The Escapist: Junktown Dog

Dogmeat definitely wasn't useless. His knockdown ability was awesome. If he sequenced after his target, than the guy would still be down when your turn came around, and then you have a 95% chance at his eyes. That alone makes him deadly, the fact that he attacks like 15 times a turn didn't hurt either.
Yeah, though you have to admit keeping him alive is a pain in the arse. Thank God for the NPC mod. I actually tried the forcefield thing, and damn it that was a root canal.

Still love the little stinker after that though.
Love Dogmeat. He's the bestest stray doggeh a vault dweller can have. :D It was good having him as a companion, and he certainly saved my ass a couple times. Much better than Ian, who, if he wasn't shooting at me, was just running away. I don't get it, Ian had ammo, had stimpacks, why was he always running away? Guess he just doesn't like me much. :lol:
Leon said:
Bethesda invented Fallout, didn't you know? 1 & 2 were some sort of unofficial prequels.
1 and 2 are official prequels, but nobody cares about them, because their graphics suck. You don't need to play them to play Fallout 3.

However, he's not very smart, inheriting the "oblivious to danger" gene from his predecessors. Left to his own devices, he'll happily attack even the strongest foes in the game, including the dreaded Deathclaws

Yeah, all Fallout games have bad NPC AI. Though at Fallout 1/2's time, it was good, compared to the other AIs, I think.
Katja was ok, but she was way too low level for an NPC you meet so late. She was basically in between Ian and Tycho, but you tend to meet her about 5 levels on. Plus her obsession with throwing knives didn't help.
Blackened said:
Yeah, all Fallout games have bad NPC AI. Though at Fallout 1/2's time, it was good, compared to the other AIs, I think.

Nope. Not even close. I loved Fallout 1 and 2 too, but the NPC AI was extremely primitive. Fallout was one of the few games that your NPC sidekicks would actually kill you quite often. Being able to keep them from burst firing at you in Fallout 2 was a huge improvement, but they were still fairly primitive. I can't think of any other game where I would actually murder my NPC's because they were causing more trouble than they were worth. :D
Rufus Luccarelli said:
I don't get it, Ian had ammo, had stimpacks, why was he always running away? Guess he just doesn't like me much. :lol:

Don't they tend to do that, when they have a crippled limb, thus can't fight?

And yes Ian was just beyond stupid. Burstfiring on one enemy in the middle of my group, and then when he's surround by baddies.... just single shots. Will never again give him a sub :naughty:
I just gave him a rifle or pistol and made sure I wasn't infront of him and he was just dandy in a firefight. :D
Beelzebud said:
I loved Fallout 1 and 2 too, but the NPC AI was extremely primitive.

So, there is indeed something in common between Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout 3's gameplay: bad AI.
I loved Dogmeat to bits. He was my only companion on my lone wolf playthroughs and it did take some effort to keep him alive (using low-AP weapon to draw fire on me from all ranged mutants in random encounters, locking him in behind green energy fields in MB so he doesn't get fried by red ones).

I never bothered to pick him up in F3. After all, there's only one Dogmeat and F3 mutt ain't it.
DexterMorgan said:
I never bothered to pick him up in F3. After all, there's only one Dogmeat and F3 mutt ain't it.
I should probably have done the same, since FO3's Dogmeat was actually quite useless for me. I only had him for just two ingame days, before he jumped down a hole inside the Anchorage Monument and got killed by a Mirelurk below. I didn't even bother reloading a savegame I made five minutes earlier. ;)
I always thought the entertaining part about dogmeat was not his "usefulness" but to get him in one piece trough the game (which some even managed!)
Per said:
Alphadrop said:
I just gave him a rifle

Ian can't use rifles! I don't think you've even played this game.

Well I haven't played it in three years so I can't remember every detail about a dude who tended to die half way through the game.
I started playing FO1 two days ago, Ian definitely can't equip rifles unless that guy's using a mod I haven't found yet.
No he can't, the sprite Ian uses does not have any rifle animations.

Haven't played it in a while so forgot.
patriot_41 said:
NFSreloaded said:
. . . and got killed by a Mirelurk below. . .
What the fuck is a Mirelurk?!?!?
Like alec said, crab-ish humanoids from FO3. They come in many forms and are apparently the tastiest food in the whole wasteland.