The Greatest Dutchman of all times!


Background Radiant
I couldn't find a decent news link, neither in English or Dutch, but basically:

The Dutchies have, in a wildly popular television program, elected the far-right politician (thought by many to be (have been) xenofobic; and even called racist or fascist by some) Pim Fortuyn to be the greatest Dutchmen of all times; over such figures as Willem van Oranje (Stadholder of the Netherlands who was one of the most important European figures in the Early Modern times, let alone in Holland), Vincent van Gogh, Erasmus, etc. etc.

I have no official numbers on the votes that were cast, but still: I hope you Dutchies out there realise how *incredibly* embarassing this is.

In conclusion: HAR HAR HAR. Dutchies suck.
Yes. He won by about 8000 votes.

However, there is one thing you are missing: according to a poll done by Maurice de Hond, the most respected poller in the Netherlands, Willem Van Oranje is considered to be the greatest Dutchie of all times. In other words, it's probable that a lot of Fortuyners voted multiple times, or that the votes aren't representative of the people in the Netherlands but the just the kind of people that vote.

EDIT: Vlaams Belang, nyeh, nyeh. Sucker.
they said on the news that if the votes that came in late had been counted as well, Willem van Oranje would've won.

anyhow, had a good laugh. lots of my dutchie friends are ashamed now. wonderful to poke em at each turn. :)
So now parts of Europe are heading backwards too? The world looking more and more scary to me each day...

The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
So now parts of Europe are heading backwards too?

The Dutchies have been backward for a while now, though.

'bout 500 years, I would guess.
I think it's just a temporal phenomenon

We had problems like this here in the early 90s - a lot of people in east Germany tending far to the right 'cos they were horrified about the future in times of changes...

I won't took it so far to say that the dutch society at the moment is changing as much as the Eastern German did in the month after reunion, but if people are horrified political ultras (on the left or right) often seem to them like protectors... :roll:
Jebus said:
'bout 500 years, I would guess.
So....that part where they where, comparitive to they're tiny size, the most powerful and by far the leading nation in Europe in terms of Economics, Education, Democracy, Human Rights and....loads of other stuff, that pales into comparison to the great age of Belgian Empire, slaughtereing innocent Congolese for cold, hard cash?
This is distasteful. Sander, don't you dare ever suggest that I move to the Netherlands again.

But then again, my countrymen would choose either Tito or Tudjman, who were both dictators with plenty of blood on their hands, so I guess even the Netherlands would be an improvement over my present surroundings.
Just some random questions.

How close are the Afrikaners to the Dutch? Was South Africa more screwed up because of British, French or Dutch influence? Or was the racism a unique thing resulting from the worst everyone had to offer?
The Dutchies have been backward for a while now, though.

'bout 500 years, I would guess.
You mean the part where Flanders was either completely outcompetitioned by the Netherlands (blocking Antwerp's port, ehehe), or the part where Belgium was actually part of the Netherlands?

Oh, and yes, if all the votes had been counted (the votes that came in minutes after the voting stations were closed), Willem Van Oranje would've won with some 40,000 votes.

The Afrikaners are from Dutch decent (ie. the offspring of Dutch colonists). I don't have a clue who screwed up South-Africa more, but I have a strong feeling that you can't pin the blame of it on any single group.

That said, the Dutch were a lot worse in Indonesia. We ruthlessly oppressed the people there, and completely fucked up those islands purely for coffee ( *sips*) and spices. Bah. It made us the largest and greatest nation for about a century, but it's quite bad.
Not as bad as the Belgian Congo, though. Especially because those Belgians never even came close to being a large power. ;)

Ratty: I stopped advising people to move here when my countrymen started lighting mosques and schools on fire. And now it appears we actually have a law against "harmful insults against Gods and religions". Luckily it looks like that one is going out of the lawbook next week. Yay.
I kinda liked Pim Fortuyn, to be honest.
It's not because some people called him a fascist, that he actually was one, you know.
He just didn't like the multicultural fiasco called "The Netherlands", and judging by what's been happening over there lately, you can't really blame him.
I'm getting pretty sick of all the stupid things that are being said about people with more extreme opinions.
It's so damn easy to call someone a fascist or a racist once they criticize certain aspects of islam or of multicultural societies.

If Pim Fortuyn was a fascist, then Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a fascist as well. And Theo van Gogh must have been one too, in that case.
Good riddance, eh?

It's pretty insulting to the jewish people, in my opinion, to compare the quite reasonable arguments of some (extreme) right thinkers of today with what happened during the second world war. The monstrosities committed in concentration camps simply cannot be compared to some people's opinions, some modern day political manifestos. And it's pretty insulting towards those (extreme) right thinkers as well. As if they agree with what happened in concentration camps during the second world war. I think not.

It would be highly appreciated - and certainly not only by me - if left winged parrots like Jebus would start looking for an original way to criticize the extreme right instead of repeating what all left winged parrots constantly say:

"You have a problem with the islam way of life? You don't lika pita? You have a problem with some passages from the Quran? Well, you're a friggin' fascist! A goddamn racist!"

Left winged, progressive parrots have a very weird way of interpreting tolerance. It goes like this: if you don't think like we do, you're either from a different culture (which is good, since we are tolerant intellectuals) or a fascist (burn, mofo, burn).

Pf. Talk about viewing the world in black and white.
Pim Fortuyn was gay, so I don't think he really *could* have been a modern Fascist. Some of the founders of the Nazi movement where batty boys (see: big men in leather trousers), but they tried pretty damn hard to get rid of them. Would'nt really make sense.

And even if he was'nt gay, he was Dutch, which is quite the same thing.
Isn't Pim Fortuyn a character from Star Wars? I swear I heard it somehere...