oil/car corporations not wanting to go bankrupt, and murdering/calling opponents hippies.

Apology accepted btw.
I think SSE or Troika should use the this as the backdrop for a new PA game.

With that said, yikes. Look the fuck out!

Fortunately there is a potential solution: fusion power.

carry on
Murdoch said:
I think SSE or Troika should use the this as the backdrop for a new PA game.

Fallout's setting had that as one of the causes of nuclear apocalypse, too.