The invasion of Texas pt. 4

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RE: Marcus

OCC: this plan is totaly optional u dont have to follow it if u dont like it....)

Marcus: the plan is that i have talked my way into the patrol that will be escorting u to the "Room" i dont now what that is for a plase but i thought that we could fight them down as they coms to get u....
Will: hey me and reptile isnt in the condition to fight at all......
Marcus i know thats why take this with me hands over a coupple of stimpacks and superstimpacks.... hope that will help i'll be here in an hour...
Max:good luck men......
RE: Marcus

ooc-I like this too. See what you think.

Marcus looks at Will and Reptile.

"Ouch. You guys look terrible. Try these stimpacks."


As he gets the stimpack from Marcus, an CND troop walks into the cell room. Will's knife quickly flashes to his hand, and in an instant is thrown, sailing across the room and hitting the man in the throat. The man grabs his neck as blood begins to spray all over the room, curls up on the floor, and dies.

Marcus-"Damn Max! Where'd you meet this guy?"

Max-"Some bar."

Will just grins.

Marcus walks over to the body, looks at the belt, and sees a keychain on the belt.

Marcus-"Looks like you nailed the jailkeeper buddy. Let me get you guys out."

Reptile-"Damn lucky throw Will."

Will-"It's all skill"

Will winces

"Damn. I want some painkillers!"

Marcus unlocks the door.

Marcus-"There's a medical storeroom here somewhere. And they've put your gear and stuff nearby."

Reptile-"We need both."

Marcus-"Well, come up with a plan then."
The Vault...

Ceasar- Ok, here we are.. *the group approaches the vault* But before we enter, I need something settled....

Ceasar starts pulling some leaver on his Bozar.

Ceasar- Hngnnn.... This damn thing is still jammed.

Ceasar opens a piece of the bozar, and pulls out a .223 bullet.

Ceasar- Ahhh... This fucker almost costed my life. Man, what a mess in here. i must clean this, or it'll be stuck in no time.

Others- Jesus, hurry up will ya ? Man, does this have to be done right now ? etc.

In a minute or ten, Ceasar is finished and has put his weapon back together.

Ceasar- Ready when you are.
Bob- Finally ! Let's hit it !

*The group (Ceasar, Bob, Cassidy and some others) enter the vault*
Cassidy- Looks like someone did most of the work for us.

The Vault looks like a small army stormed in. Dead bodies everywhere (all of them are mutant or CND soldiers), empty shells, bulletholes and more. The place looks like a battlefield. Most likely, it has been one not so long before.

Ceasar- Whadda mess. Hope they didn't shoot up all the computers *tries some buttons on one, but the only thing it does is sizzling a bit*

They walk through some corridors, and when they turn one corner, they spot some surviving CND soldiers. Unlickily, they spot them too, and they open fire. The group dives back around the corner.

Ceasar- Oopsy ! Those basterds are still alive !

The group all get their guns ready, and on Bob's mark, they jump around the corner again. A barrage of bullets cuts through the enemy patrol like a hot knife through butter.

Ceasar- YEAH ! That felt good ! Good old bozar....
Bob- Let's get to our problems at hand, will we ?
Cassidy, who walked a bit ahead- Look here, one of those computer-thingies is still functioning.
Bob- Let me see it !

Bob manages to get the locations of a small nearby base out of it, but no more than that.

Bob- Well, it's better than nothing. Let's check that out.

The whole group heads to the exit of the Vault. A short while later, everyone found a ride of some sort. Ceasar on his trusted motorcycle, Bob, Cassidy and Grevenin an old creaky Corvega.

Ceasar- Does someone have a canteen of water ?
Greven- Here, are you thirsty ?
Ceasar- No, my bike is.
Greven- Real funny.
Ceasar- No, seriously, this thing runs on water. *Ceasar empties the canteen in the tank* That should get me another couple of miles further, let's go !

Ceasar kick-starts the bike and heads off. The rest follows in the car. An hour of driving later, they see a small campment in the distance, and Ceasar slows down and stops.

Bob- What is it ? Is your bike thirsty again ?
Ceasar- No, but that over there is our target. They probably haven't seen us now, but they will if we continue like this. I suggest we leave our bikes here, and circle around the back. We come back to collect the car and my bike if we know more.
Greven- Okay, but shouldn't we put up something to find the car back ?
Ceasar- And give a nice warning we're coming ? I can find back something in the middle of a destert half the size of Texas if I wanted to. Let's go.

Fifteen minutes later the group reaches the base. Ceasar takes out some small scissors, wich he uses to cut the old rusty fence that surrounds the base.

Ceasar- All clear, go.

Ceasar goes ahead, and sneaks up on a guard. He puts his hand over the mans mouth and simultaniously slits his throut with a parang blade. A guard sees all that happen and yells loud : HEY ! INTRUDER !

Ceasar- SHIT !

And he starts shooting.

Max- What's that ruckus outside ?
Will- Hears like the cavalary arrived.
Reptile- This is our chance !
RE: The Vault...

Reptile: Lets go men..... runns towards the guard *takes a 10mm Pistol and "Wills" Knife and passes it backs to Will* get moving!
Marcus: ummh. Yeah.

The group runns throug the corridors as they comes closer to the medicalstorage they hear some talking behind a corner.....

Max: ok get ready *everybode gets ready* Max screams: Heeelp Alaaarm its a fire in here!!!!!!

The guards start running and as they comes around the corner they are totaly cruched.... Wills Knife flies through the air sthright into the eye of one man he falls down whitout a sound.... Max jumps towards a guard and smashes him towards the wall and as the start wrestling on the ground max grabbs the guards Knife and sicks it into the guards chest.....Marcus hits a guard in the torso with a hard fist... and then he cruches the unlycky guards head against a wall...... the last guard points his Grease Gun at Will and says.... AAArgh as reptiles 10mm bullets cruches his face.....
Reptile: GEt inside fires a coupple of shots at the lock on the door and Marcus opens it quite voilently........
Will: good uses some stimpacks and arms himself with a Laserpistol and a Combatshotgun and his trusty old knife....
Marcus: takes a Minigun and plenty of 5mm ammo...
Max: grabbs 2 grease guns 2 UZIs and 2 SHawed of shotguns.....
Reptile: yeah grabbes two .223s and a FN Fal....
Will: get moving.......
RE: Bissy.........

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-00 AT 11:13AM (GMT)[p]OOC : This should get the message a bit more room.

Ceasar : Fuck, this is going completely wrong ! *blasts three guards with his bozar, and reloads*

Greven, Bob and Cassidy arrive at the site and start shooting. Bob blasts three guards with his .223 pistol, Cassidy takes out two with one blast with his sawed off shotgun. Bob is fireing at a group of guards with a FN Fal.

Ceasar : This is going wrong. I hope thios base is really small.

The first platoon is dead, and the group advances.

Ceasar : We should let some of them live, maybe we can sqeeze some info out of them.

They enter the building, and when they turn a corner Ceasar gets shot in his leg.

Ceasar : SHIT ! We sould find the medical supply room, I'm out of stimpacks.

The group runs (as good as it goes) through a few corridors, killing everyone in their path. When they enter another corridor, they see a huge mutant and a couple of familiar faces.

Greven : HOLD YOUR FIRE !! Those guys look like I know them !

Reptile : Hey, it's Greven !! How did you end up here ?
RE: Bissy.........

Ceasar: hey is there any medical room in there....
Will: just go down the corridor and turn Left.....
Cesar i'll be going.....
Reptile: i'll hope u are having some reinforcments just around the corner they hav some snipers and they seem to bee quite good....
Max FUCK U!!! *turns around and blasts a enemy away with his Grease gun...* We must do something....
Greven. why dont we...........
RE: Shot heard round the world....

OOC: Im going to be another character soon, a bad guy, ill make up a story as i go along, i want to concentrate on the bad guy, but im not going to kill off my other character

*Ceaser runs to the medical supply room, the other are huddled in a room*
Max- ok, Marcus, cassidy, Will, and Reptile, you guys make sure no one get in or out of this base!!
Will- ok, what are the rest going to do?
Max- Me and Greven will look around, maybe we can contact HQ, Bob, you will go to new arroyo, find smaug!!
Bob- why me??
Max- because I trust you!! now get going, oh and take some troops with you for help!
Bob- ok, ok
*Bob takes three men and gos out*
Max- ok, we will meet right here, make sure you tell ceaser, hell help you guys, Greven, lets go
Greven- right...
*Max and greven go down a hall way, five heavly amred guards are infront of a door, they spot max and greven, greven opens fire, making swish cheese out of the first guard, Max fires his two grease guns violently dropping three guards, the last one, looks around, and gives up*
Guard- please dont shoot, ill do anything
Max- you gave up a little to easy...whats in this room
Guard- the control center....the codes 31254, thats all i know
*the guards sneaks out a gun and shoots and max, greven blows his head off*
Greven- that was too close, lets open this door...
*smaug is at the outscerts of new arroyo, he is fallowing tire trials, he comes up to the trucks,*
Smaug- im out numbered, what the hell am i going to do, guts no glory, this should buy me some time
*smuag starts shooting at the trucks, the men duck, smaug finds out there not soldiers, but one man fires a gun blindly*
Smaug- this should be easy.....
RE: Shot heard round the world....

ooc-hey, let's try to end this thing in less than 6 pts, O. K. I'm going to start a new story soon.

Will fiddles with the controls for his laser pistol.After some work, he manages to increase the power feed to a shot. He tests it out on a charging CND soldier. The ray of light cuts through him.


Ceasar-"How'd you do that."

Will-"A little trick with the power feed."

He gets up and starts advancing down the hallway. He passes a door that says "STORAGE 3" He opens the door looks in. A bunch of guards are moving 7 boxes with the Radioactive material sign on it.

Will screams down the hallway-"I found most of the nukes!!! They're right here!!"
RE: Shot heard round the world....

Smaug- Damn! Their not highly trained but there's too many of them...

Smaug loads his M60 and pumps round after round towards the trucks. The tyres are soon shredded, but the trucks are still a great danger. Dodging incoming shots, he looses a few more bursts and looks for some cover... but finds none.
Smaug keeps his fire up, but soon, the grenades begin to fly.

Smaug- OH SHIT!!

RE: Shot heard round the world....

As Will signals that the nukes are in the base, the gurads who were moving the boxes look up and start shooting.
Ceasar aims his bozar and mows down three of the guards. Will, who has vreated some kind of extremly long licht sabre, cuts through another two. The remaining two guards fire their assault rifles as they fall back, and Ceasar an Will go after them, carefully avoiding the bullets from the guards.
When they follow the guards in a room behind the storage room, they are awaited by another five guards in combat armour. They duck around a corner to avoid the barrage of bullets.

Ceasar : Let me handle this.

Ceasar takes three handgrenades from his pocket and pulls the safety pins. "Look's like we're celebrating new year a bit early this year" says Ceasar as he throws the grenades around the corner. A second later three loud bangs are heard.

Ceasar : Ok, let's check out those nukes.

Will and Ceasar examine the crates, and they contain 7 thermo-nuclear warheads.

Will : We should guard these until the NTA arrives here.
Ceasar : Fine.

The two guard the warheads until the rest of the group arrives.

Reptile : We smoked out this rathole, I see you found the warheads ?
Will : We sure did. What's the ETA on that squad of the NTA ?
Reptile : I found the com room, and radio-ed for reinforcements. They should be here in an hour.
RE: Shot heard round the world....

*Greven and Max open the door to the control room, three guards are in the room and are easly dispached, there is two other men in the room*
Man1- help, were under attack, we are under attack!!!
Max- Greven, shut him up
Greven- no problem
*Greven hits the man over the head nocking him out*
Man2- dont hurt me,
Max- whats going on here
Man2- i dont know, i dont know
*max notices an emblem on the sleave, its enclave*
Max- hmmm
*max nockes him out*
Max- set some charges in this room, we got to get outta here
Greven- Why? whats going on?
Max- i found out whos behind this
Greven- the enclave, i dont know were the could be located, and i dont want to know, lets just get as far away from here as possable, lets go....
RE: Shot heard round the world....

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-00 AT 03:56PM (GMT)[p]*Back in the storage room*

Will and Ceasar finish disarming the last nuke. Will then scrathes his head.

"I thought there were eight."

Ceasar-"There were."

Will-"Shit. Oh well, at least we got most of them. Maybe the last one is somewhere else in this base."

He leans against the wall. A section of the all sinks in like a switch. A section of the wall a few feet away opens, revealing a door.

Ceasar-"What the hell??"

Will looks in the doorway. It leads to a long dark hallway lit by blood red lights.

Will-"Let's check this out. I have a feeling we're gonna find something very interesting at the end of this hallway."
RE: Shot heard round the world....

Reptile: *he comes running towards will and Ceasar and he's having a G11 in his hand and Gausspistol in the other..... Hey wait for me... wathever is inside there u'll need some help...
The three mens are walking towards the plase"X"

Everybody else are fighting all around the plase.....
RE: Shot heard round the world....

The group (Will, Reptile and Ceasar) enter the "red licht district".

Ceasar - This place gives me the creeps.
Will - I don't like it either, but I think something very important is in here.
Reptile - Whatever it is, if it's CND, I'll blast it.
Ceasar - Well, this "small base" isn't so small after all. There's a giant complex underneath it.
Reptile - Look at this.

Reptile spotted an old rusty plate saying :

Vault 12, the vault of the future.

Will - I thought vault 13 was the vault of the future.
Reptile - Well, those guys seemed to disagree with that.

They enter another cave. The large round door they see in the back of it looks like a standard vault door, but where at normal vault a large number is printed on the roll-door, this one has a large round emblem of the CND on it.

Will - Looks like we hit the jackpot.
Reptile - It also looks like the CND wasn't just a small branch of the Enclave, too. They must have started on their own.
Ceasar - Whatever it is in there, it's trying to nuke Texas, lets smoke out this rat hole.
RE: Shot heard round the world....

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-00 AT 00:22AM (GMT)[p]Will looks around in amazement.

"Damn. This explains so much. No wonder the CND is so powerful."

Ceasar-"Wish I could get my hands on a schematic of this place. A couple of well placed C4 platiques could cave this place in."

Reptile-"Well then, to the computer room! I bet they have an old blueprint there you could use."

Will-"Hey, I bet the leader of the CND is in the overseer's room! I can't wait to put a bullet through that motherfucker's head."

Ceasar-"The Overseer's room is not that for away from the computer room. We can kill the leader, then blow up the vault,"

Reptile pats his rifle. "I got first shot at the bastard."
RE: Shot heard round the world....THATS WHY U DONT ALWAYS SH

The group are closing in to their objectives....
But as the gets near a Corner they hear a 2 voices.....
Ceasar: *Whispers* i'll check out.... *he takes a small mirror and puts it on the edge of his knife and stcks it around the corner to get a good weiv of the target.....* God dman there are two solidiers in Metallcombat armors (know those from the first battle the gauss guy) and they are armed with miniguns......
Will: Shit... hmm.... a i know lets get them here into that room there points at a room... and leav them ther without a sound...
Reptile: ok lets give it a try...
Will: U get out of sight i get them there....* he takes two radios turns on one of them and throw it into the same room and then he hides and Speaks through the Radio "Sprak HEl..P SHrhhh WER... Shhh Prks Hevy Kashultys Shruk ssshhhh rack sprack .... sss.....*
Guard One: WTF is that lets go and check it out....
Guard Two: (loud voice) YES!
*they walks to the room and as they get inside everything happens Flashing fast.... Will hits the "Close Button" and the door is locked behind the guards (its a thick door u wont hear them from there)
Ceasar: good lets get inside.... then!!
Reptile Yeah!!! does the last gun check and gets ready to kick upp the door....
Will: NOW!!!
RE: Shot heard round the world....THATS WHY U DONT ALWAYS SH

OOC: Hi, im max but i just changed my name, ill end this one with max and the next story ill introduce my new character

*max and greven set the explosives*
Max- i got the detenator, let go find the others
Greven- ok, i think they went this way, i heard something down here
*they fallow down the hall into the red tunnel*
Greven- I dont like thing one bit
Max- well, lets go check it out
*they fallow, they see the vault, they walk through and see two bodies*
Max- looks like someone forgot to invite us to there party
*suddenly a gun barrel is pointed at grevens head*
Will- oh, greven, you guys scard me,
Max- what is this place!!
Will- i think its there hq, the leader must be down here somewere
Greven- but, we set charges to blow this place sky high, all we need to do is press that button
*Greven points to max's hand*
Reptile- well i suggest you be careful, lets look for the leader,
Max- hahah, i agree, and ill be the first to blow his head off...
RE: Shot heard round the world....

Reptile: Go on and try it it wont help hes mine......
Will: ok lets go.....
Ceasar: He must be here somwere....

OCC: if someone could describe the leader and the meeting i am out of ideas......
RE: Shot heard round the world....

*Max and the others sneak through the vault, they come to a anormiuse room*
Max- Holy shit
Greven- maybe we should get outta here
Reptile- yea....
*they stare into the room, scared atta there wittes, a 10 foot giant, a large minigun attached to his arm*
Max- he cant be human, theres no human that big...
*a group of cnd troopers walk into the room*
Trooper- sir!! there are intruders here, they took the base and there somewere in the vault
Leader- *in a low dark droning voice* get all the troopers here, there looking for me...youll find them here, spread out....if they get in...Ill take care of them....
*Max leans agianst the wall*
Max- this isnt good, were screwed, what do we do!!!

OOC: that should pose for a challenge :)
RE: Shot heard round the world....

The large, freakish cyborg once known simply as Lou, or the lieutenant, fires his minigun at the pathetic creature's cover. One of them appears to be a citizen of Arroyo. All the better, Lou thinks, for the master's revenge to begin here.

*Behind cover*

Will grits his teeth as the droning fire of the minigun continues. He takes put a EMP gernade.

Max-"That thing won't work!"

Will-"Why not?! That damn thing looked pretty mechanical to me?"

He tosses it over his head towards to strange cyborg.

Will-"Please, do something, do anything!"