The thread with the Amaaaazing Intelligence!


Background Radiant
Allright guys, so here's the deal:

There has been an enormous amount of comparing e-penis sizes lately, by trying to shoot eachother off in debates that have no point whatsoever outside of trying to determine who's the smartest.

So, instead of clogging up the board with pseudo-interesting political dribbel, here is a fun way of deciding who's smartest!

This is going to be the 'quiz' thread. I will start by asking a question, a trivia question, which is then supposed to be answered by the next person who posts in this thread. He in turn is then required to pose a new question in stead. NO POSTING WITHOUT ANSWERS/QUESTIONS! Although, if the person has unwittingly wrongfully answered to the question, other people may post to point this out to him.

Now, I know you're all sitting behind a computer with internet connection. And I know every answer to any question one might ever ask himself can be found on the internet, so this is mainly up to you. Do you have what it takes not to cheat? Are you honest enough to not go in search of the answer on the internet? By God, I hope you are. If you are not, please refrain from posting in this thread. There is no honor in googling up answers and then posting them in this thread, as there is no loss of honor in not knowing the answer to a question.

Also, this is a quiz, not some engineering examn. And, while you may be very proud of you m47h3m471c41 1337n3ss, questions like that just ain't no fun. You've all seen a quiz on TV some day, so you know how it goes.

Other rules may be added if needed in the future.

Question: In what year was Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain born?
Answer: Around the year 60-70 BC?

Question: Who was the first known man to "discover" America? (not the native americans that came from..wherever..)
Snake said:
Answear: Eric the Red (viking)

nananah, totally wrong, Eric the red was the FATHER of the one who discovered America, Leif Ericson was the man(also a viking for that matter)
The abacus, around...who cares how long ago.

Q: How many gallons in a standard half barrel of beer?
Isn't a half barrel the standard keg? If it is i think theres 15 gallons there but i may be mistaken. I don't measure it, i just drink it.
25 gallons. I think...either way its enough to make you drunk enough to post about in this odd thread!

What country is Quezon City located in?

The Vault Dweller
Murdoch said:
The abacus, around...who cares how long ago.

Q: How many gallons in a standard half barrel of beer?

You didnt answear my question you dont get to ask one.

khagan: crap
Well this thread is already going awfully wrong.

And since Kaghan missed with about 1560-70 years, NOONE of you had a right to post :P

Let's start again, with a *sigh* easier question this time:

Q: How much IQ should Kaghan gain to be considered a normal person, when his present IQ is +/- 65?
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Is it...none?

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Richard Nixon came close, but resigned before the impeachment vote.

Your av is
Executioner said:
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Is it...none?
Your av is
INCORRECT! You must not dance! Thus saving all of us from a preemptive judgement day that God would shurely throw uppon us if such a spectacle were to come to pass!

Where was the first battery made, and what two metals where used to make it?
Jebus said:
Q: How much IQ should Kaghan gain to be considered a normal person, when his present IQ is +/- 65?

hah! I know that, it's a trickquestion, the answer is 0, cos I allready have a normal IQ..well, if a normal IQ is say..100, then I have an above normal IQ... :D
This is teh uber stupid. You can just go into Google and find out whatever needs to be found out. I see this proving nothing. Everyone should log onto the same site that tests IQ and somehow get a printed/generated summary of your score. Actually, even that wouldn't really prove much. Let's all meet at my school and we'll take some IQ tests there; give me a call for availability.
SnaX said:
This is teh uber stupid. You can just go into Google and find out whatever needs to be found out. I see this proving nothing. Everyone should log onto the same site that tests IQ and somehow get a printed/generated summary of your score. Actually, even that wouldn't really prove much. Let's all meet at my school and we'll take some IQ tests there; give me a call for availability.

Read your own sig man
Snake said:
SnaX said:
This is teh uber stupid. You can just go into Google and find out whatever needs to be found out. I see this proving nothing. Everyone should log onto the same site that tests IQ and somehow get a printed/generated summary of your score. Actually, even that wouldn't really prove much. Let's all meet at my school and we'll take some IQ tests there; give me a call for availability.

Read your own sig man

Exactly...(knows that post started out serious and went awry, ass) Don't tread on me, Snake.
Executioner said:
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Is it...none?

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Richard Nixon came close, but resigned before the impeachment vote.

Your av is
And this is why threads like this. Bill Clinton never got impeached. People tend to give answers, but they also tend to be wrong, ruining the whole thread.
Sander said:
And this is why threads like this. Bill Clinton never got impeached. People tend to give answers, but they also tend to be wrong, ruining the whole thread.

The Judiciary Committee wrote up four articles of impeachment and voted to pass them all along to the House. The House voted to impeach Clinton on two articles, perjury and obstruction of justice. However, the Senate lacked the required amount of votes to remove him from office. Impeached yes, removed no.

There is nothing wrong with giving wrong answers. That's what this thread is all about.
Executioner said:
Sander said:
And this is why threads like this. Bill Clinton never got impeached. People tend to give answers, but they also tend to be wrong, ruining the whole thread.

The Judiciary Committee wrote up four articles of impeachment and voted to pass them all along to the House. The House voted to impeach Clinton on two articles, perjury and obstruction of justice. However, the Senate lacked the required amount of votes to remove him from office. Impeached yes, removed no.

There is nothing wrong with giving wrong answers. That's what this thread is all about.

I agree, being right all the time is boring for the readers.