I think the world is going to be a lot like what was showed in Deus Ex: Super Soldiers, paranoia, a lot of poor people, a super-plague and lots of opression. I believe we will probrably have Fusion Energy already, however, it will not substitute oil at least until the 2070s or 2100.
I doubt we will have nano-agents walking around, but mech-augs or look-alifes? Pretty plausible.
By that time, most of the world will probrably adopt western capitalism. The Europeian Union will not turn into the United Europeian States, but it will be pretty tight. The Internet will be as popular as TV is, and I fear it will be overunned with too much "order" by the governaments, putting a end to the internet we all know and love.
South America will probrably be much more developed in the future, with a massive crime problem, however.
Population control will probrably be forced upon almost everyone in the future. In fact, I think we should that NOW already.