The Forests in Oblivion, The Wastes in Fallout

Endless Void said:
Well, Radiant AI's NPC scheduling system was a good idea... If they could make it right that is.

Too bad it blew compared to a certain game made 14-16 years previous. Or even Gothic's. Gothic had quite a bit of logic to how it worked, and compared to either, Oblivion was The Three Stooges On Crack.
Was Radiant AI really supposed to set the world on fire (rather than just housepets), or was it just a vapid selling point along with soil erosion, HAVOK, speedtree, facegen et al. A facade for Pete, Todd and the sycophantic gaming press to parrott over and over again and hype to the high heavens in a cacaphonous din, drowning out any and all objective reviews.
Radiant AI wasn't too hot.

One of my favorite things was resting until morning and strolling towards the one gate in the market district in the find all of the NPCs whom had scripts to let them wander about standing around and waiting for you to come closer so they could go about their daily routines of doing jackshit.

Or better yet,doing a certain Fighter Guilds quest that required you to clear a mine of soon as you said "lets go" they ran off at super speed to be killed by Goblins or traps and yet it is your fault because you couldn't warp speed along with them to keep their dumb asses from getting killed,unless you got very lucky.

Not to mention a certain abandoned fort near the Capitol,close to Wayrest,where a group of marauders fall into infighting,after a few playthroughs though you realize just how heavily scripted this is.

The AI was just as dumb as that in Morrowind..but now they could wander,or run,about and be dumb..or hold totally asinine conversations with each other if they wandered into another NPCs path!

"Did you hear about so and so".."No?".."I hear that she is the master of the lockpick".."Oh really..Good day."...same two getting caught in a conversation loop.."Hello".."You disgust me.".."nice day".."Yes it is".I said it at TES and will reiterate it here.A pair of mongoloids having a meeting of the minds would make more sense then the drivel that they pass off as spontaneous dialouge in the game.

I'd agree most overhyped,and useless,feature ever in a game.
Actually I couldn't play Oblivion (not that I was dying to do that). But from the gameplay videos and thinking back of AI in Call Of Cthulhu I can imagine how it goes.

Well, now those dialogues made me think of the dialogues in Postal 2. But at least their meaningless meant something... Another fukking reason to blow their guts on the floor :twisted:
Cimmerian Nights said:
Was Radiant AI really supposed to set the world on fire (rather than just housepets), or was it just a vapid selling point

But probably had more dollars spent on hype than reality, judging from what it provided. Ultima 7 and Gothic had a far better scheduling and reaction system than this miscoded crap.

along with soil erosion,

Which Pirahna Bytes didn't have to boast about, yet were about to construct their worls a bit more believably.

It is apropos that Bethesda would spend so much time studying soil erosion, since they enjoy having their heads stuck in the sand.

The dinner party video was amusing as hell on this count.


i.e. Bethesda realized that fans caught onto their lies about the landscaping in Morrowind, and decided to license yet more as a crutch. By now, Bethesda's hobbling around on five crutches.

facegen et al.

Pfft...I can tell you the real budget of their face gen technology.

$12 Shovel to smash into the person's face
$40 Shit scanner to take a picture
$52 dollars, leaving thousands for the advertising and hype.

A facade for Pete, Todd and the sycophantic gaming press to parrott over and over again and hype to the high heavens in a cacaphonous din, drowning out any and all objective reviews.

To repeat for their next game, TES or spin-off, whatever. That's why I'm not caring for Pete's tune this time around in regards to Fallout.