The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
Did you know Ive shat four different colors? Ive seen not just the trusted brown color, but also yellow, green, and black.
There is an explanation for everything and this is no exception...
Some days during the summer while I was in High School I noticed during a particularly lazy week I would shit black. I kept it in mind cause it was so weird...
Other times at tumultuous periods in my life I would notice I would sometimes shit green. This I eventually forgot till...
On my vacation to Florida (new places make me nervous) I shat yellow! After putting all that info together I came up with this hypothesis.
The level of calm or nervousness determines the color of your shit. Why you ask? Well they say people who worry to much get ulcers cause their stomachs over produce acid. So in tense situations your stomach digests differently. This would explain why different levels of calm would effect your digestion and hence excretion. For example, from darkest to lightest you have black, brown, green, and yellow. Notice how I had black in the summer during my lazy free time and yellow when I was going to a new place? Also after I came up with this idea I began my first job and during the first few weeks I shat green and a little yellow. (I was very nervous since I was new)
So...I think that evidence promotes it to the level of theory. Any thoughts?
The Vault Dweller
There is an explanation for everything and this is no exception...
Some days during the summer while I was in High School I noticed during a particularly lazy week I would shit black. I kept it in mind cause it was so weird...
Other times at tumultuous periods in my life I would notice I would sometimes shit green. This I eventually forgot till...
On my vacation to Florida (new places make me nervous) I shat yellow! After putting all that info together I came up with this hypothesis.
The level of calm or nervousness determines the color of your shit. Why you ask? Well they say people who worry to much get ulcers cause their stomachs over produce acid. So in tense situations your stomach digests differently. This would explain why different levels of calm would effect your digestion and hence excretion. For example, from darkest to lightest you have black, brown, green, and yellow. Notice how I had black in the summer during my lazy free time and yellow when I was going to a new place? Also after I came up with this idea I began my first job and during the first few weeks I shat green and a little yellow. (I was very nervous since I was new)
So...I think that evidence promotes it to the level of theory. Any thoughts?
The Vault Dweller