hi all
There is a new thread in german boards where the devs start to collect ideas and whishes of what the players want to see in THE FALL 2.
Lead Dev Carsten to summarizes some ideas that are possibles in his opinion:
- importing your old hero from THE FALL 1 into THE FALL 2
- a better inventory , bigger and with better stacking options
- more interaction with the environment, for example owning a house, fishing etc.
- more combination options of items (which lead to custom modified weapons or playermade explosives etc )
- better perfomance, THE FALL1 just have too high perfomance cost
- experience points can be earned by using skills , not just by combat
- more tooltip informations
- more interaction between the party characters
- more personality and background for the party characters
- more combat feedback like "chance to hit" and other displayed combat relating informations.
- adding drugs and stims and maybe add addictions
-more displayed weapon stats
- memphasis melee combat
- better enemy ai, more tactical fights
- adding a trunk to vehicles as item storage.
- optional experience point system , so that exp is divided among all members equally instead of just giving exp to the person who killed the enemy.
- of course we will meet known npcs from the FALL 1 again
list got longer again, here is whats new:
Und hier kommt die aktualisierte Aufstellung (neue Punkte unten nach Absatz angeführt):
- offering some "mini-games"
- more public places like...a pub ^^
- emphasis the "survival" atmopshere of setting
- adding "reputation" bar (unknown, famous, infamous)
- this i couldnt figure out what he was talking about, he said " taking options into the game", guess he tried to say more ways to solve a mission?
- more "Freedom of choice while travelling".
- more subsurface locations
- random encounters while travelling
- more unique items
- special locations and items will tell about the "past" (reminders, maybe something like a holocron that will tell about the big war, and maps like huge battlefield or sunken city etc)
-chance to hit shall be modified by things like "target is moving or not moving" etc
please note: this was just a summerize by Carsten what in his eyes is possible to come with a sequel, based on the suggestions the community did . he summerized the ideas very early in the thread so there are several pages folowwing with lots of other and different ideas.
In another thread Carsten asks the community how they think about relict remains of modern civilisation , if they should emphasis this more in their maps decoration, setting etc . He wants teh comunity to list what they would like to see in THE FALL 2, until yet most people said that it would be nice to see something like a sunken city with broken pre-war items, buildings,car and battlefields with broken tanks, futuristic helicopters etc
ok so far so good, im sorry that my english isnt too good.
i read your news and thought i can add some updated informations, cu !
talking about fallout humor , hehe .
Kharn said:
He's probably referring the numerous pop-culture references in Fallout 2 as opposed to the actually funny dark humour of Fallout 1. I can't say I disagree with him.....
or monty python's quest for the holy grail sequence, starring the bridge keeper.
he may be referring to the bs in new reno eg. the porn star thingy.
Fallout for sure has a very own kind of humor,a dark sense of humor, wouldnt say its slapstick , well sometimes it is hehe but thats what i love about the game!
i guess carsten just did want to say that "the fall's " humor is different, the tone of The Fall is rather serious.
And if you ask me, its good that way, cause it would be just a cheap try to copy the special kind of fallouts humor in my eyes
This is a site dedicating to "post nuclear war humor" haha, to some extend fallout related too: