The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

Impaled Northern Moonforest - Masturbating On The Unholy And Inverted Tracks Of The Grim And Frostbitten Necrobobsledders

Black (??) Metal "group", starring the lead singer of Anal Cunt.

Check out their website:
You can download all their hits there, including "Grim and Frostbitted Gay Bar", "Return of the Necrowizard", and "Gazing At The Blasphemous Moon While Perched Atop A Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Forsaken Crest Of The Northern Mountain"!
the hum of Xeon servers & the buzz of harddrives...

god i need to get a radio here or decent speakers on the comp at work.
SuAside said:
the hum of Xeon servers & the buzz of harddrives...

god i need to get a radio here or decent speakers on the comp at work.
Mate, I share your pain...

Triple M- whatever song happens to be on in the 8hrs a day I'm listening to it