March 14th, 2283
The Northern Wastes
The Super Mutant walked alone through the snowy forest of the North, the cold wind striking against his exposed green skin. His body was filled with bandages, wrapped around hastily to repair the wounds he had sustained in the great fight against the Brotherhood of Steel, and he could feel the pain in his body. But on his face, his battered and green face underneath a bear's head, he bore a smile. A wide-tooth smile that betrayed the joy that he felt inside, feeling the emotion the first time since he had been dipped in the FEV Vats of the Master. His rifle, pilfered from one of his dead brothers, hung around his back, but he had no reason to draw it today - or anymore.
The Master was dead. And he was free.
When the Mutants finally breached and made their way inside the Base, they found the state that the Brotherhood had left it. They had butchered every single one of the Gifted Ones, and as they descended deeper towards the Master's Chamber, he saw it first. The corpse of the Master. It had been many years - decades, even - since he had seen his body. He had changed, his ghoulish condition had gotten worse. And he felt a twinge of sadness, having worked to hard to save him. And it was at that moment when the reality dawned upon Hannibal, free from the Master's mind games. Hannibal had found him, writhing in the ruins outside of the Cathedral's blast radius, raving about the Vault Dweller.
Was he ever truly the Master? Or was this all a charade?
He shook his head and tried to banish the thought. The young teenager he had found, half-dead from radiation, the flowers around his belt burned away from the heat on an atomic blast, could not have been the Master - even if Hannibal had never seen him before. He had seen the teenager before, but always dismissed him as another one of the Children's fools.
Perhaps the Master hid in plain sight... but he shrugged his shoulders. When he returned to consciousness, halfway to Mariposa, the boy did not speak from his mouth - but from his mind. And thus he became more than the Master - he became the Mutant's Jailor. And there were times, many times on the way up North, that Hannibal wished he had left the boy to die in the Boneyard.
The past is the past...and with that, he pushed the thoughts of the Master away. There was no use anymore in speculating. Whatever the truth was, whoever the man who called himself the Master was, now lies dead in the center of a mountain. His army of Super Mutants routed, destroyed, and Hannibal the only survivor. The stronger of his brothers, infuriated by the sight, charged to their deaths at the hands of Brotherhood laser rifle. The weaker simply sat down and died, waiting for the Brotherhood to return to end their suffering. As far as he knew, he was the last of the Super Mutants. The final survivor of the Great Experiment of the Unity. He alone survived the destruction of the Cathedral, the loss of Mariposa, the furious hunting of the Desert Rangers and the Brotherhood Knights, and the final defeat of the Unity at Spokane.
He struggled onwards, as he felt his human side arising - no longer constrained by the traps and the threats of the Master. It pulled at him, reminding him of his unknown past. Hannibal saw flutters of half-remembered days in the snow, of a Vault somewhere in California, of a youth born in the Pre-War sun, of loving parents and a...wife? He saw visions of great and large Mutants - just as he was now - storming the Vault, and taking everyone. And transforming them into...what he was today...
they destroyed you. Changed you. Ruined humanity...and the Mutant side found it hard to disagree. How much devastation they had many people died for was madness...
if I never raise my rifle against another, I will die happy...
And so the Mutant marched north, into the uncertain stretches of the Broken Coast and beyond. To escape the shadow of the Master and the Unity, and everything his brothers had done in the name of the madness. To begin again.
"Do you have the report on the Master's base yet, Junior Scribe?"
Veronica stood in Senior Scribe Yeager's office, holding a thick report she had typed up on everything the scribal teams had discovered in the vast computer networks and paper records of the base. She had not been able to join the teams - as she was now permanently assigned to Strike Team Rhombus - but had received every update, every communique, every treasure trove of loot recovered from the gigantic mountain complex. The information would take years to fully decode, to fully understand -
the work of ten thousand scribes wouldn't be enough - but she had managed to digest most of it, pulling overnights and working long into the early morning hours, and condense it into a report that she could hand to her superior. The redheaded scribe sat behind her desk, an iron-like expression on her face, and Veronica almost hesitated to hand it to her.
"Here you go, ma'am," she placed the report on her desk, and then launched into an explanation of it all as the Senior Scribe began to flick through it, "we believe that this 'Master' has no relation to the original Master that the Vault Dweller destroyed in the 2160s, but the presence of Mariposa Super Mutants remains an unanswered question. There's no doubt that this Master, the Spokane Master, was a psyker with tremendous mental abilities. I...I saw...people I knew..." Veronica faltered as she remembered what happened before she blacked out in the base. She remembered reawakening, after tremendous pain, to find that she and the Strike Team had been moved to a separate part of the facility, stripped of their weapons. They fought off their captors, got their gear back, and then... "...and Albert...well...I'm sure you know by now, ma'am."
"Yes...yes..." she nodded, a frown forming on her face, "the scribes tell me it will be some time before he recovers."
"Anyway..." Veronica, trying to shift her mind to something else - anything else - began to talk more of the Unity, "we managed to recover most of their outpost locations, and Strike Teams have been successful in routing their human forces. Most of them are either in hiding underground, or on the run. Also, and this is mostly speculation, but we believe that all of the Mariposa Super Mutants have been destroyed. The final chapter of...such a dark age...has finally closed."
"Well, we'll have to see about that, I'm sure there were scribes when the Mariposa Base was destroyed who said much the same thing," Yeager laid the report down on her desk and folded her hands over it, "how are you feeling?"
"Uh?" She stammered, a little taken aback.
Okay, breathe. Breathe... "I'm...I'm doing alright, I guess..."
"You've been working nonstop on this since you returned from the mission," the Scribe spoke, so matter-of-factly, so objectively, "I'm going to authorize some time off for you. If Paladin Brewster has an issue with it, you can have him take it up with me. Get some sleep, take a break, and come back to work on Monday ready to go, how does that sound?"
" you, ma'am!" Veronica replied, trying to hide a little bit of a schoolgirl giddiness in her voice.
'Oh, and, how about you join me, Senior Scribe!?' Get a grip of yourself, Veronica, "if you need anythi-"
"I won't," Yeager cut her off, and pointed towards the door, "get some rest."
Veronica bowed her head in a salute and left the room, wandering through the halls of the forward headquarters of the Brotherhood, debating on what she should do with her time. She could feel the weight of exhaustion lying heavy on her eyes and her shoulders.
That report kicked the hell out of me! She wasn't even sure how much good it would do - since the Unity was all in rout anyway.
But the Brotherhood had thought the same thing before, her mind protested,
and maybe something worthwhile will be found in all of the records. Something that can help people out here, change things...she thought wistfully as she found herself inadvertently walking towards the infirmary.
And she stopped in her tracks at the hallway intersection, biting her lower lip.
I don't know if I want to see him...she hadn't seen Albert since a few days after they brought him in, and it had reduced her to tears.
He...he didn't...he didn't recognize me...she sighed. He kept thinking she was some girl, a girl that she had heard about before, in his many stories.
If there's anything left...please...let it come back...she dreaded the thought of losing him too, as she had lost everyone else.
I can't leave him...she resolved, after much internal pulling, and began to walk towards the infirmary, feeling her heart race at the very thought of it all.
Achlys laid in a ditch, feeling the pulsing pain in his abdomen, staring up at the bright-white clouds as they sent down their snowflake gifts upon the world. The surging agony that coursed through his body was nothing compared to the mental anguish, as his dying eyes watched the triumphant Brotherhood soldiers march down the ruined streets of the city he had tried to take. They had failed in their mission, and now his friends and comrades lie scattered around him - dead or dying - or had fled in the sight of total defeat. His eyes went down to his wound.
I'm going to die...was the only thing he could think, as he saw the great burn mark that had stripped away skin and scalded his internal organs. He felt the blood literally being pumped out of him, his vision growing fuzzy and his body becoming weaker by the minute. They had been so close to victory, so close to total triumph, and it had all been stolen away from them in a moment. The Knights turned against them with such fury, hell unleashed like never before.
They never fought as hard as could we have fought them? Fatigues and robes against combat armor and Power Armor. He shook his head as he felt the life beginning to fade from him.
Why did I ever join...? Why did I do this to myself? He sighed, wistfully remembering his family. He hoped that they could forgive him, that if there was a God besides the Master, He could forgive him too.
Everything I did...for nothing...why did I believe it? But no answer came from the void, only deafening silence - with the exception of the jubilant cheering of the Brotherhood and their local soldiers, and the volleys of fire executing his captured brethren. He couldn't believe it. Everything he had ever known was falling apart around him.
He watched as a Brotherhood soldier marched up to the edge of his ditch, and looked down upon the wounded Achlys. He raised his arms up to try in vain to block whatever happened, but it was fruitless. He didn't feel the laser blast that disintegrated him, his ash mixing with the snow as it blew away into the daylight.
April 22nd, 2278
I've decided to leave. I told Amata this morning. She took it...well...she didn't take it well. But I guess I should've expected that I don't know what I thought was going to happen. I guess I just wanted closure, to give her closure. She asked me to stay, practically begged me, but I don't think that would be right. Or safe. If they killed Sarah...if they killed the rest of the Pride...then what's a fucking Vault going to do? I can't stay here. Doctor Li has already left for the Commonwealth, taken that steamer that brought me to Point Lookout, but she told me the place is dangerous - too dangerous for someone like me. I don't know what the fuck that meant, but she left before I could figure out how to get there anyway. I know it's in Boston, but what's the point if I get there and the place is a fucking ruins?
I figure that I'm going to head West. I know it's delusional. I know it's foolish. I know I'll probably die, but I'm going to try to get to the other chapters of the Brotherhood. Maybe they can help me, or at the very least, I can find somewhere safe. I know that there was a chapter in Chicago fighting the Enclave, so I'll head there first. I already found a caravan company heading towards the Pitt, so I'll sign on with them and work as a guard to pay my way to the West. Maybe catch another caravan out there into the Ohio, and from there it shouldn't be too hard to get to Chicago.
If the Brotherhood isn't there, or if the Enclave won there...I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't want to think about it. I'll write more tomorrow. Stay safe, dude...
Yours truly,
Albert read from the journal entry on his Pip-Boy, lying in bed of a clinic, and silently thanked his younger self for bothering to write so much about himself.
Damn fool doesn't know when to shut up, but I'm glad he didn't.
When he had awoken in the strange infirmary, he had no idea where he was. Only that he was Albert Freeman, and that he loved a girl named Amata. For the first two days of his time, he managed to confuse some girl...
Veronica, that's her name...for Amata, but as he read the journals that he had written years back, the memory returned slowly. But it was still fragmentary, and it felt distant. Like another person had done everything he had did, walked across the Continent, restarted a Purifier, fought the seemed like a distant memory, like a half-forgotten movie. And he wondered how much had been truly forgotten, wiped away by whatever took his memory.
While some of it had returned in one way or another, either through the journals or a steady reintroduction into his atmosphere, he couldn't remember what had caused the memory loss to begin with. That whole day had been scrubbed from his brain, washed away completely by whatever stole the rest of his mind. Any time he tried to remember it all, he felt a searing pain in his head. The doctors told him that there'd be no way to retrieve it, they had no idea how to even do that, outside of some sort of extensive therapy - but they weren't skilled on that. They'd have to send him to Seattle - wherever that was - and have him dealt with there. A black guy with a gloved hand regularly paid visits to him, chatting about everything under the sun. His name was...
what's his name...Xavier?! That's it!
Xavier had done a lot to recover some of the more recent memories, and managed to give him an update on the situation. Apparently, he was a Knight in the Brotherhood of Steel - he had a faint idea that he was part of the Brotherhood, but he wasn't sure until the Paladin confirmed it - and he had been tasked with a special mission to bring down someone called the Master. He got separated from the rest of his group, and managed to find the Master and kill him. Whatever happened in between him getting separated and being found by his team was lost, shrouded by whatever destroyed his memories.
Albert sighed and laid his arm across his bare chest, exhaling deeply as he stared up at the ceiling.
Why can't I remember!? What happened there? He couldn't remember, and it made him increasingly angry - but he sighed again, knowing that there'd be no point. He had cried and cried about it, grew depressed over it, tried to find some way to recover it through trickery, but nothing worked. He'd have to stitch it back together with what little he had written down, and hoped more came back to him as time went on.
Veronica walked in through the door of the infirmary, wearing the robes that she had worn days before when she had come to see him - and left in tears when he could barely recognize her. She had become more familiar in his mind, as it settled back down from the chaotic height it was at when he first awoke. But she remained like the rest -a distant afterimage, a memory from another life that seemed to be not his own - and he eyed her with some degree of trepidation as she walked towards him, taking a seat silently beside him.
"Hey, Veronica..." he spoke first, after they sat in silence staring at each other for some time, " are you doing?"
"You remember me?!" She exclaimed, the weary exhaustion and dread in her eyes banished by the mere mention of her name, "I'm...I'm doing great, Al."
it's like I remember being another person, remembering you! "'s still a bit fuzzy, but hopefully it'll all come back."
"I was..." She pursed her lips, and started to bite one of their nails nervously, "I was afraid you'd not remember me. Or remember anything. I...I don't know what I would've done without you."
"So...don't take this the wrong way..." Albert's eyes locked with hers, as he tried to fit another piece of the puzzle in place, "but what were we? Were Or what?"
"Oh..." Veronica's expression dropped, as if she had been gut-punched, "no. We...we were friends. You helped me come here, don't you remember?"
"No, not really..." he shook his head sorrowfully, then looked back up to her, "but can help me..."