The Glow forgetfullness...


The WestTech Research Facility is one of the most important locations in the Fallout universe, right? Well then, did you visit it on your first run? Did you go deeper, or just snatched the paladin's holodisk? IF you went deeper, did you explore the Secure Testing Labs? And most importantly, in later games, how often did you forget to pack a rope?
On my first run through it took me a while to figure out how to get in. I kept using the rope on all different parts of the crater except the right bit. That was somewhat annoying.

Other than that, I never forgot to pack a rope after that, and I've always explored every last bit of it.
Yeah, I made the mistake of not realising that a rope was needed to get into the Glow. So I had to travel all the way back (forgot to save due to some kind of brain-explosion) and then I couldn't figure WHERE to put that fucking rope. Good times :D

Do you think there are parts of the game, FO1 and 2, that diehard fans have missed? Like areas that can only be reached with certain traits etc?

I think that it has probably been all done and dusted.
Yeah, most likely the only things that the true die-hard fans nissed were maybe some of the special random encounters, like the Hitchikers Guide thing with the whale. I love that one, but I've only gotten it once. Does anyone know of a good use for the flowers, LOL?
Talisien said:
Yeah, most likely the only things that the true die-hard fans nissed were maybe some of the special random encounters, like the Hitchikers Guide thing with the whale. I love that one, but I've only gotten it once. Does anyone know of a good use for the flowers, LOL?

Completely different topic.
WestTech Research Facility.... it's the only place which I find most interesting due to its history background and added with dark, conspiracy details on it. When I learnt about the place I was hooked to find out more about its secret (a history junkie, I'm)

The first time I played, I found the disk that I was ordered to find. Then inside the facility I notice it has 2 more levels so I went down. Deep inside 3rf floor, I keep rolling the dialog between skynet to learn more about FEV, powerarmor and other research profile. When I got down do the 4th, I was out of Rad-X and suffering from rad-damage. Almost didn't make it out alive :lol:

Also, from that moment, I always keep some ropes, rad-x and rad-away inside my inventory (or store them on NPC like Miron in Fallout 2 :lol: )
Truly, a unique experience.
First time I visited it I didn't pack enough rad-protection, and being afeard for my life I ran in and out, just nabbing the disk.

Each time afterwards I explored it as fully as I could.
first play through i brought rad-x and rad-away, but only to find out you needed a rope. hence, i went back to the hub (didn't know the LA boneyard yet) and got me some rope!

once inside, i went on until i visited all the levels possible and collected all the info i could. i was somewhat disappointed you were unable to share all the info with the BoS though. not only could the info on the FEV be valuable, but a working original pre-war supercomputer is just priceless...

anyhow, on the first playthroughs i was a real history junky and a BoS-wannabe. now years later i find that my sympathy for the BoS has greatly diminished.
First time through I went there with the rope I picked up from Shady Sands (I never bothered with exploring Vault 15 :P), and managed to find a use for it fairly quickly, but I didn't have any Rad-X because I thought my rad level wouldn't increase much... When I got to the second level, picked up the Geiger counter and used it, my rad level was over 16000. :mrgreen: I died a few minutes later, of course.
Then I loaded a previous savegame, pumped myself with Rad-X and managed to gain access to all levels, picked up the goodies (as much as I could carry) and got out as soon as possible because I thought Rad-X lasts for only one hour. :roll:
Naturally, on my first attempt I didn't have a rope with me, but fortunately I had saved at the Hub before travelling to the Glow so I just loaded, bought a rope and went there again. When I got there I eventually found out that I only had one Rad-Away and Rad-X, and was soon dead. Frustrated, I loaded again and bought all the Rads I could find, and this time I got it right. I went all the way to the bottom, though I wasn't strong enough so I had to start dumping stuff in order to be able to pick up the laser pistols and combat armor from the lower levels...

On my later play-throughs, I go all the way to the lowest level simply to read all the Holodisks again. I just can't get enough of the info they provide.
I freakin' ran. I was 9ish, playing in the dark, and it scared the high hell out of me. And I forgot the rope.
Wow...I have to wonder...if some Fallout fans missed Zax on their first time through, how much hope is there for Bethesda to get that far? :D
I didn't Get to the bottom level of the west tech facility until my fourth or fifth play through, also a note, I didnt Find the brotherhood bunker Until my third playthough. and didnt become and initiat until my fourth playthrough. Good times though, good times... Also Hated Zax due to the fact you could never beat him at chess, and you either ended up sulking off, or dying of radiation poisening.
I also didn't bring a rope and had to go back for it, since I didn't know I'd need one. I did, however, bring plenty of Rad-X and RadAway. I explored the entire facility, and I did speak to Zax. Since I was playing as Max Stone I only had 4 IN and was too stupid to understand him at first, but I popped a Mentat and was able to converse. Then on my way back I met Patrick in a random encounter while I was coming down from the chem and had 2 IN, and I had a good laugh at my gibberish dialogue options.

It may be possible to beat Zax at chess if your IN is high enough, but I'm not sure. Per's guide would most likely have the answer.
I don't think you can beat him. I tried using Falche once to boost my Intelligence, Luck, and rad resistance to the max. After about thirty-five or fourty minutes real-time of playing against Zax, I gave up. Still winless, and carrying enough rads in my body despite rad resitance of 95% to kill a super mutant, I barely made it back out. It was very frustrating. I think the only thing that's ever been that frustrating for me was George W. Bush getting re-elected as President of the US.

Oh, and I forgot the rope my first time, too. And then couldn't figure out where to use it. Thank god for gamefaqs.
i'm pretty sure you can beat Zax. Per doesn't say anything about winning or loosing: just that you dont get exp from it due to a broken script:

"According to the script you should be able to gain 700 xp by playing chess (each game takes two hours) and getting a critical success on an IN check. Since stat checks don't generate criticals this would seem to be broken, even though many claim to have done it (I blame the mushrooms). Playing chess does not make Zax "like you more" or anything like that."
Ehm, yes it does. It says you beat him with a critical success on an IN check. Which is impossible. That's why you don't get to win.
re-read it, Sander.
while i'm pretty sure i've heard Per say it was impossible to win before, the words i've pasted do not say winning is impossible. it says winning the xp is impossible. while the distinction is probably futile, it's there if you want to nitpick about it. :)

either way, i seem to recall winning, but that could be 'drunken gamer'-enduced or more probably some fanmade patch.
SuAside said:
re-read it, Sander.
while i'm pretty sure i've heard Per say it was impossible to win before, the words i've pasted do not say winning is impossible. it says winning the xp is impossible. while the distinction is probably futile, it's there if you want to nitpick about it. :)
Comprehensive reading, SuAside. The game doesn't ever award criticals with any kind of experience, so it wouldn't this time. It's implying that you gain experience by winning, which is done by getting a critical success on an IN check.
"According to the script you should be able to gain700 xp by playing chess (each game takes two hours) and getting a critical success on an IN check."

so: gain xp IF playing AND crit success.

where exactly in that equation do you see winning? critical success means critical success. no normal success mentioned. a normal success would imply winning, as that is kinda the meaning of the word success. with the current wording, it could be conceivable that you could have a normal success as well, but that that scenario does not award any bonus XP.

you call it comprehensive reading, i call it interpretation (the most likely meaning which Per probably meant, as said), however it's not there in writing.