The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

Mo-Do - Eins Zwei Polizei


Ok, just kidding.

Weird Al - Alternative Polka

Switching to:

Le Tigre - On Guard
Subway to Sally - Herzblut (album)
For several days now.
Currently, "Wenn Engel hassen".
One of the best albums I`ve ever heard.
Bush - Letting the Cables Sleep

for about half an hour now.

Before that I've been listening to

Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight

for roughly an hour.

Good thing the alcohol is keeping me in trance.
The sped up version of Bananaphone in an infinite loop.

I've been listening to this for nearly twenty minutes so far and although I tend to suffer from occassional blackouts and have to spellcheck what I write ten times as often as usual and can't think clearly anymore, I am still alive.

I'll put up a thread if I die within the next hour.