The "tat" of the slavers guild


First time out of the vault
I have been thinking about it for a while. Does anyone have any idea what the slavers tattoo might look like? The "tat" was as far as I know never described or shown, so I am only asking for some ideas you might have about it.
Its been some time since I read that description. I dont know why, but I always imagined a small skull in the middle of the forehead. Maybe theres nothing to be with a skull, but its the way I always thought of it
take a look at the 'talking heads' thread in general modding. There's a discussion there on this subject. Ultimately though, yes, there's nothing to go off in-game. I always imagined it as a 'brand' like tatoo - similar to something you'd see on cattle.
hmm yeah I like the skull idea. I always thought it might be a chain on the left side of the face, but maybe that can be combined with the skull. I don't think it is a branding though, because I heard it covers a big part of the face (also imagined it like it) and I think a branding at this size would be to painful and complicated.
chains from nose to ear look cool in movies... and in real life. but in real life they present a problem. If you have a chain and are a total dickwad and decide to fight someone and they land a lucky punch to that side you end up on the ground screaming as blood spurts out everywhere. I witnessed this in a goth club (Called "The City Club" in Detroit) back in the early 90s when two chicks went at it (probably over who was going to get the honor of catching herpes from some goth-man-whore)

anyway, it brought a whole new level to cat fighting as the girl with the nose to ear chain lost a piece of her ear and there was blood and screaming all over the place. I sipped my beer and headed back to the dance floor once the fight was over and they were both being thrown out by bouncers.
you could do a large slash and burn brand ala Arthur Krokers book Hacking the Future where he describes people in California cutting designs into their bodies with razors and then putting a small amount of gas on the wounds and setting them on fire. They quickly put it out but it makes a red scar that is similar to branding but can be very intricate.

I have never tried it and can not find any references to it online (Slash and burn searches only turn up aboriginal farming techniques)

I always thought the fact that they marked themselves was pretty stupid. Aren't they supposed to hunt people? What better way to give yourself away then to walk around with a identifying mark.

"look theres slavers!"

"How do you know they are slavers?"

"By that dumb tattoo on their foreheads."

"everyone run!"
ah no I actually meant a tattoo that looks like or symbolizes a chain not a real chain. I thought about a tribal tattoo too but I don't think it would really fit them. Maybe it is some sign that was used by slavers in america.
I don't know why but I've always thought it was a star. I thought I read that somewhere. Guess not.
For some reason I have always thought of it as a skull with some barbed wire around it with blood on the wire.