So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I am a bit sorry to start a thread for a so specific issue, but i was quite surprised when i read this on the Fallout New Vegas wiki article.
The game established the new record for the most lines of dialogue in a single-player action role-playing game. The game contains around 65,000 lines of dialogue, beating its predecessor and previous record holder Fallout 3 which contained 40,000 lines of dialogue.
The article claims to quote Guinness World Records 2011 - Gamer's Edition.
While i a not much surprised by the record for New Vegas, as it has huge non-linearity, i find quite unbelievable that Fallout 3 could have been the previous record holder. I finished the main game and most of DLCs recently, and one of my main complain with that game is that there not much NPC and most of them have quite nothing to say, with worse offenders being Raiders, super-mutants and Talon Company.
So, i was wondering. Is that Guiness World Records really reliable ? Does he aknowledge every games that has recorded lines ? Or only the most selled ? Was Fallout 3 record only for the year it released or also for the games realesed before ? Or maybe Fallout 3 managed some tricks to record more lines of dialogues, like doubled it to reflect the player gender (male/female) ?
Hopefully, it was beaten by New Vegas, but it seems quite weird that the record was held by a game that have quite none dialog to offer...
Also, the number of lines of dialogs is clearly not what makes the best game, but it makes me uncomfortable, if it was true that every other games had less lines than Fallout 3...
They probably talk about voiced lines. I bet Fo2 would beat Fo3 for written lines, but i recall that even some old games that qualified as rpg got all their lines voiced... Real RPG like Baldur Gates had voiced lines and seemed much much more talkative.
The game established the new record for the most lines of dialogue in a single-player action role-playing game. The game contains around 65,000 lines of dialogue, beating its predecessor and previous record holder Fallout 3 which contained 40,000 lines of dialogue.
The article claims to quote Guinness World Records 2011 - Gamer's Edition.
While i a not much surprised by the record for New Vegas, as it has huge non-linearity, i find quite unbelievable that Fallout 3 could have been the previous record holder. I finished the main game and most of DLCs recently, and one of my main complain with that game is that there not much NPC and most of them have quite nothing to say, with worse offenders being Raiders, super-mutants and Talon Company.
So, i was wondering. Is that Guiness World Records really reliable ? Does he aknowledge every games that has recorded lines ? Or only the most selled ? Was Fallout 3 record only for the year it released or also for the games realesed before ? Or maybe Fallout 3 managed some tricks to record more lines of dialogues, like doubled it to reflect the player gender (male/female) ?
Hopefully, it was beaten by New Vegas, but it seems quite weird that the record was held by a game that have quite none dialog to offer...
Also, the number of lines of dialogs is clearly not what makes the best game, but it makes me uncomfortable, if it was true that every other games had less lines than Fallout 3...
They probably talk about voiced lines. I bet Fo2 would beat Fo3 for written lines, but i recall that even some old games that qualified as rpg got all their lines voiced... Real RPG like Baldur Gates had voiced lines and seemed much much more talkative.
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