The MIRV - spoiler

Sander said:
Frank Horrigan is widely lambasted as a terrible idea.

Also, strike for Tyler for trolling.

Also also, the fact that they were custom-made with FEV shows that Bethesda doesn't get it. Super Mutants were an accidental side-effect, not the goal of the FEV project.

Lastly, the Fatman is a stupid idea due to the treatment of nuclear power in the Fallout universe, the fact that you can stand 10 meters away without anything happening to you, and the principle of a 'boss weapon'.

Like when you where shooting rockets into an enclave soldier, he blows up but his buddy near him doesn't have a scratch in Fallout 2 ?!

How about the alien blaster run in Fallout 1 or power armor run in Fallout 2 ?!

At least in F3 you need the power armor perk and also you get an agility penalty.

Please don't tell me about the great balance of F1 and F2 because they had none and if you want freedom don't complain about powerful weapons/armor/items.

Fanboy B*, fanboy B* never changes.
Firgof said:
Syndicate Wars was an isometric released before the original Fallout.
And it was 3D :D . Here's a trailer

Firgof said:
So why didn't Fallout, the original, contain geometric displacement? Fallout was next-gen in its time. =p
Fallout didn't have mini-nukes. Also, some aspects of Fallout's combat system were sub-par when compared to games like X-Com, JA2, or even Wages of War. Don't you remember that Fallout wasn't perfect :P ?
ShatteredJon said:
Ahh, the wonders of Geo-mod. Red faction had me engrossed for days when I was a kid because of that engine component. I believe all war games should include it.

Amen to that.
Firgof said:
Syndicate Wars was an isometric released before the original Fallout.

So why didn't Fallout, the original, contain geometric displacement? Fallout was next-gen in its time. =p

In all seriousness: Destructible environments are not Bethesda's bag, first, and second, take a lot of time to work for due to potential memory drag.

A 2d fully destructible sandbox with pixel-perfect deconstruction brings my system to a screeching halt after more than thirty minutes of play due to having to keep track of all the destroyed terrain; so there's the issue of RAM/caching.

Even Voxels are used sparingly these days, despite being amazing in my experience with them.

Destructible environments is tough to do, yo.

Especially if you start doing building destruction with the way Bethesda does areas. The moment you break anything outside, the inside area also has to have that applied, and as the exterior and interior world are separate, you will find the hole you made in the wall, on the outside, shows nothing behind it and the hole you made in the wall, on the inside, shows nothing of the outside. At best, you get to see the inside of the building with nobody in it which magically spawns people the moment you step inside.

If they were to truly do that sort of destruction they FIRST would have to remove all areas from the game and just make Fallout 3 one, gigantic, area (similar to Crysis, but without ever having a level transition). At least, the first reasonable step they could take from my knowledge of destroyable environs (which isn't horrible).

Are there procedural methods or new means of creating such displacements and fractures in objects that I am unaware of? (Still not sure what Fracture uses; I assumed it uses voxels or terrain displacement)

In any case, the cost to make that work in the world of Fallout 3, as currently constructed, would've pushed the game's release date back significantly due to their (relatively) inferior physics engine having to be revamped and their level designers having to re-learn making areas, and other stuff needing retooling and AI upgrades.

Basically, a package upgrade for a feature which, though insane, may cost more than it would be worth to put it in. =(

True but they could have bought the geo-mod 2/3 engine. Beth did bought the Unreal 3 engine.
DOF_power said:
Like when you where shooting rockets into an enclave soldier, he blows up but his buddy near him doesn't have a scratch in Fallout 2 ?!

How about the alien blaster run in Fallout 1 or power armor run in Fallout 2 ?!

At least in F3 you need the power armor perk and also you get an agility penalty.

Please don't tell me about the great balance of F1 and F2 because they had none and if you want freedom don't complain about powerful weapons/armor/items.

Fanboy B*, fanboy B* never changes.

Ah, the Beth apologists last resort: "Fallout 1 and 2 had parts that didn't make sense, so it's alright for Fallout 3 to not make sense either."
rcorporon said:
DOF_power said:
Like when you where shooting rockets into an enclave soldier, he blows up but his buddy near him doesn't have a scratch in Fallout 2 ?!

How about the alien blaster run in Fallout 1 or power armor run in Fallout 2 ?!

At least in F3 you need the power armor perk and also you get an agility penalty.

Please don't tell me about the great balance of F1 and F2 because they had none and if you want freedom don't complain about powerful weapons/armor/items.

Fanboy B*, fanboy B* never changes.

Ah, the Beth apologists last resort: "Fallout 1 and 2 had parts that didn't make sense, so it's alright for Fallout 3 to not make sense either."

Nah, the Beth apologists' last resort is "Go make your own Fallout 3 if you hate it so much".
DOF_power said:
Like when you where shooting rockets into an enclave soldier, he blows up but his buddy near him doesn't have a scratch in Fallout 2 ?!

How about the alien blaster run in Fallout 1 or power armor run in Fallout 2 ?!

At least in F3 you need the power armor perk and also you get an agility penalty.

Please don't tell me about the great balance of F1 and F2 because they had none and if you want freedom don't complain about powerful weapons/armor/items.

Fanboy B*, fanboy B* never changes.
Ah yes, DOF_Power comes in with his magic ability of ignoring the point that oh, I don't know, the last page of a thread was about.

The Fatman isn't a horrible idea because it's powerful, it's a horrible idea because of its use as a nuclear weapon.

Also also, 'Fallout 2 had mistakes' is not a good argument as to why we should just ignore mistakes in Fallout 3.
You can find the Alien blaster in fallout 3, it does insane amounts of damage and is perfectly accurate. Power armor requiring a perk is just silly, the training involves two lines of dialog and a fade to black that doesn't pass any time. Also, not all of it requires the training. For instance the medical power armor can be used without the perk.

If you want to talk about balance, play F1 and 2 as ironman games. Suddenly you stop taking stupid risks like running to san fran at lvl 1 to get advanced power armor and leet weapons, as its almost guaranteed that any random encounter will wipe the floor with you. I've been playing F3 on hard (tried very hard and its just silly how accurate enemies are) and have yet to die. I'm on the last chapter of the story and have explored to its entirety the south west, North east, and North west quadrants of the map.
MorbidMind said:
You can find the Alien blaster in fallout 3, it does insane amounts of damage and is perfectly accurate. Power armor requiring a perk is just silly, the training involves two lines of dialog and a fade to black that doesn't pass any time. Also, not all of it requires the training. For instance the medical power armor can be used without the perk.

If you want to talk about balance, play F1 and 2 as ironman games. Suddenly you stop taking stupid risks like running to san fran at lvl 1 to get advanced power armor and leet weapons, as its almost guaranteed that any random encounter will wipe the floor with you. I've been playing F3 on hard (tried very hard and its just silly how accurate enemies are) and have yet to die. I'm on the last chapter of the story and have explored to its entirety the south west, North east, and North west quadrants of the map.

I tried using the medical armor without the perk and it said "you need training" or some such, the same way it does with every other power armor.
Tyler said:
mirv looks awesome!!!

fat man is only retarded because it wasn't in the original games :clap:

how dare they put such a new and random stuff into this game??!! heretics!
The's soooo....BRO.
I found an even more over the top weapon than the MIRV


who says mercs 2 is the only game with airstrikes :lol:
rcorporon said:
Ah, the Beth apologists last resort: "Fallout 1 and 2 had parts that didn't make sense, so it's alright for Fallout 3 to not make sense either."

And if they would have changed the things that didn't make sense the fanatics community would have been "I miss this, Bethesda b******* took out the good stuff/the fallout-ness" and/or "they destroyed fallout canon-lore".
Witch is exactly what's happening with some complaining about the lack of mafia families and more cities like NCR/VC/NR.

It's a no win situation with the fanatics because you can't clearly draw the line to what makes or doesn't make sense in the fallout world.
The one thing that clearly doesn't make sense above all others things is turned based combat, and that's gone. In a post-apocalyptic world enemies aren't playing chess with you.

I'm not a Beth fan, but I am a fallout fan (not fanboy/fanatic) and TES modding community fan.
M-26-7 said:
Tyler said:
mirv looks awesome!!!

fat man is only retarded because it wasn't in the original games :clap:

how dare they put such a new and random stuff into this game??!! heretics!
The's soooo....BRO.

it's more like... DUDE!! :)

F3 is perfect for stoners. I nearly lost controll over bowel movement while exploring Dunwich building. even though I was nearly invincible back then!!
Well I finally got ahold of this MIRV everyone is talking about. Wow. I was dumbfounded by how horrendously useless it is. I aimed the sucker with a significant arch and it still shot 3 of the nukes about 3 feet in front of me. It is beyond worthless.
DOF_power said:
It's a no win situation with the fanatics because you can't clearly draw the line to what makes or doesn't make sense in the fallout world.
The one thing that clearly doesn't make sense above all others things is turned based combat, and that's gone. In a post-apocalyptic world enemies aren't playing chess with you.
Ah yes, in a game that was designed to emulate P&P gameplay it obviously doesn't make sense to have P&P gameplay.

PS: Ever hear of abstraction? That's what turn-based combat is.
The one thing that clearly doesn't make sense above all others things is turned based combat, and that's gone. In a post-apocalyptic world enemies aren't playing chess with you.

Your imagination must be as vast as Maddens(can i borrow a few copies, haven't tried it much yet?) storyline and character development!
Thanks for the giggles.
DOF_power said:
And if they would have changed the things that didn't make sense the fanatics community would have been "I miss this, Bethesda b******* took out the good stuff/the fallout-ness" and/or "they destroyed fallout canon-lore".
Witch is exactly what's happening with some complaining about the lack of mafia families and more cities like NCR/VC/NR.
You are just another NMA-hater. Your posts are completely irrational and you are way too quick with your assumptions.
To be honest, Fallout's combat system wasn't exactly the best that TB can offer.