I watched about one third (download of the "high qual" version broke down then and didn't want to wait since it went at abysmal speed), looks good. Better than some "real" holywoodian movies. The special effects are also well on par i'd say.
Really reminds me of Gone with the Blastware, which is a very good thing.
A few personal comments though (up til the part i've seen anyway):
1) I always found "hop up" mines a lot more scary. When tripped, they jump up and detonate between 1 meter and 1,75 meter in altitude. Fucking horrific anti-personel shit.
2a) I don't like the switching between guns in the intro (M16) & then towards the grunts (L85). Of course, this could have many reasons, but still...
2b) I dislike the L85's. Those are fucking mongrels. Next time you could either try to go with something more futuristic like the FN F2000 or the HK G36 (alternatively black Steyr AUG's). Or alternatively, you could've gone with retro guns, like the FN FAL (the black L1A1 SLR UK-variant would've fit in brilliantly!) or HK G3's. If all else fails, black Sig 550/551/552's or M14/M16's would've done well too.
(of course, I know you probably just used what was available)