I just realized that after talking to a friend of mine who's home now on leave after serving over a year in Iraq as a special lieutenant, this is a totally false claim. He and his buddies didn't give a fuck who or what they were shooting at. He was invovled with several shady dealings that went on. He and several other of his pals over there also came up with a grand scheme to make what could be millions from the future Iraqi oil-fueled economy after only investing a few hundred US. Their investments already has paid off 50 times itself and is expected to pay off itself 100 times THAT in five years once the economy assumedly stabalizes itself there when mass oil production can resume. On top of that, these investments' legality is highly questionable.
O rly?
I don't really know (or, for that matter, care) about personal situations, despite how much this stinks of corruption. The American military HAS spent millions to prevent civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanstan, and we have been better here then the Euros in the Balkans, not to mention the nastiness of a quarter of a century ago.
What exactly was the nature of the investment?
Which parts of Europe?
Which parts of America?
If you include how black prisoners (prior to the equality movement) used to be treated in (particularly) southern prisons it puts a bit of a slant on the matter.
I would also say that (nowadays) prisoner treatment in British prisons is much better than in America. So much so that we are accused (correctly) of pampering our prisoners in many cases.
I was thinking of how Europe deals with student riots. In retrospect it's not really fair, as America does'nt have a similar situation with riots, and when it does (Seattle), it gets involved because a some insane group of anarchists think that destroying a Starbucks will help the Anarchist cause.
Indeed, particularly as support for them seems to be growing more in the North of England (where I live) and Scotland (I think).
Where in the north? I spent a year in Birmingham with my grandmother.
I would dispute this as well. Aside from the matter of gun ownership (which many Americans often seem to believe is vitally important to freedom (No, don't anyone get into this, we've had more than enough gun threads)), I'd say that we Brits have it better (particularly after the patriot act, which, in my view, surrenders an amazingly large amount of your freedom).
No, not really. You don't have anything as strong as a bill of rights, and no cult of the constitution like we have here.
Patriot act is temporary, again.
Fuck, that would scare the fuck out of me if I were an American.
Again, it's in extreme situations. Wooz made it sounds like we've just gotten rid of it.
In any case, what makes you say I don't have a moral base to criticize the current American government? I'm supposed to look at it as something completely alien, incomprehensible and out of my reach, for being a (the offense) Non-American?
No one sense the Nazis has wanted to get rid of the Polish way of life. Last time I checked Poland still does'nt like Germany (and many fear that the EU is just another German attempt to grab Polish land, irony once you consider what happened to the German population in modern Poland).
Human rights record? Does Poland have any current facilities such as Gunatanamo Bay? Is it legal in Poland for police to search your house and jail you, without trial, under the pretext of being a terrorist? Legal for Police to storm schools and shove guns up kids' mouths?
I went to an "urban" school for two years. Some bad shit happened there (a girl in my own grade threw away her living babie into a garbage can, a shotgun was found), but nothing like this. In a country of 280 million people and racial tension, this shit happens.
Also, what does that have to do with the patriot act, GWB or anything about America's civil liberties? The police here where punsihed.
Yet you agree, that civil rights have been going downhill, and accept it willingly, justifying it a supposed foaming 300 million army of "Islamofascists" crawling all over the globe to nuke NYC.
You make me sound like a Nazi. I'm not. These people DO want to kill us. Do you think 9/11 was just some bizzare mistake, or a Mossaud conspiricy? We have the obligation to do everything we can to stop the possible death of millions. To me it is no longer even a question, and if you had family or friends in Chicago, New York or Los Angeles, you'd probably feel the same way.
Remember 1984 and the chapter about the state of perpetual war, made up to terrorize the population and have a better control over it?
Ocenia has always been at war with Eurasia!
Another red herring. This is a real, actual threat, that has already claimed some 3,000 lives, and we did not start this war.....unless you think that Saudi Arabia is holy land, do you?