Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I've never really understood the hate for the T-45. I understand NMA hating it for what it represents, sure, but you are correct, it is supposed to be a dead-end model and fairly obsolete. It looked fine to me, not great but that was kind of the point. A prototype for the big hulking excellence of the T-51.
Then Bethesda went and announced the T-60 and it all went to hell again. Why couldn't they just call it the goddamn T-49? It had the size of the T-51 and similar proportions, and was progressing slowly from the T-45 into something better. It would've made a thousand times more sense.
I wouldn't mind that, like keep T-51b top tier pre-war power armour, but make t-49 much more resistant against bullets and such on par with t-51b. However, it would be weaker to energy based attacks, that would work just fine.
However, they went with T-60, which breaks the lore on so many levels. A pre-war power armour that is better in every aspect to t-51b and took only a year to complete. Who the hell thought it was a good idea? It also is better in every aspect than t-51b, appeared out of nowhere (and entire brotherhood now wears it) and looks like a modified t-45. Talk about lazy.
I also agree with you on t-45. Sure, it represents Fallout 3, which was a bad Fallout game. However, I think is overall a good addition to the canon (one of the few). Now, I will be waiting for mods, that will get rid of those damn fusion cores that make absolutely no sense.