The Roleplaying Thread - What Fallout 4 lacked in opportunities

Can we marry any of the companions? Cause I mean, we get to keep the wedding rings, right? So, why can't we be good christians and marry someone before we ride their meatsicles?
Speaking of levels and quests, why does there have to be level requirements for quests? If a player wants to do a hard quest and get their ass handed to them then why not? There's just no danger in Bethesda games because usually everything levels with you and makes the game boring, same with the stupid leveled loot, makes rummaging through chests, lockers, etc completely pointless when you have weapons that surpass what you can find.
Okay I'm done now.
Speaking of levels and quests, why does there have to be level requirements for quests? If a player wants to do a hard quest and get their ass handed to them then why not? There's just no danger in Bethesda games because usually everything levels with you and makes the game boring, same with the stupid leveled loot, makes rummaging through chests, lockers, etc completely pointless when you have weapons that surpass what you can find.
Okay I'm done now.
And almost every enemy is cheesable due to bad path finding, so even with no perks but some ammo and a decent weapon, you can kill everything if you are patient enough. It's not a good thing though.
The thing I hated most from level scaling was related to Power Armor:
1: All armor under X-01 stopped spawning unless in merchant inventory, already unlikely. So I couldn't complete my PA collection and especially the Holy T-51(b?)
2: At level 70, ONLY X-01 spawns. Besides screwing with 1: , it made the lore fuckup even stronger. "Shall we Make it so it's more likely to spawn?" "Na, let's just make them be the only one there"
Besides, what was the point of adding so many PAs around the map? 2 hours in, you have 2 frames already and you'll eventually upgrade it a bit until you level enough to have the X-01 to spawn, and then you'll mod it to maximum stats.
You'll have a PA at home, normally just for looks and casual modding, why do they shower you with them so you en up leaving them behind?
You could use the scrapall command in Sanctuary and Red Rocket, leave a heavy object over "E" and spam fence pillars or some kind of small object and go up to level 60 in an afternoon, pausing to get Idiot Savant...
Then go to Sanctuary or USAF Olivia and get that X-01 armor... Yaaay
Fallout 3 had a few things to say which were meaningful.

I'm not sure what the hell F4's message was.

It's major draw is it's "Fallout which is not as good as Fallout 3."
Well, it asks it machines have souls. If people "made" instead of "born" can also have souls, basically like in Blade Runner. The whole thing, with a few liberal messages here and there, strangely mixed with a background of "America fuck yeah", which is weird for a game which is supposed to set the past as a mistake, not an example.
Thing is, the game immediately answers its own questions by "yes", so there's zero reflexion, doubt or question asked for the player, which is why the message is hard to perceive. In order to work in a narrative, a philosophical theme is supposed to make you think even after the ending, not give you an absolute, definitive and unquestionable answer right at the introduction. At least, I think so.
At least, Fallout 3 didn't have the pretention of dwelling in the philosophical questions, it simply offered a moral tale. I didn't think it worked well, but at least, it didn't try to dwell into the territory of SOMA and Blade Runner.
Where's an America fuck yeah?

Personally, I believe the "AMERICA, PHUWK YEAH!" attitude was on display at its most flagrant as earlier as the first gameplay trailer. Just look at how Fallout 4 portrays Power Armor:


"Wow! Before the war, soldiers got to use power armor and jetpacks and smokin hot SPINIGUNZ! The Pre-war American military musta been AAAAAAwesome!". Now compare this with Fallout 1's first portrayal of power armor and what it says about the military and America's values of the time:

Where's an America fuck yeah?
It is presented as the protagonist's comfort zone : peaceful home, access to resources, family, baby, free time, smooth jazz and a future... Whereas the pre war America is supposed to be on the brink of social explosion, filled with riots and warmongers, as the US would advance and seize foreign lands.

Turning the pre war America into a peaceful moment, right at the intro, causes a problem with the entire narrative : all stories are about someone leaving a comfort zone and struggling to get back there, and the struggle changes him/her. Making pre war America the comfort zone means that your character will struggle to rebuild it as it was perceived, aka, something great and peaceful. Hell, the town you rebuild is litteraly called "sanctuary". How subtle.

Thing is, Fallout is not about rebuilding a glorious past, it's about learning and dealing with the errors of the past. People who try to replicate the past are always shown to be in the wrong side of the narrative, from Ulysses to the Master, from the Legion to the NCR and the Enclave, Graham, Elijah or Joshua... Holding to a vision of a greater past is always their demise. Facing the errors of the said past, and change accordingly, is the only thing that could make them succeed.