"The Vault Dweller" Representation -Yes or No?-

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
First of all let me warn you this could take a while to explain and I believe I may be making it more complicated than it needs to be, but...I need your help. First to answer a question I'm going to put forth and depending on the answer also getting recommendations and input on the design of something.

Let me get to the point then offer an explanation to not bore you.

I'm strongly considering cosplaying...as The Vault Dweller and doing most likely at an anime convention. Why is a long story...

I've always enjoyed seeing cosplayers both as friends online and in those galleries of pictures you find in various places. I mean sure its crazy, but you can tell they're having fun and though many dont look good some of them do such an incredible job of choosing quality materials and working long periods of time that the outfits look exactly as they should and its impressive! I've wondered if anyone has done any for any "Wasteland" themed games. Unfortunately in all my time here I've seen none. Given a little thought I figured I could never do something like that. Though I do know people who can give lots of advice on the subject or who will even do it for me for a price. I could do that, but I would feel it only proper if I made one. Being in that it would be so costly and take so much time this idea was never more than just a fleeting consideration...besides I was in no physical condition to look right.

That was years ago though. Way back when I first heard of conventions and cosplay. I decided I would eventually go to a convention once I felt I could justify taking a weekend off from work and be willing to spend around $200 to do so.

Now its three years later and much has changed. I've saved up enough money to go and I've earned a week's vacation from work that I can use whenever or turn down and get a free weeks pay. Also my first job had me doing physical labor 32 hours a week and I lost 30 pounds from 230 to 200. Whats even more is that I felt so much better about it, because relatively fast after getting the job I noticed I had more energy in spite of all the work I did and that whole year I never got sick which usually happens once or twice. In fact I hardly even had a few times where I had one mild symptom like a runny nose or coughing. I normally have that without getting sick a few weeks every year due to bad weather conditions. Although I took a different job after a year I felt that with my body accommodating such physical activity I could continue to stay in shape by exercising at home and the loss of time was worth it for the energy and health. Since then and up 'til now I weigh only 185, but whats more is that I did it by lifting weights. Now I'm no professional bodybuilder and there are probably people who only exercise at work and are in better condition than I am, but I think my physical state would be acceptable to try to cosplay. It occurred to me one day when I saw myself in the mirror while considering going to a convention this year.

Now first of all it will take quite some time to assemble and prepare an outfit. Also although I feel the size of my muscles would be acceptable I do feel I have a bit too much fat still. I recently went from doing an hour of exercise every other day to an hour and a half and the extra half being running since cardiovascular makes you leaner and previously I only weightlifted. Addittionally I have NUMEROUS questions for all of you regarding it seeing as this isnt so much a work to glorify me as much as pay tribute to the Fallout fandom or "Wasteland Themed" games as I call them. Let me remind everyone very intently that I know you have lots of questions, but for the sake of organization I'm asking you to please wait until after I post my first question and have it properly answered. Thing is I have lots of different possibilites and specifics to ask everyone for input on then decide on before I make the outfit and let me tell you that I have them organized in a list I will post AFTER this post.

The thing I need to ask and why I'm keeping this post separate is, because there's a single question that could mean I will or will not do this and if I come to the conclusion that making the outfit is a bad idea the concept of making it is a waste.

What I'm asking is this:

If I were to go to an anime convention dressed as The Vault Dweller from Fallout would anyone noticed and would anyone care enough to look into the game?

I should offer an explanation. When I was introduced to the game by a friend and subsequently played it I loved it and I dont need to explain to you people here why. Unfortunately my efforts to introduce others to the game has never gone well. As it turns out many people who play RPG's only play console and arent even aware of PC RPG's! Even so my attempts to tell are met with strict ignoring. My best explanation is that most RPG players are simply creatures of habit and since most people find consoles more accessible than PC's they prefer them. Thing is if I went to an anime convention although almost everyone would also be a fan of RPG's (almost all I meet are) I figure almost none of them play PC and no one will bother to notice my character. Another problem is that even if they do notice and I tell them about Fallout and more classically designed RPG's they may scoff and walk away thinking me crazy or perhaps just "being different for the sake of being different".

Therein lies the problem. I'm doing this to represent what I enjoy, but I fear no one will notice. I'm also doing this to expose people to something I know they'll at the very least love and perhaps lead them down the road to playing other PC RPG's which at the very least would provide them with more to play (console RPG fans often have fewer games coming out than they have time to play and are forced to replay them), but even more so would show them that there are RPG's that actually let you involve yourself in the story and not simply watch it from cutscene to cutscene. Like the way it was back in the D&D age before consoles and computers.

It seems somewhat proud and selfish. Like maybe I'm so above others I'm doing this to show off that I think I'm better than them or that I consider there form of entertainment inferior to mine. However if I could introduce only a handful to some real CRPG's new or old I'm sure there enjoyment will be well worth the effort especially since my one old friend who introduced me to Fallout (my first CRPG) had trouble convincing me to try the game.

I just have one last thing to say. When you respond I would like that everyone not only to give a "yes or no" answer as to whether its worth it, but if they could add any information they think would be relevant regardless of what it may be. Maybe you've done something like this in the past? Maybe you have friends who've done it? Maybe you think its dependent on alot of other factors that you could tell me? Give me any thought or opinion you think would help friend.

Thanks for reading this long post and I eagerly await your replys.

The Vault Dweller


Special thanks to all of you Tameneko for bothering to look into costume making and even more so Warmonger who planned and partially made combat armor for a convention. (I suspect he wants to finish it, but is currently distracted by business and forgot.)
If that's what you feel you want to do, go for it. I personally don't like cosplay, but if it's your thing, go for it. You'd have to post a picture though before I could honestly say whether I think you're too big for it. And if you're going as vault-dweller, please be the male one. You didn't say which, and you probably thought it was obvious, but with cosplayers one never knows.

Good luck making the costume, it might look simple, but with a tight-fitting jumpsuit like that there are a million wrong ways to do it.
When you respond I would like that everyone not only to give a "yes or no" answer as to whether its worth it, but if they could add any information they think would be relevant regardless of what it may be.

Fuck, man. That was fucking comedy gold. No, seriously: that story of yours is fucking hilarious. How do you come up with shit like that, man? Cosplay? WTF, dude? That sounds like something sexual. Something h-o-m-o-s-e-x-u-a-l to be more precise. 'Cosplay.' Ha! Fucking brilliant. Honestly.

Unless you truly mean what you wrote. In which case it would stop being funny and be sad and sick and gay instead. The twisted fetish of the silent guy with the glasses that sits beside you during Chemistry and fucking scares the shit out of you. WTF is cosplay, dude? WTF is that? Is that a bunch of so-called grown-ups flocking together in some sweaty building, wearing costumes that make them look like complete mongoloids? 'Cause if that's what this cosplay of yours is, then my answer is simple: "No! Don't do it!" You're already a nerd for worshipping Fallout the way you do, don't make it any worse. Why? Simple: you don't want to stay a virgin forever. And that's exactly what's going to happen if you start becoming friends with those cosplayers out there. That or anal rape. Think about it. What lengths do you think a fifty year old virgin wearing a blue jumpsuit will go through to get some sexual satisfaction? That's right: you'll end up in a sauna, dude. Quoting the Master while some fat sad man with sperm in his hair is fucking you up the butt. Is that what you want to do with your life? Is it?

You disappoint me, Vault Dweller.

Maybe you've done something like this in the past?
Fuck no, nigga.

Maybe you have friends who've done it?
If a friend of mine were into that cosplay weirdness, I'd beat some sense into him. With a large metal pole.

Maybe you think its dependent on alot of other factors that you could tell me?
I see only one factor: the amount of common sense you have been blessed with. Maybe the time has come to use it. Don't become one of the Untermenschen.

Give me any thought or opinion you think would help friend.
I will give you my opinion. I think you should really go for it if you want to live a sad and gay and boring fucked up life. I think you should not do it if you wish to become a model citizen. A healthy, young and productive human battery. A sheep. A zombie. A robot, man. Another lump of meat for the grinder.


Oh fuck it, man. Just do it. Sure, it'll turn you into a geek. Sure, women won't suck your cock and swallow your cum, but at least you'll be free, man! You'll be doing what you really want to do. A longing so pure, it made your post sound like the lyrics of another emo song. If you don't do it, this stuff will traumatize you, man. You'll long for it forever. Which is sad as well. So: just fucking go for it, man. Just, you know, cosplay your shit, man. Cosplay the world, man! Yeah. Shit. Fuck that. Cosplay the world! Cosplayers of the world unite! Yes to cosplay! No to the system! Yes to rooms full of mansweat and furry fatties! No to being just like everyone else!

alec, leave the poor dude alone. he's pouring out his heart :p

i'm not likely to do that kinda stuff, but still. if it floats his boat, whatever...

The_Vault_Dweller said:
If I were to go to an anime convention dressed as The Vault Dweller from Fallout would anyone noticed and would anyone care enough to look into the game?
i presume that only people that know the game will notice & hence you'd at most cause oldtimers to rerun FO again. if you have a REALLY good costume i suppose some might ask you where it's from.

however, with Bethsoft's propaganda that will start to surface soonish, i presume mainstream people will slowly be introduced to the franchise. (& hence recognise or remember you)

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Even so my attempts to tell are met with strict ignoring.
funny, just as i read that part, winamp shuffle went to Hatebreed - I will be heard

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Another problem is that even if they do notice and I tell them about Fallout and more classically designed RPG's they may scoff and walk away thinking me crazy or perhaps just "being different for the sake of being different".
but it is for the greater good, my dear VD. your deeds shall be remembered!

The_Vault_Dweller said:
is it worth it?
it is if you enjoy yourself.

The_Vault_Dweller said:
partially made combat armor for a convention.
i was slightly worried that you were going in blue/yellow spandex. spandex on a man just doesnt work. ask superman. they had to digitally mask his crouch because his dick was showing. poor dude.

anyhow. the problem with combat armor is that it's not really clear it's from FO. you could of course put a BoS emblem on it, but thats even less known than the 13.

i'd rather go in leather armor (raider guy with the heavy brahmin leather & DE) or as mad max lookalike, but of course that kinda breaks your purpose.
Go with the 13. That'll probably work and is the most recognisable part of the character.

Anyway, cosplaying is the most nerdy acitivity one can engage in. Really. But, if you're fine with that, go for it. Not my cup of tea, but whatever.
As for the crowd that goes there, judging by my girlfriend (and some of here friends), they're anime-lovers who love shit like Final Fantasy. Not the dark, intelligent and disturbing games like Fallout and Planescape: Torment, so you'll have a harder time being recognised than you would if you were to go like some character from a weird, obscure anime series. But people will still recognise it.

Also, stop being an emo little bitch about whether people will understand it or not. If they don't, who cares. If they do, hurray! If they do and scoff at you for whatever reason (which would be really weird, no-one ever scoffs at someone at some anime convention for cosplaying something weird. Really. They're cosplaying. They're all weird), no harm done, since you didn't know them in the first place.
Sander said:
Go with the 13. That'll probably work and is the most recognisable part of the character.
but but but, that involves closefitting attire...

sends shivers down my spine.
Sander said:
As for the crowd that goes there, judging by my girlfriend (and some of here friends), they're anime-lovers who love shit like Final Fantasy. Not the dark, intelligent and disturbing games like Fallout and Planescape: Torment, so you'll have a harder time being recognised than you would if you were to go like some character from a weird, obscure anime series.
euhm, anime can be intelligent & dark too you know
SuAside said:
Sander said:
Go with the 13. That'll probably work and is the most recognisable part of the character.
but but but, that involves closefitting attire...

sends shivers down my spine.
It does? That t-shirt that appeared recently didn't seem all that tight-fitting. ;)

euhm, anime can be intelligent & dark too you know
Yeah, but if you look at any cosplay photos...anywhere, all you see is lovey-dovey anime a la Final Fantasy. Dark and intelligent, no. Especially not as dark as Fallout.
Sander said:
SuAside said:
Sander said:
Go with the 13. That'll probably work and is the most recognisable part of the character.
but but but, that involves closefitting attire...

sends shivers down my spine.
It does? That t-shirt that appeared recently didn't seem all that tight-fitting. ;)
well, the T-shirt is just fanboy stuff. i dont quite consider that cosplay, do you?

cosplaying an original VD would be the closefitting jumpsuit (hence merry men in tights, i'm afraid)...
SuAside said:
well, the T-shirt is just fanboy stuff. i dont quite consider that cosplay, do you?

cosplaying an original VD would be the closefitting jumpsuit (hence merry men in tights, i'm afraid)...
I have no clue whatsoever about cosplaying, really. But I don't recall there ever being a picture of a Vault Dweller in tights, just in some blue cloth. We don't know whether it's spandex, we only assume. ;)
i'm pretty sure it isnt spandex (unless ze troika has some weird fetish), but as far as anyone can tell it's a closefitting one-piece suit.

no matter what material it is, thats never a good thing on a male...
It's a jumpsuit damnit! :x

Anyway, I'd say cosplaying is kind of...well, childish? I cosplayed when I was a kid, we all did, we just never had a fancy word for it, we could call it just 'playing' because we had no reason to be embaressed over it, we were kids. You get me?

Just sayin' :boy:
Meh, I don't see how it's terribly different from a costume party in practice, the attitude seems different though, so I can't say. Just as long as you've a level head and don't actually pretend to be who you're dressed as, I don't see an issue. Sure, it's dorky, but so were video games back when fallout came out.
I think you should really go for it, get a costume designed and planned, then imagine yourself at this convention wearing that suit. If it feels even half right then you should do it.

Of course, DONT wear a spandex jump suit, that isnt what the Vault Dweller wears anyway (common, if it was the bad guys in the games would have poked fun at it).

Its not spandex, yes it is relativly tight fitting but its not totally skin tight. Its a game, its not 100% real life accurate. Try to come up with somthing that is as close to the Vault Suit as you can without using spandex, or at least only use Spandex on the top half. If it really boils down to it just wear a full spandex jumpsuit and pop a jock strap in.

Deffinatly go as the Vault Dweller, go as him as you see him walking away at the end scematic of F1, will the extra bits added onto his amrour, like the leg knife holster, shoulder pad with strap, pip boy etc.

- Another point, you HAVE to wear a pipboy if you go. It would be pretty easy just to slap up some basic prop out of plastic or whatever that had a painted screen and such. Perhaps the one with the bombs dropping (pip boy screen saver)?

Anyway. My vote is YES. Go for it, I bet you will have a brilliant time, and ignore what Alec said, the man has no idea what hes on about, there are lots of spankingly gorgeous girls that go to stuff like cosplay and so on.
Tycell said:
If it really boils down to it just wear a full spandex jumpsuit and pop a jock strap in.
Dear god, no.

Anyway. My vote is YES. Go for it, I bet you will have a brilliant time, and ignore what Alec said, the man has no idea what hes on about, there are lots of spankingly gorgeous girls that go to stuff like cosplay and so on.
And even more Sailor Bacons and even some abberations like this.
What Alec wrote was goddamned hilarious, though only true to 80% of the cosplayers. (Yeah, I'm being gracious there, if there is another 20%, I've never seen them.)
Wow guys thanks for all the comments. First I'd like to say...

If it really boils down to it just wear a full spandex jumpsuit and pop a jock strap in.

Remember the VaultBoy Gigolo picture from F2? 8)

To All:

I just wanted to say that I've been harboring this desire for the past 6 months and gone over lots of stuff myself. I only finally got to posting it now after I purposely promised Josh (from this board) in a chat that I'd write it all down and post it tomorrow. See the thing is I knew if I didnt commit I would keep putting it off.

With that in mind I tell you all I'll have the discussion part posted tomorrow and it will have lots of things for you to think on. Your support so far (even Alec was supporting me in his own way) has been grand and I cant wait to see the discussion involving the specifics of how and what to make the outfit.

Oh ya...can we call it an outfit instead of a costume? It sounds so...childish.

The Vault Dweller
actors wear a costume, dancers wear a costume, carnaval goers wear a costume.

what's childish about a costume?

i'd think semantics is the least of your worries ^^
the second most greatest game ever said:
He lost many of his friends and suffered greatly.
So the question becomes how much are you willing to sacrifice for your char, and how many friends do you have, cause what you really need are some gun shot wounds, and trying to get rid off your friends might get tiresome after the few first head shots, but rememder you can always eat them.

Sincerely disturbed,
Jarno Mikkola.
SuAside said:
actors wear a costume, dancers wear a costume, carnaval goers wear a costume.

what's childish about a costume?

i'd think semantics is the least of your worries ^^

It's kind of childish because you pretend to be someone you are not. You act as if you were some one else, you "play", allthough there is nothing wrong with it, it's just that they call it "cosplaying" instead of just saying "Yeah we're playing cowboys and injuns and we're proud of it!"

But who am I to speak? I wear viking clothes regularly :roll:
Jarno Mikkola said:
the second most greatest game ever said:
He lost many of his friends and suffered greatly.
So the question becomes how much are you willing to sacrifice for your char, and how many friends do you have, cause what you really need are some gun shot wounds, and trying to get rid off your friends might get tiresome after the few first head shots, but rememder you can always eat them.

Sincerely disturbed,
Jarno Mikkola.

:shock: Whoa...

Jarno's quoting the narrator talking about The Vault Dweller during the Fallout 2 introduction...

Maybe thats an omen too...

By the way I have all the ideas in my head and now need to present them as questions...I suspect it will take me at least an hour to write the post and I hope to have it here by tonight.

The Vault Dweller