Silencer said:
Jammet's has kids, but no charred bodies, making it some kind of a German low-violence version.
No, by now I have a humongulous install of the US game version from someone else to continue from the point where I had stopped in the german version. With both kids and the charred corpses.
So, I could really explore the Glow and even find the Stealth Boy =).
... And I have my "normal" german version. The only german version there is, I'd think.
Well, even with a fan-made anti censorship patch I never saw kids in that german game version. Nor charred corpses, which is why I started this thread looking for this red piece of keycard
Again, the german version does not have kids
or charred corses. Both the corpses and the kids do appear though if you simply copy the critter.dat file from the english Fallout into the directory of the german Fallout. That means they are in the map files, but the graphics is missing.
Maybe I wasn't really clear about that before, my apologies. I thought I was doing exactly what you asked me to and reported back with the results. =)
I am SO not looking forward to playing my German Fallout 2 game version. Guess if I have a choice I'll never bother installing it.
Silencer said:
Jammet, could you do one more thing for me with your version, of course, when you have a moment: Install the German version and copy only the CRITTER.DAT file from the English version, I need to know if that's the only difference needed to make the bodies appear (delete the GLOW*.map file I gave you)
Ah, that's quickly done because when I got the english game version I wiped my German Fallout directory after copying the savegames to where the english version should find'em. When you asked critter.dat earlier I already reinstalled Fallout from scratch - that time renaming the english Fallout dir. It's a fresh vanilla install.
And so I can confirm that just placing critter.dat (US version) in there will have both kids and charred corpses appear. Just like that. Don't know what happens if I touch the violence knob in the preferences though, maybe it'll re-set everything to low violence and causes these to disappear again.
Sorry I wrote a book here...