The Pitt DLC rereleased

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Fallout 3's second piece of DLC, the Pitt, has appeared on Xbox 360 Live again, the corrupted file having been replaced with the proper file. If you already downloaded the DLC, you'll have to delete the old, corrupt file before downloading it again.
Instead of lots of red exclamation points and crashing people are only experiencing the crashing. So it's pretty much the same as the PC version now.
Bethesda's DLCs suck.
More than a hooker who can suck a golfball trough a straw.

i mean come on ?
A DLC that has constant crashes and red exclamation marks...
and when they "fix" it, its still crashes a lot.....
The DLC itself is bad, and short. Lacks any good writing....or likable characters...or good setting...
Serves people right for buying it and naively expecting for a miracle coming from Bethesda...

Why would anyone buy The Pitt after reading about Operation Anchorage or even worse, playing it ?
So far I'm playing the pitt on PC just fine, but then again I'm not too far in yet. What are the issues people are claiming on PC?
Southpaws said:
It has a different color palette. Are you okay with that answer?

Haha ... and like what?

I know .. Pitt is worth to buy cause of this COOL and AWESOME auto-axe and new raider-like armor .. LOLZ!!!111 :facepalm:

Wow ... Guys ... we are witnesses of real GAMING revolution here.
terebikun said:
MrBumble said:
Why would anyone buy The Pitt after reading about Operation Anchorage or even worse, playing it ?

Because they aren't the same?

So if a company sets a very low standard of mediocrity on its products, you are still going to buy them no matter what just because the said products are different ? Even though they're all bound together by mediocrity ?
well I also heard some people buy cars only held together by tuct-tapes. And are even happy with it.

Doesnt mean we have though ! :mrgreen:
MrBumble said:
So if a company sets a very low standard of mediocrity on its products, you are still going to buy them no matter what just because the said products are different ? Even though they're all bound together by mediocrity ?

Depends. If your problem with O:A was one of quality, and Bethesda does seem to be rushing these DLCs to keep the money pump working, then yeah, no reason to buy the Pitt. If your problem was the FPS gameplay concept, then the Pitt is not the same, from what they've said.

lugaru said:
So far I'm playing the pitt on PC just fine, but then again I'm not too far in yet. What are the issues people are claiming on PC?

The Vault lists random freezes, but doesn't really have an extended list for the PC. I guess not many people are upkeeping the PC list, 'coz the Xbox 360 one is huge, and normally PC has more bugs than console.[/url]