The Male Sole Survivor from Fallout 4 is Canonically a War Criminal

I would have respected him if he had doubled down. But that would mean actually understanding the world and feel of fallout.
Morally ambiguous characters that do actions that might be considered bad by people is far too much for Bethesda, every player character they make has to be a goody two shoes that follows the moral code of the real world.
Maybe I should replay Fo4 after all. Love that attention to detail in the lore.
Honestly would have been one of the cleverest bits of writing, if you can call it that, Emil has come up with. It's a shame he is a coward and backpedaled because people couldn't handle the idea that the protagonist probably did some fucked up stuff in this funny little thing called WAR!

It would actually make more sense as to why you could play Nate as a bit of a psychopath OR a good guy. Is he a father who has done bad things in the war, desperately trying to make up for his past misdeeds in a world gone mad? Or is he a mad dog, barely held back by the laws of the world, and now that those are gone he has a chance to cut loose?

Oh no Twitter is mad that I had a bit of moral grayness in my story oh fuck oh shit no Nate was a heccing good boy who didn't do nothing everybody he was nice the whole time and tried to broker peace with the Canadian civilians okay!?
Now if only Emil was in the intro....bound on his knees and shot in the head execution style.

Can we not go into these creepy kill fantasies because he committed the crime of not being a great writer please?

Like I get it, at the same time, it's creepy to go this into attacking someone.
I can't believe I'm getting lectured for edgy humor on here of all places.

NMA has benefited from reigning in some of the worst elements of its past. There's no actual [censored] anymore.

Yeah, you know who I mean. The actual fucking [censored].

Wait, they censor the word word [censor]?


Morally ambiguous characters that do actions that might be considered bad by people is far too much for Bethesda, every player character they make has to be a goody two shoes that follows the moral code of the real world.
i mean you say that but the elder scrolls is one of the most morally ambiguous series i can think of with maybe the exception of oblivion
i mean you say that but the elder scrolls is one of the most morally ambiguous series i can think of with maybe the exception of oblivion
Skyrim wasn't all that ambiguous either, I think. They always allow you to play an evil character, but post Morrowind their main quests at least have been fairly streamlined to be very lawful good.
But Morrowind let you do some funky shit to get through the main quest, actually forces you to do some questionable shit. Come to think of it, the whole main quest is "fake it till you make it". Good stuff, but all the fellas who made Morrowind good left afterwards.
kyrim wasn't all that ambiguous either, I think. They always allow you to play an evil character, but post Morrowind their main quests at least have been fairly streamlined to be very lawful good
theres plenty of morally incomprhensible shit in skyrim from my memory especially in the thalmor, civil war, stormcloak bullshit
theres plenty of morally incomprhensible shit in skyrim from my memory especially in the thalmor, civil war, stormcloak bullshit
But there is also some rather bad stuff in Oblivion then. Side quests can always be bad. Thought it was about the main quests since that's more fixed and isn't optional.
April Fool's was two weeks ago. In all seriousness, though, it's baffling how Emil — lead writer at Bethesda, doesn't seem to realize just how bad it makes him look when he pulls dumb stunts like this to get a rise out of people who hate the continued bastardization of Fallout and its lore.
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What was his end goal? To look cool? Because it's hilarious that the actual fans of his games got pissed. Maybe he should refrain for attempting to add lore when he's on twitter, shit didn't worked very well for J.K Rowling.
I've always been bothered by this type of “lore” where every minor world-building detail gets exaggerated, making it seem more significant than it really is. What's next? The Corvega car seen on TV during the intro being the same one at the Junktown entrance? Or Mr. Handy from the commercial turning out to be the exact same robot found at the Military Base? It's not good and shrinks the vastness of the Fallout universe.
Emil and Todd aren't totally mad and truly respect the history of the franchise, to suggest otherwise is just hogwash. . .