The Guns and Ammo Thread

Looks at my pretty Talo Edition Tiger Ruger 10/22


  • Ruger 10-22 Carbine - Tiger.jpg
    Ruger 10-22 Carbine - Tiger.jpg
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That is a pretty stock. Talo does some pretty cool limited addition stuff. I love my Talo Wiley Clapp Colt.

I am not much of a wheel gun guy, but I saw the caliber and couldn't help myself.

Paperwork also came back for my newest little friend.


A little plastic surgery...


And it looks a bit more like it's cousin.

Happy Birthday, America!


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I got some new stuff to post... need to get pix.

I jumped on a maxim 9 during their "Get a free can" sale (the maxim 9 is still in NFA jail).

I build some AR pistols and submitted stamps on them - so those should be coming in a few months.

I got the stamp back on my 9mm zenith and on my strike one - so good times.

I got some new stuff to post... need to get pix.

I jumped on a maxim 9 during their "Get a free can" sale (the maxim 9 is still in NFA jail).

I build some AR pistols and submitted stamps on them - so those should be coming in a few months.

I got the stamp back on my 9mm zenith and on my strike one - so good times.


It's been a long time man. How ya been?
Hey Willis!

Be curious to see what you think of that Maxim 9 in use. Local range has one as a rental, and I took it for a spin. Thought it was a lot like a really front-heavy Glock. I thought about picking one up, but it was at the intersection of 'just too expensive for an impulse buy' and 'not quite can't live without it', so I haven't done it yet.

I have picked up a few odds and ends over the course of a busy year. Finally picked up a Hi Power, this one having been worked over by Kurt Singletary, who is a Hi Power-oriented gunsmith of some renown in the states:

Runs fine on premium grade, but is super-sensitive to the OAL on the cheap stuff, like Winchester White Box. A very marginally long FMJ round will nose up the slide lock periodically, particularly towards the last few rounds in the magazine.

Little bit of CZ love:

CZ Tactical Sport Orange. It is a gun purpose-built for the USPSA Limited class. I plan to start using it as a replacement for my USP Expert or X5 when I want to shoot Limited Minor. Very low bore axis, light slide, and all the weight is in the frame, where it should be. Shoots very fast shot-to-shot, though a bit slower on the move because of the extra weight. Sort of like me these days.

Fancy Dan:


Buddy of mine made a speculative investment in Dan Wesson A2s on the belief that they were going to be added to the approved handgun roster in Maryland. They didn't qualify at the last minute, and he was stuck with 10 of the things he could not sell in his state. I wasn't really in the market for one, but I wanted to help him out, so I bought it and had it shipped directly to Evolution Armory for a full custom work-over. Grips are mammoth ivory, a little north of 10,000 years old.

Got three more 1911s over at Nighthawk getting the full work-over. I am slowly reaching the 'done' stage, though, at least with 1911s. Want a Guncrafter, maybe another Brown, and would pick up a Baer if I saw one at a good price. Also still contemplating a Korth. But otherwise, I am at a happy place in life where I can walk through most gun stores and walk out empty handed these days.
God. Every single time I see a 1911 I want one.

Hope you don't mind me sharing some movie pics of guns I wish I owned.


Mossberg 500 Bullpup


Browning M1919


Any gun that is bullpup really. I do not really care how reliable they are. I like obscure firearms. Sue me. :)



Probably due to Robocop and Terminator. I mean look at this thing!

Hey Johnny- I got the Maxim 9 because it was $930 out the door (including tax and $65 NFA transfer fee + it came with a free octane 9 worth ~$450... so it was a really good deal).

Toront- I had one of those Bushmaster M17 bullpups (second to last pic you posted) back in the 1990s. It was really bad. One of the only guns I actively got rid of.
The 1911 is a very sexy pistol. If I were to get me a pistol, that'd be the one. Maybe a Delta Elite for the 10 mm goodness.
Hey Johnny- I got the Maxim 9 because it was $930 out the door (including tax and $65 NFA transfer fee + it came with a free octane 9 worth ~$450... so it was a really good deal).

Toront- I had one of those Bushmaster M17 bullpups (second to last pic you posted) back in the 1990s. It was really bad. One of the only guns I actively got rid of.

Like I said some of those guns are more collector items really. No wonder they never caught on with so many foul ups. Funny enough I thought that one looked a Cheaply made or something. What were the issues specifically with it? Poor materials/overheating? Jamming?
I wouldn't presume to speak for Willis, but bullpups in general tend to have really crappy triggers, and the M17 was no exception. I own a Tavor, which has a lot going for it on paper. It's compact, takes AR mags, and has a long barrel. It's very comfortable to shoulder and easy to manuever in confined spaces. But it definitely has some limitations. I typically like my AR triggers in about the 4 lb range. My stock Tavor clocked in at about 10 lbs, which is even more than most of my revolvers. Combined with the strong pull-weight, it had a rather mushy break. Even with a 20" barrel, which should have worked in it's favor, it was harder to shoot and had larger groups than one of my 16" ARs at 300 yards, and most of that came down to the god-awful trigger pull. Small movements translate to large groups at distance, and the extra force required on the trigger tended to pull it off target if you weren't really focused and using a good technique. I replaced my Tavor's stock trigger pack with a Giessele Super Sabra pack, which reduced the pull weight down to a more realistic 5 lbs. Much better, but also pretty expensive at $300 USD. So I don't really like my Tavor very much in comparison to my ARs, but it is the most space-gun looking of all my rifles:


And for Hasskencht, my Delta Elite on dress-up day:


When I get fancy new grips in, I will often put them on my Delta just to see how they look on a shiny 1911 before going to their ultimate homes.

Also, $930 out the door sounds pretty sweet. Most of the shops near me have been priced in the $1200 range for the Maxim.
I wouldn't presume to speak for Willis, but bullpups in general tend to have really crappy triggers, and the M17 was no exception. I own a Tavor, which has a lot going for it on paper. It's compact, takes AR mags, and has a long barrel. It's very comfortable to shoulder and easy to manuever in confined spaces. But it definitely has some limitations. I typically like my AR triggers in about the 4 lb range. My stock Tavor clocked in at about 10 lbs, which is even more than most of my revolvers. Combined with the strong pull-weight, it had a rather mushy break. Even with a 20" barrel, which should have worked in it's favor, it was harder to shoot and had larger groups than one of my 16" ARs at 300 yards, and most of that came down to the god-awful trigger pull. Small movements translate to large groups at distance, and the extra force required on the trigger tended to pull it off target if you weren't really focused and using a good technique. I replaced my Tavor's stock trigger pack with a Giessele Super Sabra pack, which reduced the pull weight down to a more realistic 5 lbs. Much better, but also pretty expensive at $300 USD. So I don't really like my Tavor very much in comparison to my ARs, but it is the most space-gun looking of all my rifles:

Interesting. Good to know in case I am ever scavenging in a post apocalyptic wasteland. :)
I know it's just a game, but I always chuckle a bit when I blow the dust off of FO2 and pick up the 10mm SMG. They do make a 10mm MP5, but it is a rare bird, and 10mm is not a very common caliber. You'd probably be out of luck if you had to spend your time scouring the wastes for reloads. Then again, it's also a game with Gauss Rifles, Laser Pistols, and the ability to hold a mini-gun and suit of Power Armor in one's backpack, so I can see suspension of disbelief wasn't a high priority.

While rare, 10mm is still one of my favorite calibers.
Should this go into guns? Or into gaming? I'll just drop it in the the Guns and Ammo thread.

Guy actually shows you the real deal weapons from the videogame and fires them.

Like I said some of those guns are more collector items really. No wonder they never caught on with so many foul ups. Funny enough I thought that one looked a Cheaply made or something. What were the issues specifically with it? Poor materials/overheating? Jamming?

Johnny is totally right about he issues with bull pups- but the M17 was particularly bad. Worst trigger- ever. Makes a moisin nagant seem like a hairbtrigger. Ergonomics were terrible. I weighed twice as much as it should have. , iron sights were fixed plastic and were worse than sights on a hi-point pistol and had about the same sight radius (front and rear were in the carry handle)

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I probably don't belong in this thread because I have never fired a gun in my life, but I'm curious about something, so maybe you guys can help me out with identification.

I saw this gun in a pawn shop recently, and this thing was huge. You would have to literally lie on the ground to shoot this thing. I think it was some kind of shotgun? I thought it was super rad.
Lots of guns are big and more suitable to firing prone than standing up. Anti-materiel rifles for example, but I don't think that even in the US you'd be able to get something like an M82 at a pawn shop.
Sounds like a punt gun, maybe.

Used for hunting ALL the ducks.
And sometimes tremors.
Lots of guns are big and more suitable to firing prone than standing up. Anti-materiel rifles for example, but I don't think that even in the US you'd be able to get something like an M82 at a pawn shop.
Sounds like a punt gun, maybe.

Used for hunting ALL the ducks.
And sometimes tremors.
I second it being a punt gun
I do believe this was it, but I learned something new and now know what a punt gun is. Imagine carrying that around in the swamp to hunt ducks.

I have yet to own a firearm myself. I've carried and fired from shotgunts to SMG's, MG's, rifles and pistols, but always issued.

I've been thinking on a Glock 19 for concealed carry. Not too big, good capacity, no question about reliability. And 9mm calibre has seen improvements in performance of late. Maybe boring, but that's probably the least of concerns.