The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

Malkavian said:
You really shouldn't post in this thread if you're not listening to anything. That's kind of spammy.

You mean, as opposed to posting in this thread more than once WHILE listening to something?

Das Ich - Garten Eden

as well as Marilyn Manson and The Killers
Lauren will call upon zombie Lenin to eat my brains for this, but...

Snoop Stepanov - A Russian Spud to the Head
Marek said:

They're insincere rock stars who care more about how cool their hair looks, how many chicks they'll get to bang after the show, and how much money they're going to make from the promoter than they do actually playing a good show and broing down. They're straight up "I'm better than you because more kids bought my CD" assholes.

The Cobras - I'm going to be in Harrisonburg this summer, you're going to be in Harrisonburg this summer...we'll see you later!
Why do you care so much about bands you don't like? To show other people that they listen to crap?

Pink Floyd - Learning to fly
Buxbaum666 said:
Why do you care so much about bands you don't like? To show other people that they listen to crap?

I was sharing some personal, firsthand knowledge with someone who shares similar tastes as I do. Unless you can contribute, shut the fuck up.

Circle Takes the Square - Interview At the Ruins