Jack The Knife
It Wandered In From the Wastes

The Vault Dweller said:Do you have life insurance?
No, not really. But I do have travel insurance.

The Vault Dweller said:Do you have life insurance?
It was with that exact thing in mind I at a time alone decided to go nudist outside my home where I grew upp. There was noone around and I went for a small stroll in the forest. I was wrong, there were lots of others around, and they decided to suck my................................blood.Yes mosquites! Mosquito bites on the balls is NOT recomended, and not fun. I looked like a madman for the rest of the week either scratching my balls or sitting there twitching trying to ignore the itch of several bites on my genitalia. After that I have only gone naturalist when sure that there were no damned bloodsuckers around.The Vault Dweller said:Also I'd like to add it's wonderful to live in a very rural area where people don't know about what a person does so they can attempt often fun/constructive things that while good many people would consider "wrong" though they are in no way "wrong".
TheRatKing said:I played Fallout 2 without any patches. I was too young to even know what a patch was. I would guess I played Fallout 2 around 5 times before realizing there is a way to keep the car from disappearing.
Dude, how is that the most retarded thing you've ever done? *Everyone* does that at some point.Farmerk said:[*] I had finals for a college algebra class at 8 in the morning and decided that playing Vice City all night was more important than studying and sleeping.
Because my passing the class was riding on my performance on the final. I still passed, but it was a stressful time of best guesses and tired retard mistakes like spending ten minutes working out a problem to find that either I was doing it wrong or the answer was painfully obvious. The save that I dedicated 60 hours of my study time to was erased in the Viewtiful Joe demo glitch, btw. Woohoo!Sander said:Dude, how is that the most retarded thing you've ever done? *Everyone* does that at some point.Farmerk said:[*] I had finals for a college algebra class at 8 in the morning and decided that playing Vice City all night was more important than studying and sleeping.
You didn't even fail the class?Farmerk said:Because my passing the class was riding on my performance on the final. I still passed, but it was a stressful time of best guesses and tired retard mistakes like spending ten minutes working out a problem to find that either I was doing it wrong or the answer was painfully obvious. The save that I dedicated 60 hours of my study time to was erased in the Viewtiful Joe demo glitch, btw. Woohoo!Sander said:Dude, how is that the most retarded thing you've ever done? *Everyone* does that at some point.Farmerk said:[*] I had finals for a college algebra class at 8 in the morning and decided that playing Vice City all night was more important than studying and sleeping.
Quick search reveals the laugher was Wooz.Makenshi said:IIRC, Sander laughed like a madman (was it you, bro?)
Well then. Here I stand, thinking I was near a double epic fail(I had failed the class once before) and I am informed that others share my love of virtual awesomeness over staring bleary eyed at a dry crusty old book while trying to keep the caffeine twitch out of my vision. Perplexed be I.Member of Khans said:EDIT: Also, Farmerk, I have to agree with Sander. We all did this.