The Internet Is Shit

As I mentioned in another thread about the internet, the internet is useful, but isn't the only thing in human existence. People who do think so are fundamentally wrong, and probably don't go out much.
It isn't as though the point is new or anything though. Yes, the author says that too, but his view really ain't different. And there are *quality* content on the internet. For example, by logging in at my university's library from home, I get access to close to a hundred databases with *real* full text scientific articles and essays, books of various kinds and stuff like that. Yes, it is restricted, but it's still part of the internet and I'd much rather use my own home computer with an easy interface than some cumbersome search terminal at the library a la the 80's. And there actually is quality, free content of various kinds if you know where to look. Indeed, the shit outnumbers it 1000 to 1, maybe even 10000 to 1, but it is no biggie if you learn how to quickly wade through it.
What can I say? He is mostly right. There are many things about the net that are seriously fucked up. But some aren't, like this site and this forum. Sure we get our fair share of spaming and trolling, but the cause of these discomforts are a handful of jerks wich are heavily outnumbered by the more decent folks, people you can talk to, and who have something to say.
Sure it's not perfect but we are working on it, one bit at a time.
he does have a point....
I think a lot of that is fairly obvious realy, unless the internet is a new experience for somone I would guess by now they would agree with a lot of that.

Kind of ironic to use the internet as a way of saying how useless it is. (Bound to be said by somone so i might aswell be the first :))

I don't mind the internet so much. I tend to use it for the same 5 or 6 sites and dont realy bother with all the other "wonderfull" things it is used for. I just wish there were far fewer stupid adverts disguised quite patheticly as toolbars or alert boxes.
I say we dismantle the internet and go back to BBS's. I have some rad ASCII art generators, a 1200 baud modem and unlimited local calling - who's with me?
Tehee. BBSs were fun and kinda exciting. The pr0n with the huge pixels, the mindblowing ASCII turn based war games, the leet haxxorz with their leet handles who kept bragging about their phreaking skills and such. But nah, the C64 days were sweet but I wouldn't go back for my life.
Montez said:
I say we dismantle the internet and go back to BBS's. I have some rad ASCII art generators, a 1200 baud modem and unlimited local calling - who's with me?

It'd be fun to get the old Atari 520ST up and running, it has a 14400 baud modem. Tornado III, baby, it was fucking expensive too back then. Kicks the shit out of your 1200 baud, tho'
Montez said:
I say we dismantle the internet and go back to BBS's. I have some rad ASCII art generators, a 1200 baud modem and unlimited local calling - who's with me?

1200 bauds, you were on fast dial up ? i seems to remember having a 400 bauds on my C-64.

i'm with you, let'S go back to text based three colors no advertising BBS's.

Porn... i'll just have to remember how to make ASCII porn

(o Y o )
) . (
( v )
/ /\ \
/ / \ \

needs practice
Well its not a novelty, but shouldn't be dismissed either. The internet opened up many doors for me, mainly in terms of socializing and information. But thats pretty much where it ended for me. The thing is, many people still look at it as if it was still the same marvel it used to be. After my initial contact with it, and the subsequent euphoric rush which got me for quite some years, i pretty much keep it to a minimum nowadays. I just funneled into very specialized locations, such as underground sites, and just treat it as a paralell society, a simulacrum, which enables me to gather knowledge and discuss views which i probably could not do in any other way; but thats as far as its usefulness goes. Oh sure, i also use things lik email or newsgroups ocasionally, but they aren't very important. Still, many people i talk to still seem inebriated with the www concept, and i often think to myself of what will become of these people who can't be bothered to let go of it?

Although honestly, this isn't a problem with the internet itself, in my opinion, but rather, with people. People tend to exacerbate the importance of things, and tend also to rely heavilly on them. Unlike the author of that article, i wouldn't call the internet shit. I'd call shit, however, us, for not really having properly used the medium.
Montez said:
I say we dismantle the internet and go back to BBS's. I have some rad ASCII art generators, a 1200 baud modem and unlimited local calling - who's with me?

If you've got LORD, I'm in! LORD, LORD II, Usurper, Planets: TEOS, Trade Wars... Ahhh. Damn, i miss those days.

[Edit]Oops! Quoted the wrong post :D [/edit]
Ugly John said:
Porn... i'll just have to remember how to make ASCII porn

                               (o Y o )
                                ) .  (
                               (  v   )
                               /  /\  \
                              /  /  \  \
needs practice
Better than nothing.

Can you do animated text?
Sure, Internet is shit, if you like it more than a real life. After some time it kills you. Though, there are people who know how to use it (worldwide news, transactions, etc.).

If there was no Internet, the author would say "I wish there was such a thing which allowed me to buy tickets to the cinema while in home, life is shit".

You must do some things that you can't do with Internet. There are also a lot of things that you can do only with Internet.

It's shit only when you abuse it.
Ye-up, I remember back in the day when I first got the internet. I thought it was cool shit to surf around on my 28.8kbps modem. Sure, the constant disconnects and lag sucked, but it was cool nonetheless.

After about a year of mindless surfing and countless hours in chatrooms, though, I realized how much time I wasted. Since then, I've changed my habits. Right now, TO and my forums are the only ones I visit.

Erm, wait. This isn't my home. Crap! *dives back to TO*

Registrant Name:alain a-dale
Registrant Organization:iis
Registrant Street1:Sherwood
Registrant Street2:Forest
Registrant City:Nottingham

This is the registrered owner of the page, i was expecting Robin Hood.
There are a lot of shitty books, bar stories, newspapers, and magazines too. Unfortunately, I don't think this guy goes out of his way to find them, like he does on the internet. Time to stop drinking the Haterade...