It Wandered In From the Wastes

I wanted to discuss the ideas behind the original Fallout 3. Were those ideas good? Was it going to be a success? Would it be a breakthrough for this franchise? Or is it overhyped? What does it mean to you?
I personally think that we may talk about the Van Buren phenomenon, because I think there is more to it than the fact that it never came out (and here many people would assume that people interested in VB are simply dissatisfied and prefer to image that it would be an ideal Fallout = meant to succeed).
There were many attemps to ''bring back'', ''finish'' or ''revive'' it - but I think that all modders are creating their own version of it, just like historians do not reconstruct history (it's not possible), they create a narrative.
Right now there are two big projects: Fallout: Yesterday [Fallout 2 engine/ has playable demo] by hexer/PJ and Project Van Buren [Unity 3d engine] by Hardboiled Wanderer. Both Artists are brilliant and we, Fallout fans, are lucky to have them among us. I simply wish them all the best.
So... I'll try to show you how I see the original F3 and what I think. If I'm wrong, please correct me.
Warning: there will be major spoilers below.
1. Big world & rural setting
Hmm, enough said. In terms of locations, F3 was going to have roughly the same amount of places to visit as Fallout 2 (let's say: 20 locations, not counting minor or cut locations). Four southwest states. F3 locations would be more diverse - Tibbets, Grand Canyon, Nursery, Denver - very different places. Fallout 2 has nothing like them, it is generally about encountering more and more civilised places and there are several big cities. Post-post-apocalyptic much.
F3 drops you in the middle of the map where you're surrounded by various tribals and being pursued by robots. Nice contrast, huh? Guns (not even talking about energy weapons) would be probably pretty scarce. A lot of people complain about how in Fallout 2 you can easily find plenty of ammo and guns early in the game. Weapon progression would probably be different in F3. Later you find out that the ''civilized'' guys like NCR and BOS are weak and/or in retreat. Tribals in Fallout 2 aren't interesting (Arroyo/Umbra/random war parties) - F3 has all kinds of different tribals - tech tribals, dog tribals, militant matriarchy tribals (I love the concept of Diana and Hecate!), trains tribals (lulz!) etc, etc.
Big cities? Umm, Jericho and Hoover Dam? But that's a stretch...
So yeah, I find it pretty interesting to put PC in a wild and hostile environment like this, instead of making him visit more and more technologically advanced cities. Want to have the best weapons? Craft them, find them (die a lot), buy from BOS or NCR, maybe from caravaneers...
Starting in the middle of the world is interesting. What's better: later in the game you could probably use trains to move between certain places that are connected by railways. Not only cars, nice.
2. Base building & crafting
This is minor, but those two elements are very popular in games now and I think it's good to have it. In 2003 it would mean more than it means now.
3. The Enemy
Robots would provide a decent mystery. Players would expect them to be an endgame threat probably.
Presper is an ok bad guy I guess. He would've been better than Horrigan (one dimensional character) and would probably be worse than Master. He may be smart, but is it enough? Can such an old (and weird) man be charismatic? I'm not sure.
Corrupt & disillusioned NCR soldiers are more interesting than Enclave fanatics though. Most players would assume that the NCR guys are always good.
5. Plague mechanic
Awesome! I guess that we don't know the full details, but as time would progress, some NPCs would get ill and some would even die. The player would probably notice something sooner or later. It could be punishing in a fun way - player health gradually deteriorating, important NPCs dying, gameworld becoming more and more empty... hardcore. Eat healthy paste.
Plague could change many aspects of the gameplay.
Time is the enemy!...
(haha Fallout 1 timer hate intesifies)
6. Fallout in space
Nice. A new thing after secret bases in F1 and oil rig in F2. It's all about the execution though. Would it be epic? Probably. I like this idea - a really good place for grande finale... and to start a nuclear holocaust perhaps.
7. Other stuff
New enemies, weapons, armors, companions - I like it all. Speech would probably get nerfed (divided into more skills). The Hanged Man would be a great, tricky companion as he would be strong, but would put the player in genocidal situations (hating almost everyone everywhere). Devs would probably not repeat the mistake of making any weak companions (Fallout 2). Real-time combat mode and fatigue? Nice as well.
In my opinion F3 would bring many new ideas to Fallout - and born ghouls also seem better than talking deathclaws. And the story of Harold would be wisely concluded in the Nursery.
That's not all, but... this post is already long. Yes, I like F3/VB. It would probably be good - if not, modders would fix it I believe!
That's it. What do you think? Can we talk about it's whole phenomenon? Or not? Is too much to say?
I personally think that we may talk about the Van Buren phenomenon, because I think there is more to it than the fact that it never came out (and here many people would assume that people interested in VB are simply dissatisfied and prefer to image that it would be an ideal Fallout = meant to succeed).
There were many attemps to ''bring back'', ''finish'' or ''revive'' it - but I think that all modders are creating their own version of it, just like historians do not reconstruct history (it's not possible), they create a narrative.
Right now there are two big projects: Fallout: Yesterday [Fallout 2 engine/ has playable demo] by hexer/PJ and Project Van Buren [Unity 3d engine] by Hardboiled Wanderer. Both Artists are brilliant and we, Fallout fans, are lucky to have them among us. I simply wish them all the best.
So... I'll try to show you how I see the original F3 and what I think. If I'm wrong, please correct me.
Warning: there will be major spoilers below.
1. Big world & rural setting
Hmm, enough said. In terms of locations, F3 was going to have roughly the same amount of places to visit as Fallout 2 (let's say: 20 locations, not counting minor or cut locations). Four southwest states. F3 locations would be more diverse - Tibbets, Grand Canyon, Nursery, Denver - very different places. Fallout 2 has nothing like them, it is generally about encountering more and more civilised places and there are several big cities. Post-post-apocalyptic much.
F3 drops you in the middle of the map where you're surrounded by various tribals and being pursued by robots. Nice contrast, huh? Guns (not even talking about energy weapons) would be probably pretty scarce. A lot of people complain about how in Fallout 2 you can easily find plenty of ammo and guns early in the game. Weapon progression would probably be different in F3. Later you find out that the ''civilized'' guys like NCR and BOS are weak and/or in retreat. Tribals in Fallout 2 aren't interesting (Arroyo/Umbra/random war parties) - F3 has all kinds of different tribals - tech tribals, dog tribals, militant matriarchy tribals (I love the concept of Diana and Hecate!), trains tribals (lulz!) etc, etc.
Big cities? Umm, Jericho and Hoover Dam? But that's a stretch...
So yeah, I find it pretty interesting to put PC in a wild and hostile environment like this, instead of making him visit more and more technologically advanced cities. Want to have the best weapons? Craft them, find them (die a lot), buy from BOS or NCR, maybe from caravaneers...
Starting in the middle of the world is interesting. What's better: later in the game you could probably use trains to move between certain places that are connected by railways. Not only cars, nice.
2. Base building & crafting
This is minor, but those two elements are very popular in games now and I think it's good to have it. In 2003 it would mean more than it means now.
3. The Enemy
Robots would provide a decent mystery. Players would expect them to be an endgame threat probably.
Presper is an ok bad guy I guess. He would've been better than Horrigan (one dimensional character) and would probably be worse than Master. He may be smart, but is it enough? Can such an old (and weird) man be charismatic? I'm not sure.
Corrupt & disillusioned NCR soldiers are more interesting than Enclave fanatics though. Most players would assume that the NCR guys are always good.
5. Plague mechanic
Awesome! I guess that we don't know the full details, but as time would progress, some NPCs would get ill and some would even die. The player would probably notice something sooner or later. It could be punishing in a fun way - player health gradually deteriorating, important NPCs dying, gameworld becoming more and more empty... hardcore. Eat healthy paste.
Plague could change many aspects of the gameplay.
Time is the enemy!...
(haha Fallout 1 timer hate intesifies)
6. Fallout in space
Nice. A new thing after secret bases in F1 and oil rig in F2. It's all about the execution though. Would it be epic? Probably. I like this idea - a really good place for grande finale... and to start a nuclear holocaust perhaps.
7. Other stuff
New enemies, weapons, armors, companions - I like it all. Speech would probably get nerfed (divided into more skills). The Hanged Man would be a great, tricky companion as he would be strong, but would put the player in genocidal situations (hating almost everyone everywhere). Devs would probably not repeat the mistake of making any weak companions (Fallout 2). Real-time combat mode and fatigue? Nice as well.
In my opinion F3 would bring many new ideas to Fallout - and born ghouls also seem better than talking deathclaws. And the story of Harold would be wisely concluded in the Nursery.
That's not all, but... this post is already long. Yes, I like F3/VB. It would probably be good - if not, modders would fix it I believe!
That's it. What do you think? Can we talk about it's whole phenomenon? Or not? Is too much to say?