The top 50 video game moments

i miss pyramid head. so weird and horrible and great at the same time. great list, cool read
One of the favourite moments for me was a dialogue with Gizmo and that whole help Killian affair... "may he rest in pieces" and of course different ways it could be done.Or dialogue with Master. Or finding out the truth about regulators in LA boneyard.Or....
bonustime said:
Nah, they just kinda seemed like cunts?

They kind of are.

Seymour the spore plant said:
though I recall really wanting an option to appeal to Richard Grey at the time, which in retrospect might have been way more cliche'd and tacky than how they pulled it off.

Wouldn't really make sense, either. The Master's plan is not something that becomes faulty by an appeal to humanity, since the question of humanity never comes up in the equation "change or die". You either have to adapt or die, Richard Grey's mind in the Master's meld really would have no reason to object to that.

His plan is either flawed because humanity can survive without adapting (something you can't really prove, and it's better for the setting that they left this option out) or because his alternative isn't viable, which is what you prove.
I seriously laughed on that one

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Dark Brotherhood beckons

They come soon after you commit murder against the innocent. Then you have a choice: walk with the virtuous, or stray to the side of The Dark Brotherhood. Those who chose dark over light were rewarded with one of the best storylines in an RPG.
System Shock 2 should be in there somewhere.. The scene where you find who's really in control springs to mind.

A lot of scenes in Silent Hill 2 are worthy of mention too.
I think he was referring to the Dark Brotherhood quest, which imo was the best storyline in Oblivion. Quite fun, probably the only part where your decision how to assassinate mattered.
The Dark Brotherhood quest line was good, many say it was the only good quest line in Oblivion also it was done by Emil.
So here's to hoping for something good from it coming to Fallout 3 instead of Lachance's voice
PT: Private Sensorium, Deionarra's reminiscence. better than any moment in all games, movies and books.
Bioshock: first time seeing little sister.

What is the cow level doing here? A lot of bipedal warrior cows? Boring. The cow level from first Diablo was much better :lol: . And the end of first Diablo was quite good.
Agreed, the list is missing Bloodlines, specially the conversation with the stop sign as a malkavian.
Torment had some great moments too, the conversation with the angel at the top of that mess he made trying to shift a plane was awesome.
Other than that i remember some in the list, even from consoles, chrono trigger was very good and so was secret of mana, funny i cannot seen to enjoy them now as much as i did back then.
thefalloutfan said:
I think he was referring to the Dark Brotherhood quest, which imo was the best storyline in Oblivion.

Was it also "one of the best storylines in RPGs"? I never got to it so I dunno, but somehow I doubt it.
Brother None said:
thefalloutfan said:
I think he was referring to the Dark Brotherhood quest, which imo was the best storyline in Oblivion.

Was it also "one of the best storylines in RPGs"? I never got to it so I dunno, but somehow I doubt it.

if we're talking strictly PC RPGs... i would say it was in my top 10 in terms of enjoyability. really the entire storyline was good, with one major 'quest' being primarily cool [locked in a house one]. and well, the end was pretty out of nowhere i thought as well.
Brother None said:
thefalloutfan said:
I think he was referring to the Dark Brotherhood quest, which imo was the best storyline in Oblivion.

Was it also "one of the best storylines in RPGs"? I never got to it so I dunno, but somehow I doubt it.

No it's not (imo). But it was quite good.
Although I never recall doing drugs, I think I must have been shrooming when I beat FO1, I don't think I ever the wierd thing in the overseer chair, I always thought it pretty much ended when I killed the master in the Glow.....

Maybe it has just been way too long since I beat FO 1....
In terms of showing what Oblivion can do it is pretty damn good. The Dark Brotherhood was good because it was one of the few places in the game that actually had interesting characters that seemed more than one dimensional.
Couple that in with a quest line that wasn't made up of boring fed ex or cave clearing quests and which actually required some skill it all came together fairly nicely.
Also I think it's only one of two quest lines with a plot twist (the other being the Fighter's Guild) that weren't plainly obvious.

Compared to old skool RPGs though the storyline isn't anything amazing, it's just done well.

On the subject of the Glow, that was a great place. So atsmospheric, especially finding the dead soldiers littering the area.
Created just the right mood for the place though I never stick round to long due to the radiation :p .
Aw yes the Dark brotherhoods Real World: Skingrad mission. Classic.

Like a previous poster said, The only part where any characters had any character.


Real World: Skingrad was a great mission. Posion Apples make it better when everybody freaks out at the table when one face plants into it.
cronicler said:
This is actually scary, i started gaming near/about 95 and now that i think about my best moments; most of them seem to be pre 2k... Is it that i was younger but my imagination was bigger... or is it copy/paste town lately?...

Age definitely plays a major role. My best moments are in the early & mid 80's of gaming.

Building the robot in the sewers under Las Vegas, in Wasteland.
Amateur Night in Autoduel
Skara Brae in Ultima 5
The Giant battle against the zombies & skeletons in the beginning of Pools of Radiance (seriously the early rounds of that battle would be like 20 minutes inbetween turns you had to wait for so many of them to go first).
I'm also glad that Eternal Darkness was on the list.

Nothing is more terrifying then being told your Memory card has been formatted when it has happened to you before.

The Glow.....Yeah it was a bad ass moment. scary place if you don't know what you are doing.

I still like Interview with the Master.
TheGM said:
Nothing is more terrifying then being told your Memory card has been formatted when it has happened to you before.

Yeah, I almost panicked the first time that one came up. Those insanity effects were generally quite cool, the bluescreen actually took me a few seconds to realize it was fake.