The Flying Spaghetti Monster; alternative Intelligent Design

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
In recent weeks, a satirical attack on the teaching of Creationism in American schools has become the world's fastest growing 'religion'. The Noodly Saviour looked at the furore He had created and pronounced it good, writes James Langton

Apparently a man who doesnt like the teaching of Intelligent Design in science as an alternative to religion is trying to push the idea that "if you can teach the idea that there was a supreme being why cant some religions teach what that being is" and in the process gave a real, but satirical proposal that in addittion to the idea of evolution and intelligent design they should teach his third idea...

I of course dont think the universe was created by a flying spaghetti monster, but he has a point. If they should teach intelligent design who's to say that there should be different forms of it?

Hopefully they'll realise that it creates such a huge can of worms that either they'll stop or make separate "religion" classes as an alternative. (That students could choose not to take.) Then it reallly will be up to people to decide for themselves.

The Vault Dweller
Yeah, old.
But like Bertrand Russell said: "By the way: I believe that the whole universe, including all our memories, theories and religions was created 20 minutes ago by the god Quitzlipochtli . Who can prove the opposite?" 8)
The website is fantastic. Holy shit, that's funny.



And all this time I thought those sightings were just the visage of Cthulhu rising.

Fuck! I guess the stars aren't right.
Heh, it's got pirates, now all it needs is ninjas! I'm sticking with the piano man, he has proven again and again his superiority to all the fake gods!
Adam sure had a small weener. There is *no way* Africans descended from him. But then again, he *was* the first human. Wait a second... that means Africans aren't humans! A-ha!

White power?
It does look a bit like Ctulhu.

Only Cthulhu doesn't have two massive testicles attached to his neck.