Er, did this just turn into the THIRD firearms discussion thread?
EDIT Also, If you're digging the Dragunov look, I can definitely point you to the Tigr. Izmash all the way! /EDIT
Anyway, I did something pretty retarded in the last week - maybe not the most retarded thing ever, but it does belong into my Top 10 for sure.
I just moved in with my grandparents (it will be my house in a few years anyway), i.e. in a small apartment in their house which they had let to an old fart for the last two decades or so. After I was done moving all my stuff, I tried to reassemble my bookshelf. Well, I couldn't, because the 6 screws which hold it together were missing in action. So I went on a search for some matching screws. I found out, that the screws which held the grip handle (one of those things old people need for not falling on their ass while showering) in my bathroom in place, fitted just fine. Okay, I'm not 80 years old, hence I wouldn't need a grip in my shower. So I unscrewed it and had 4 perfect screws for my bookshelf. I needed six. So... were to get 2 screws of unusual size on Sunday afternoon?
Then I remembered that my grandparents had exactly the same type of grip in the bathroom down in their apartment. They both are rather petite, so a handle with two screws would certainly still support their weight, wouldn't it? Well yeah, it would. So I took the screws and build my bookshelf.
Unfortunately, a day later, I didn't have running water in my second floor flat (low water pressure due to some burst pipe in the city or something) and showered down at my grandparent's. Well, I sliped in the shower. Guess what I grapped on to? Yupp.
I'm not petite. I weight some 110ish kg. I did not only rip the grip out of the wall, I also broke 2 tiles and tore a fist-size hole into the plastering. Of course I also destroyed the shower curtain and managed to land on the edge of the shover tray, thus spraining my shoulder. Finally I stopped with my forehead on the radiator, which caused a nasty little laceration (more of a cut) which bled for an hour.
And just two hours ago I was doing my laundry. Guess what I found in the pockets of the pants I was wearing the day of the move?
The &%§!} shelf screws!