The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

Yesterday, I heard Rachmaninoffs Sonata for cello and piano in G minor for the first time, recorded with Daniil Shafran on cello and Anton Ginsburg on piano. All I can say is Rachmaninoff! It was so awesome I had to go out and pick up the notes today, so now Imma sit down with it; listen, read and enjoy.

It's all gold, but the second part especially is just larger than life. It was years since I felt this moved by a piece. As much genius composers, instrumentalists and music that there is in the world, what in the end just touches your heart will always be unpredictable, and this one hit my G-spot. If only my ears could squirt; the tension is immense.
Which one?

The silent humming and whispering that is the ambient noise of our university's computer room.