The FALLOUT Survival Guide: fan comic


As I mentioned elsewhere, this weeks page will be delayed. I did however still upload a page preview and some concept art to my patroen. AND don't worry there is no problems with production. My artist ships the pages and we were so close to having part one done I told him just to wait and send all the pages at once, he was goign to ship them sooner, but I didn't want him to feel rushed and told him to take his time if he needed it. They were shipped out last night, and will be here soon :)
Also, I changed my patreon setting to "adult" content. It was always meant to go in this direction. The concept art I uploaded today is pretty graphic with gore and nudity. Let me know how you feel about this if you have an opinion. Also if there are any rules about me posting that stuff here. Should I censor it in my posts if I decide to upload any of it here?
The FALLOUT Survival Guide: page #9 is now public!
You can read it free online here!
Or if you are interested in supporting this project, you can check out my patreon here.

Also, sorry I delayed my big announcement, I'm just really swamped and am still putting things together.
I bet you thought I forgot today was Fallout comic day... well I have BIG NEWS FOR YOU! Not only did I upload cover art for the fallout project, I also launched the indiegogo so I can get funding for issue two!

"deathink, that's cool all but what's in it for me?" I HEAR YOU SAYING, How about a physical copy of of issue number one?!!

Hell yeah, although it's not public yet, I have finished issue number one and it's ready for print! I'll also have other great rewards like posters and postcards, original sketches and more!

"But deathink, I'm homeless, I can't give you any of my bread!" I HEAR YOU SAYING, well that's fine, you can still read it for free for as long as I make it. And you can still help support the project by hyping the shit out of this book to everyone on the internet.

Here is the link for anyone interested in checking out the rewards and funding the project, or just interested in sharing the link.

All jokes aside, really happy to be doing this. I really appreciate all the support you have already given me. Me and Notty Rotty are only getting better at this, it's been so much fun... cheers!