The rest of the world


Still Mildly Glowing
Well from just the Fallout games we can tell that America has been pretty well wrecked. And one can assume China is as well. What I want to know is what ever happened to the rest of the world. I could see some allies getting in on the action, Britain, maybe Russia, etc., but you have to assume that many, many we're not involved at all. The whole freaking continent of Africa comes to mind. So does anyone have any info on what happened with the rest of the world?
FO1 intro:

In 2077, the storm of world war had come
again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.

FO2 intro:

The earth was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing, an atomic spark struck by human hands, quickly raged out of control. Spears of nuclear fire rained from the skies. Continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth.

Note that in the 1950s most of Africa still consisted of colonies of European powers, which is likely to have continued in the Fallout universe.
Ausir said:
FO1 intro:

In 2077, the storm of world war had come
again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.

FO2 intro:

The earth was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing, an atomic spark struck by human hands, quickly raged out of control. Spears of nuclear fire rained from the skies. Continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth.

Note that in the 1950s most of Africa still consisted of colonies of European powers, which is likely to have continued in the Fallout universe.
Not to challenge the Ausir, but that always sounded like a bit of hyperbole for dramatic effect. You also have to take into consideration that even with 120 years of nuclear proliferation there would still be a few places uneffected by the nukes, but I imagine the human race was probably cut down to a few million at the most.
Jesse Heinig said recently (not really an official answer, but he was still one of the original devs):

One of the recurring themes of Fallout is that life will find a way to continue, albeit often under great struggles and with violence and suffering. It's not unreasonable, given this notion, to presume that U.S. remnant forces remain in parts of China, just as remnant Chinese elements are in the U.S.; and that other countries are similarly ravaged and war-torn, with survivors crawling out of the rubble. If Australia was untouched by the war, for instance, then presumably after 200 years they would have projected their powerful industrial presence and comparatively high population all around the globe to take control of any remaining resources, and the Enclave would find itself locked in a war with the Aussies. It's likely that some underpopulated parts of the third world escaped the full brunt of nuclear devastation, but since these would have been low-population unindustrialized areas anyway, they are not exactly in a position to take advantage of their "good fortune," such as it is. (I don't imagine that many nukes were wasted on the Sahara.)
My beloved homeland was annexed by the US, and therefore was probably nuked up the ass.

Oh well... c'est la vie, I guess.
My country would have been radiated from all the rads coming from St.Peterburg/Berlin/Norway.

Not much better fate, but atleast no DIRECT nukes.
I think some industrial third world countries could survive the war if they had no nukes themselves. Sure, there's the radiation and the FEV floating around and causing mutations, and there's the climate change, and there's the lack of fossiel fuels, and there's the chaos, but after that, it's possible for a country to survive, pretty weakened, but possible.

I think that the country with the biggest possibilities of surviving the war is Brazil. (No, I'm not biased) Why Brazil?

1. Immense area of fertile land. I think that even if the climate changed, we would still have a lot of fertile land. Except in the northeast, that is. The northeast would probrably turn into a wasteland.

2. Immense Industrial Might. Brazil was already turning into a industrial country in the fifties. By 2077, Brazil was probrably a big industrial country, maybe even a first world country. This means that Brazil probrably has a big army.

3. Not being too dependent on outside imports. Sure, we import a lot of things, but if the world suddently exploded, we would't be without food or something. Since WWII, our country took measures so we could always be self-suficient in any case. The only thing we need from outside is oil.

I could imagine Brazil entering into a period of chaos with many states splittering (or not) or being invaded by Argentina. After that period of Chaos, Brazil would probrably be a NCR-sized country around the southwest constantly threatened by raiders, but armed to the teeth.

Of course, this asumption comes from the theory that South America will not turn into a arena where Brazil, Argentina (and maybe Chile) kill eachother over Bolivia's natural gas and Venezuela's oil. If war DOES break out here, then it's possibly we will just nuke each other to death. The Brazilian Governament came pretty close to making The A-Bomb during the military governament, but they shut that down after "Democracy" returned and the cold war ended. Hell, we have all the means to make a nuclear bomb today, but we don't do it because we don't want to. Same to Argentina.

Other third world countries that could survive the war include Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Mongolia and possibly Ireland.

And as for Africa... I doubt it would change much after a nuclear war... Except the climate change. And the killer mutants. And the ghouls. And the lack of europeian influence.
By the time the nukes were launched, there were basically no other industrial states apart from the US and China. The Resource Wars completely destroyed Europe and Middle-East, and that would mean an end to South America, Australia and Africa too.
I guess we can imagine these states as agricultural, communistic, even bit anarchistic states, without strict government, where industry means manufactures.
I guess these states would have it worst: they are the ones receiving the most bombs. No one wants to bomb an agricultural state in Africa, cause there's little gain in that. However, i'm sure as hell there would be no factory left standing in the US and Russia...
As was made evident in all the fallout games, nuclear weapons and radiation don't work anything like their real world counterparts - aside from the 'big boom' bit.

In a hokey 50's comic book way, nuclear war - no matter who was involved and where the targets were; everyone gets destroyed in one way or another.
It is actually the people who are different. Before the nuclear war, american goverment was afraid that chinese would use biological weapons agains US troops.
FEV was being partly developed to counter this, and it is running amoc in the PA wasteland of CALIFORNIA , as it is made clear that the wastelanders, in CALIFORNIA, are "non-pure" humans,already effected by the FEV and radiation, in Fallout. That is why most SM in Fallout were stupid, they were "unpure". However, there were some intelligent SM, possibly made from "pure" humans.
Radiation killed most people , even in Fallout. Vaults saved mankind from extinction, not the radiation being "different".
Patton89 said:
Vaults saved mankind from extinction, not the radiation being "different".

There were alot of people around that didn't seem to originate from vaults though.

And radiation in Fallout nets you an extra toe rather than cancer and a painful death, so yeah - I'd think the retro sci-fi treatment of radiation does play a huge factor in the survivability of mankind.
I said that people have been effected by FEV. Maybe that is a reason why you grow a toe, and maybe its the low amount of radiation you get. Or maybe its a gag, a joke.

And nuclear war woudlnt lead to extinction if even 10 000 people survive in Africa. We cant tell what would happen if a nuclear war started. Even nuclear winter is a unproven theory, we havent had the oppurtunity to have a nuclear war yet and document its effects.
Patton89 said:
I said that people have been effected by FEV. Maybe that is a reason why you grow a toe, and maybe its the low amount of radiation you get. Or maybe its a gag, a joke.

And nuclear war woudlnt lead to extinction if even 10 000 people survive in Africa. We cant tell what would happen if a nuclear war started. Even nuclear winter is a unproven theory, we havent had the oppurtunity to have a nuclear war yet and document its effects.

While nuclear weapons are destructive, the amount needed to assure total destruction of mankind would be baffling.

However, in Fallout - the world is a desert and there are nuclear tornados in the midwest.

It is a gag, a joke - it's nuclear war through the filter of a 50's comic book.
It is more than JUST that. I think its bit of both. It isnt absolutely realistic, but it isnt that "goofy" as you make it look. It more realistic, than goofy. Radiation WILL kill you, given that you get high dosage.It doesnt give superpowers, it makes you sick.
Onemutated toe in Fallout 2> than all of the negatives it causes to you if you are exposed in Fallout ? So its just goofy ?
And california IS a very dry area even today. So, you add to that the possible climate effects of nuclear war, with changed sea currents, and you might have a desert california. We really didnt see that much done by the original devs no did we ? 2 "real" Fallouts, both in california, and even in the second, we had bushes, and even trees growing back.
Well, I imagine that it would be sort of like the meteor that struck the planet eliminating the dinosaurs, the actual "boom" didn't kill people, it was the dust. There was immese dust storms and it blocked out the sun cauing there to be little light, this obviously was less substacial than that, but still, the world or most of it, would lose most light comming from the sun, so plants would die and there would be a ton of starvation accross the world, even where the bombs didnt hit.
Patton89 said:
It is more than JUST that. I think its bit of both. It isnt absolutely realistic, but it isnt that "goofy" as you make it look. It more realistic, than goofy. Radiation WILL kill you, given that you get high dosage.It doesnt give superpowers, it makes you sick.

I think we're looking at an idea but we each have our own meaning to it.

Retro sci-fi comic books weren't goofy as in disneyesque or funny, they were serious but in an unrealistic way. Fallout is the same, there isn't much in it that's true to the game and real life aside from the idea that bullets hurt, bombs go boom, and exposure to certain stuff is bad.

But the game world is presented in a serious manner.
And radiation in Fallout nets you an extra toe rather than cancer and a painful death, so yeah - I'd think the retro sci-fi treatment of radiation does play a huge factor in the survivability of mankind.

Depending on size of exposure. Low radiation = Odd effects, like sixth toe, baldness... High Ammount = Death or Mutation.