The Pitt: Still Broken

Fighting games have glitches. It's common, and tit usually becomes part of the "strategy" for hardcore players.

It's also nowhere near the level of CTD of game-breaking bugs.
Ausdoerrt said:
Fighting games have glitches. It's common, and tit usually becomes part of the "strategy" for hardcore players.

It's also nowhere near the level of CTD of game-breaking bugs.

The whole point of the FO3 rant on the forum is, that Fallout should not be a fighting game . . .
Well, it is true that with the advent of the Internet, PC games no longer needed to have the same amount of polish because patches could remove the bugs....(although this fucked some games up for those without good Internet)....

At least consoles were reliable. It is true that the Ps2, the Xbox, and the Gamecube all supported online(although the GCN only had about 5 or so online games)..but patches weren't easy to distribute so companies couldn't get away with major glitches....

However, this generation, both the Xbox 360 and the Ps3 have the capability of easily patching up their games so now devs don't seem to care as much about removing glitches(this fucks people like me who don't have their 360 or Ps3 hooked up to the Internet)..

At least the Wii doesn't have the capability of being patched up..which means companies have to be careful about removing glitches for the Wii)

Some Wii games(like Zelda) had major gamebreaking glitches but companies have to do a major recall of the game discs to replace them(Nintendo did this)...

EDIT: Corrected some typos...