The Escapist: Junktown Dog

Crni Vuk said:
I always thought the entertaining part about dogmeat was not his "usefulness" but to get him in one piece trough the game (which some even managed!)

You'd probably have to use the open/close combat exploit to do that, unless you avoid or talk your way out of the major fights.
patriot_41 said:
What the fuck is a Mirelurk?!?!?
One of Bethesda's best artistic creations, even more so in Fallout 3.

Ixyroth said:
You'd probably have to use the open/close combat exploit to do that, unless you avoid or talk your way out of the major fights.
Lots of saving and loading, locking Dogmeat in rooms, and starting fights with him far away. You can also just not get him until you're ready to finish the game and then lock him in a closet in the military base but that defeats the purpose of the challenge. I'm proud to say that I have beaten the game with all of my allies alive.
The last time I played FO1 I made a simple "Boy and his Dogmeat mod". I put Dogmeat right outside the vault door so you got him right away and I gave him a few more HP to make him easier to keep him live.
I've finished the game several times with all allies alive. Always felt the need to look out for them.

Only times they have died is when I play Iron Man style.
I don't think it's possible to do it then.