Who is this Phillipe Rushton whom Steve primarily bases his racial research? Phillipe Rushton was a professor in psychology of the University of Western Ontario in Canada. After receiving a large research award from the racist and pro-facist Pioneer Fund in 1981, the research area which would boost his fame up to the next decade was the controversial subject of genetic differences in racial groups.
Rushton's early experiences of racial criticism and political correctness was from a paper presented at the Symposium on Evolutionary Theory, Economics, and Political Science on 1989. He classified all human beings somewhere among the three major racial groups: Black (Negroid), White (Caucasoid), Asian (Mongoloid). He claimed to have scientific evidence of an inherited link between brain size, intelligence and race, where Blacks and Asians are on opposite ends and Whites are in between.
Blacks, according to Rushton, have larger genitals, making them more promiscuous, and smaller brains, making them less intelligent than whites and Asians. Using 60 different measures, Rushton ranks the races along an evolutionary scale with blacks at the bottom and Asians at the top. [1]
Rushton then continued his controversial research on race for the next several years, writing a few books on race as well. His only significant source of funding for his racist research was the pro-fascist Pioneer Fund, since no other credible organization would waste their time and money on his racist and flawed research project. His relationship with the general public, the academic world, and the scientific community has indeed been treacherous.
Among his academic colleagues at the university of Ontario, Rushton has endured much flack. Then Prime Minister of Ontario, David Peterson, declared Rushton's arguments 'offensive to the way Ontario thinks', and called for the University to dismiss him; a group of students lodged a complaint about him with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. He was not fired nor suspended, but when he tried to give classes, the students themselves howled him down. Poor Rushton was forced to lecture to the television cameras, safe from the howling mob (Berton, 1993). [2]
Even the Canadian police found interest in Rushton's works. Rushton was investigated several times by the Canadian police for possible violations of Canada's hate crime laws, for promoting hatred against any identifiable group. Eventually, in the words of attorney-general Ian Scott, the police decided that Rushton's theories were 'loony but not criminal' and therefore dropped all criminal charges. [3]
Some claim these incidents show Rushton was unfairly hounded by a zealous left-wing faction, although the Canadian police has no political opinion as a group. The other criticisms against Rushton came from high-level members of the University of Ontario and the Prime Minister of Ontario, not special left-wing interest groups. Even from an objective, scientific, and non-political perspective of Rushton's works, many reputable scientists have found numerous flaws in Rushton's theory of race.
Loyola Marymount (Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts)
Extensive critique showing the flaws of Rushton's research on race, based from a scientific perspective.
Ohio Citizens for Science
"Would teachers be required to tell their students about J Phillippe Rushton's "scientific" views on the inferiority of Africans? Notice that, although promoters claim the work is scientific and even claim that it forms part of the evolutionary corpus, they publish in books, not peer-reviewed journals --just like Intelligent Design "theorists." "
"In 1989 Rushton’s colleagues in the Behavior genetics Association (BGA) protested his views. Five key officers of the BGA circulated a letter dated February 17 to the membership, calling Rushton’s work "insensitive," "repugnant," and "dubious scientifically." "
Feb. 1996 - "University of Western Ontario Professor Rushton appeared at the Poster Session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting in Baltimore to present his race science and was confronted by protesters. The AAAS claims he slipped into the session because his name wasn't recognized and he didn't use the word "race" in his abstract. They say had it been known he was coming, they might well have denied him permission to present. Dr Joseph Graves, who ran another session at the AAAS on "Psuedoscience and the Education of African American Students," attacks Rushton's work."
"Rushton is the most dubious of Bakalár’s sources; he has been criticized repeatedly for misrepresenting data and selectively citing and misinterpreting sources. This is significant in terms of Bakalár’s book, which relies heavily on Rushton’s ideas and research, most notably his study, "The IQ of Gypsies in Central Europe." Interestingly, neither Rushton nor Bakalár carried out any primary research or fieldwork, but based their scientific claims on the papers of other researchers."
Rushton became an outcast from the reputable scientific community. After seeing his scientific career spiral downhill since the 1990s, Rushton was dealt some final blows to seal his fate. His reputation was so lowly he was booed off the unreputable Geraldo Rivera stage set. The only major supporters of the racial ideology of this failed scientist remaining into the 21st century are David Duke, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who lost the Louisiana governor's race over a decade ago, and today a worldwide spokesman for the white supremacy movement, and Steve Sailer to whom this site is dedicated.