The Guns and Ammo Thread

Would being dressed up all sexy on the battlefield increase chance of survival or would it just be seen as haram and have no effect?
Well it doesn't seem to hurt the israeli army.


Also :

Israeli women soldiers reprimanded for posing in underwear (
Same. Pretty sure someone in here said they make the M1 again. cheapest way to get one is probably buy a recently made one.
Same. Pretty sure someone in here said they make the M1 again. cheapest way to get one is probably buy a recently made one.

Same local podunk store I got the Model 12 at said to me they infrequently get M1s coming through. As is they sell lots of older rarer stuff so I believe them. They asked for my contact details so they'd give me a ring or a text when they got one in.
Thank God. Now put some clothes on and post some guns please. All the gun nuts were driven off by wimps.
I remember that horrible holster ad they would play on youtube all the time that had that retarded line "a holster as quiet as the footsteps of a navy seal".