The recipe thread

Dove said:
Taco Bell fries? Explain.

I thought they just had tacos and burritos, and other really shitty, yet oddly delicious food.

I'm talking about the "Fries Supreme". Oddly enough, I can't seem to find them at the taco bell website or a picture of them on google. Maybe they're only in Canada?

I hope they didn't get rid of them since I've been there last, they're soooo good.

Picture this with french fries instead of nacho chips:
Sadly the best Mexican food on the East coast (as far as I know) is Taco Bell. The "mexican" restaurants here serve food that not only taste's bad, but isnt even "mexican". Like tortilla's with butter on them served instead of bread and butter as an real Mexican restaurants they serve tortilla chips with salsa.

Also, in my area the local special is cheese and gravy fries...yes actual gravy with melted cheese on fries. Kinda good in my opinion...

The Vault Dweller
*Plans on destroying every single pseudo-Mexican restaurant*

Kids, Taco Bell and "Mexican restaurants" outside of Mexico are to Mexican food what POS is to Fallout. 'Nuff said.
Valut_Dweller, you need to look for a place called "On the Border". They have the closest thing to authentic Mexican food I've ever tasted. They DO bring you chips with salsa as an appetizer (You don't have to ask, this is the equivilent of table bread) and the sals IS hot enough to clear your sinuses. They're definitely present in New England, and as far south as New Jersey.

I've never seen them stoop so low as to serve tortillas with butter, but I try to avoid shitty Mexican joints as a rule. What's odd is that around here, at least, Chinese eateries, no matter how good/authentic, serve rolls. *Rolls*!
Wooz said:
*Plans on destroying every single pseudo-Mexican restaurant*

Kids, Taco Bell and "Mexican restaurants" outside of Mexico are to Mexican food what POS is to Fallout. 'Nuff said.

Oh I never said french fries supreme was authentically Mexican, I just said it was damn good.
calculon00 said:
Wooz said:
*Plans on destroying every single pseudo-Mexican restaurant*

Kids, Taco Bell and "Mexican restaurants" outside of Mexico are to Mexican food what POS is to Fallout. 'Nuff said.

Oh I never said french fries supreme was authentically Mexican, I just said it was damn good.

Little note: "French" fries comes from the verb "To french"; or to cut up in small pieces; not from "French" as in "From France".

Tsss. Everyone knows fries come from Belgium.
Excellent greasy unhealthy breakfast dish served at a motel restaurant in McAlester, OK.

The Hungry Man Special:

Layer the following items on a plate, in order from bottom to top:

Hash browns
Bottom halves of 2 biscuits
2 sausage patties
4 strips of bacon
2 scrambled eggs
Top halves of 2 biscuits
Shredded cheddar cheese

Smother the entire plate with sausage gravy.
True, but you have to admit that Im not as bad as certain people who post only to call someone a spammer...............
Chist, Psycho, I can hardly believe you just insinuated that Pope Viper is worse than you are.

Quit it PsychoSniper, you have been making pithy one-line posts in multiple forums recently. This is an official warning, and an administrator still may temp-ban you after your latest spree.

Edit: Well, a little warning after the fact. PsychoSniper was just temp-banned after all.
PsychoSniper said:
True, but you have to admit that Im not as bad as certain people who post only to call someone a spammer...............

Hmmm, interesting position, but comparing post counts is about as worthless as comparing peckers.

It's quality, not quantity, young Psycho.

Enjoy your two-week vacation.
Wooz said:
Psychosniper, that "Psychorice" invention of yours is called "Rizzotto" everywhere on the planet..


You know, I'd just scramble yesterday's rice with some eggs. Finger-lickin'-good.
Jebus said:
Little note: "French" fries comes from the verb "To french"; or to cut up in small pieces; not from "French" as in "From France".

Tsss. Everyone knows fries come from Belgium.
Actually they're julienned, not "frenched".

What makes my food so good...

I add 100% undiluted hatred to every order.