First time out of the vault

Lonewulf said:In my opinion, the perfect new fallout game would be the story, setting, and depth.
First person perspective? I don't care. I really don't. I want the stats to count and leave in the RPG elements, don't get me wrong, but I don't care about perspective.
What I DO care about, more than anything else, is the depth of dialogue, characters, and items. I don't just want to pick up a gun and use it, I want to have a little blurb behind the item, possibly with some humor added to it. I want there to be history to it.
I want a setting that looks like it's living amongst the corpse of the past, rebuilt out of it, and yet is still ongoing, still developing. A sort of a Frankenstein's Monster of the future.
That would be perfection to the utmost. And I honestly think that a lot more Fallout fans would be more forgiving of Fallout 3 if it had the above.
My sentiments, exactly.
I also want things to be believable. Not in a "power armor wouldn't really be feasible" sort of way, but in a "raider armed with a tire iron won't run up and try to take on a steel knight" kind of way. I want NPCs to act and react similar to the way real people would act, or at least to present the illusion.
And I want to be rewarded for role-playing. Not rewarded in terms of items and xp, but in terms of getting a rich RPG experience. I want to be able to do more. When I played Fallout 1 and I got the Vault 13 invasion ending, I tried stockpiling the vault with weapons and armor and I stayed there, just passing time; how cool would it have been if that had actually made a difference?
But I guess that stuff would apply to any ideal RPG in general. Now, this part is really iffy, but what about needing food and water? Part of the draw of the post-apocalypse genre (for me, at least) is the struggle for survival, and needing food and water is the most basic part of that, before the raiders or the radiation or the mutated flora and fauna. On the other hand, that also runs the risk of having too much realism which tends to take away from the fun factor.
Gore, violence, mature themes, moral ambiguity and the consequences of such are pretty much a given.
And I really liked having a party size based on your charisma in FO2.