Actually, Kharn is historically quite correct. (Pretty much) all bankers in Christian Europe were Jews.
Templars where the start of the end of that. Breakdown of anti-Borgoise feudal system in Europe led by an illiterate class of warlords and barbarians in favor of intellegent, literate, wealthy, talented socities that advocated merit and intellegence over blood and force.
The Christian mysticism thing is tres 19th century, too.
Jahbulon is about as Christian as anything that has been touched by a Unitarian.
Freemasonry is essentially a pantheistic and mystical doctrine if you view it as a religion. It's a Christain Ba'hai faith or Christain Sufism, only with a lot of politics and weird science.
And I guess you are more an Illuminati person.
Only idiots that write books based on some hippy theory about Jesus being married still take them seriously.
I fucking hate those idiots, don't say that again.
Yes, I'm quite aware of that fact. I am also aware of the fact that some of the pogroms of jews started around that time because the Templars wanted to take over their racket...
Untrue in every possible way. Anti-Jewishness stems much more from attempts by the Feudal classes to assert control over the banking sector, and the Burgher class in general. Both the Church and the Templars respected other faiths, and generally allowed for others to practice their religion. Need I remind you that the Templars allowed for Muslims to worship in their own way in disputed holy sites, and when they came back where persecuted for being too tolerant?
Friday, October the 13th, 1307.. yeah...
We had to change, yes. At first we set up proxy Socities and joined the Hospitallers, the Teutons, Knights of St. John, and some of our Eastern Brothers the Sufis, many of whom where our enemies before Black Friday. However, we gained a lot and where largely the foundation of the Renaissance in Italy and parts of Germany, and are the heart of the modern Swiss financial banking system. Unlike the Elders of Zion we do not claim any official title to the world except through dummy organizations created to either outflank an opponent (the Freemasons in the case of the Templar rite), though we do try and help make the world a little less Democratic in our way.
Though, to be fair, the Maincheans have picked up the tempo in certain parts of the US government, and the continued progress that the Illuminati are making in the EU and the 12 Who Rule in Majesty are making in China are possibly heralding a new age of international conspiricies, we belive there will always be a place for us as long as we invest our gold rightly and protect the Temple.